Chapter 11

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"Who the hell are you?" The guy tightened his red bandana on his head. "Nang. Jumin. Ready to kill some people? WOO HOO LET'S DO THIS s**t!" He prepared his weapons and put them back in his handbag. Skylar shushed him. "Shut up. They're here to kill me." Jumin's mouth formed into a 'O'. "Sucks to be you." He grabbed his handbag and one of his guns. "I love to stay and chat, but this is my only chance to kill them out there. Bye!" "Wait!" Jumin stopped and turned his head to him. "Let me help you." Jumin crossed his arms. "Do you even have any experience in this field? Were not going for a game of laser tag." "Of course. My dad taught me all about weapons," Skylar replied. Jumin raised an eyebrow and grinned ominously. "Let's do this f*****g s**t then!" Jumin motioned him to look in his bag. "See this? Those are my treasures and best friends. They helped me through everything. From killing mice to deer." "Ah," Skylar replied, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "So what's the plan?" "Plan?" Jumin asked confused. "The plan is killing people and sticking together. I hope your boyfriend won't get jealous of you hanging out with my sexy ass." He flipped his hair with a smirk, confidence oozing off of him. "You know what? I don't have time for this. Let's do this." They walked quietly to the next corridor. Skylar held his fist up when they were about to go around the corner. "What?" Skylar showed him 2 fingers. "Oh." "Do you have a suppressor?" Skylar asked. Jumin handed him another gun. "Use this one for now." They saw the men walking the other way. When Skylar saw the opportunity, he motioned Jumin to go to the other direction. Jumin glanced back at the men. "f**k this," he muttered. He pointed his gun at them and shot them both. Their bodies fell down as Jumin smiled. Skylar turned his head when he heard something heavy fall and saw Jumin. "What have I gotten myself into?" They sprinted through the corridors. Eventually, they stopped and saw that they somehow made it to the second floor. Jumin spotted the teacher's lounge and opened the door. In there, he saw a few teachers who turned to Jumin and jumped up when they saw his gun in his hands. "Jumin! Where the hell did you get that gun?" Jumin shrugged and checked his nails out of boredom. Skylar stopped running and turned back. He saw Jumin faking a yawn. "Ugh, do I really have to explain?" He whined. "Fine. It was at a store where they sell ammo and s**t. But there are worse things going on right now. If you're really good teachers, you'd know that there are some people out there who want to try to kidnap precious Skylar over here." He grabbed Skylar from where he was standing and held him tightly. "A few students died already, but no one would miss them." The teachers were baffled. They all went out of the lounge to look out of the window. Out there, they saw a lot of black cars and men dressed in black. Jumin grabbed Skylar's hand and locked them inside the lounge. "Phew. That was easy. We can hide in here for a while," Jumin said, lying on the couch. "Can you pass me the cookies?" Skylar didn't move an inch. "Never mind then." "Who are you?" Jumin rolled his eyes and sat up right. He stretched his arm and grabbed the cookies himself. "I told your ass already. Nang Jumin." He paused. "Jumin Nang. First name's Jumin, last name's Nang. I'm in your classes goddammit. Don't you remember a Korean, black haired with brown eyes, 6 foot handsome looking guy?" Skylar closed his eyes and thinks. A vivid image came up in his mind. "I remember!" Skylar replied. "But aren't you very quiet? Your voice is always so monotone when you answer a question in class." Jumin took his bandana off and his face dropped instantly. "It's because of this bandana. My personality changes every time I wear it," he stated monotonously, holding it up. "Why's that?" Jumin kept quiet and put his bandana back on. A wicked smile spread on his lips. "Can't tell ya, sweetheart," he grinned. "Maybe in the near future when we become friends. Oh fun!" Skylar sat next to him. Jumin c****d his head. "Is it true that you're a man?" "What kind of question is that? But yes." Jumin didn't look convinced. "Show me then." "Um, I don't have any breasts," Skylar pointed out, slapping his flat chest. "You could be flat chested. Do you have balls though? Oh! Can I kick you in the balls?" Jumin asked excitedly. Skylar's eyes widened as he covered his private part. "f**k no! That hurts like a motherfucker," he replied, wincing at the pain that he felt when that happened to him. The door got kicked down and they both pointed their gun at the man who did that. "Boss, I found him," he said through the walkie talkie. "So you ARE a guy. May I?" Skylar sighed and lowered his weapon. "I hope you find your dad in hell." "Wait wha-" Jumin shot him twice. He sniffed the air and smirked when the smell of fresh blood hit his nose. "Have I told you that this is one of the most satisfying smells?" He chirped. Skylar's phone rung. He picked it up without looking at the name. "SKYLAR WHAT THE f**k?!" Parker yelled through the phone. "WE'RE IN CLASSROOM 24 ON THE SECOND FLOOR! GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!" Jumin blinked and let out a low whistle. "You heard daddy. Let's go." Skylar got dragged to the classroom by Jumin who was talking his ear off. Jumin looked through the windows and saw Parker pacing back and forth while Miracle tried to calm him. Jumin busted the door open. "Guess who?" "SKYLAR!" Parker ran up to him and crushed him in a tight hug. "OH MY GOD YOUR STILL ALIVE! I GOT GREY HAIRS WHEN I DIDN'T SEE YOU ANYMORE!" He broke the hug and his face became serious. He snapped his fingers. "Gloves." Miracle handed him his gloves. Meanwhile, Jumin was spinning around on the teacher's chair. He stopped when he saw Parker taking off one of the gloves. "YOU f*****g i***t!" He slapped Skylar with the glove. "COLOSSAL DUMBASS!" "COLOSSAL MORON!" Jumin yelled. Parker turned his head to Jumin. Jumin smirked when he saw him looking and winked. "What's up baby?" Miracle narrowed her eyes. "Whose mans is this?" She saw the red bandana and scoffed. "Jumin? How the f**k did your dumbass get here?" "I came with Skylar of course," he scoffed. "How's life?" "Pretty shitty. It's been a few days since we talked," she replied. "Do you know him?" Parker asked. Miracle pointed her thumb at him. "This fool? I'd say that he is a childhood friend of mine-" "I wouldn't. We were friends for 3 years or so until your dumbass got a great idea to go to Curacao with your mom," Jumin cut her off. "Hey, hey, hey! I f*****g love my mom and I was f*****g 13. Of course I would've gone with her. I'm still shocked that you turned like this." "What? Sexy?" He asked, smirking. Miracle rolled her eyes with a smile. "You're sexy, but in a rat kind of way." Parker covered his mouth to stop laughing. "Now that's the Miracle I know!" Jumin chuckled. "So back to the story! He was new and seemed depressed almost all the time. And I was always alone, so I said f**k it and talked to him. We became pretty close." Miracle became mad and turned to Jumin. Jumin blinked at her angry expression. "What?" "At least I tried to keep in contact you stupid bitch." Jumin stood up and slowly walked to her. "What did you say to me?" He asked, also getting mad. "You heard what I said," she bit back. They both got into fighting positions and stared each other down. Parker was frightened and tried to hide behind Skylar while Skylar was bored. Eventually, a smile spread across their faces. They stood up straight and Miracle slapped his back. "Love you, i***t," Miracle smiled. "Love you too." He sat back down on the chair and continued spinning. "Yeah," she muttered. She cleared her throat. "We still talk. Most of the times it's in the classes that I don't have with you two or in the weekend. I still remember one time that I dragged him to anime con. Was it anime con?" Jumin stopped spinning and his face scrunched up. "Yeah. One of the worst days of my life," he stated. Miracle ignored him. "He was annoying as hell. I gave him a choice to go with me. He only asked when we're going home and why it's so asian. b***h, you're f*****g Korean." "That doesn't mean s**t. f*****g weeb." Skylar watched them bickering like an old couple. He nudged Parker. "I don't know why, but this reminds me of us," he whispered to him. He frowned and glanced at them. "Are we really like that?" Skylar nodded. "And that's why you can go f**k yourself and your chicken strips," Miracle shouted to him. Jumin had his arms crossed. "Fine by me!" He yelled back. Skylar whistled and both their heads snapped to Skylar. "Are you continuing your story or?" "Oh yes! It's crazy that a stupid guy like him is my friend," she grinned. "He can be crazy from time to time, but he's not that bad." Miracle just noticed his handbag on the ground. "What the f**k Jumin?" Jumin followed her gaze and grinned. "Oh that?" Jumin asked. "Y'all need some ammo? I can be your sugar daddy for that today." He slowly opened the bag. Miracle and Parker got curious and peeked in the bag. "Ta da!" "What the- WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING THIS TO SCHOOL?!" Parker screamed. Miracle hummed satisfied. "That's some good s**t that you brought," Miracle commented. "Hell yeah!" They high fived each other. "Wait a minute, who are you?" He asked Parker. "Parker Jones." "Oh, so he's Parkour," he said to Miracle. She nodded. "And Parker, why're you so surprised? You're acting like there are s*x toys and dildos in my bag." Skylar shook his head, trying to get rid of the memory at Ashton's. "They're just guns. And I bring them every day. You never know what happens. For example, look at what happened today." "You got me there," Parker said. Skylar, Jumin and Miracle perked up when they heard footsteps in the distance. "What's happening?" "Shhh." Miracle grabbed Parker by his arm and hid him under the teacher's desk. Miracle grabbed the first gun that she saw in Jumin's bag. Skylar hit under a desk, Jumin hid in the closet next to the door and Miracle hid behind the teacher's desk. The door opened. Parker was silently praying to God for none of then to die. They heard the door slowly opening. 5 men stepped inside. "Sir, there's no one in here," a man said. "But why is there a random My Little Pony handbag?" Another man started laughing. "Search around!" The man saw the closet next to him and opened it. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" Jumin screamed. The other men also screamed and Miracle shot one of them. The others yelled harder. Another ran up to her. She tried to shoot him, but he dodged the bullets. He shot her with a tranquilizer gun. She staggered for a bit as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She fell on her side. He also shot Parker. "We need backup," a man said into his walkie talkie. The others grabbed their guns and tried shooting him. "s**t," Skylar mumbled. He pushed the table to use as an shield. Skylar c****d his gun and helped Jumin. After he shot the last man, Jumin ran and jumped over the table to join him. "There are more coming in a few minutes," Skylar stated. He saw a thick, red liquid going down his left arm. His eyes went to the source and he saw a bullet wound. "Jumin you got shot!" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his arm. "Really? Well damn." Skylar took off his shirt and ripped it. "Take your shirt off." "My, my," Jumin smirked. "I knew that you wanted a peek of my sexiness." He took it off and he still has a smirk plastered on his face. "Whatcha think?" "Ashton's better," Skylar commented flatly. He used his ripped clothes as a bandage to stop Jumin's blood circulation while Jumin was mumbling about how Skylar needs glasses. "Why aren't you bitching about the pain?" "Yeah... fun fact, I don't feel any pain." The back window broke. "f**k!" They tried to grab their guns, but the men were quicker and shot them both with tranquilizer darts. A bald man walked to Skylar through the door. When he saw Skylar laying on the floor, he smiled. He grabbed Skylar's chin to lift up his head. Skylar tried to shake him off, but the drug was too strong. His vision became blurry. "I finally have you sweetheart. We can go home now," the bald man smiled as Skylar lost his consciousness.
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