How to meet your roommate

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"You alright there, princess?" I instantly freeze. Princess... Oh crap, I've only been here less than half an hour and my cover's already blown. How is that even possible? A million thoughts and possible scenarios run through my mind, as I am trying to find the best way to deal with this. I reluctantly tear my eyes away from the owner of the car and turn around towards the voice that called me 'princess'. A pair of light blue eyes, almost grey, are staring back at me, waiting for a reply. I can't help but think that I've seen those eyes before. A small hand is being waved in front of my eyes, a bit too close for comfort, so I jump back, knocking over the handbag that was on top of my suitcase. I groan silently. This is the one thing I was praying it wouldn't happen, well other than people figuring out who I really am. My feminine products and makeup is now spread all over the ground, making me wish I just would have stayed home. Why did I ever want to leave the safety of my Kingdom and of my palace? Luckily is just me, this girl and the guy who almost killed me, so them two are the only witnesses to my humiliation. I wonder is I could just.. you know... casually compel them to forget what they just saw. Stupid rules in the stupid human world, I mutter inaudibly, reminding myself that it's strictly forbidden to use my powers here. "Let me help you. I kind of feel like this is my fault." The voice chirps again, and I just let her gather the runaway perfume bottles and put them back in my bag, where they had escaped from. "Are you going in?" The girl that possesses that chirpy voice asks me, signalling to the entrance to the dorms. I just nod, still processing the s**t show that my first day is, contemplating if I should call Patrick and beg him to take us back to the Vampire Kingdom and to the safety of my castle. "Come on, I'll help you. I can come back for my bags later. Which room are you in?" Oh my God, this girl can talk! Observing her a bit closer as she leans in to take the big bag while I'm left with the backpack and the handbag which is now repacked, I catch a whiff of the unique scent of her blood. I can tell her blood is way warmer than the one of a regular human, so I'm fairly confident she's a shifter. A werewolf even, because of the heat radiating from her. I gulp, because I was hoping there wouldn't be so many of the other species here. Being only amongst regular humans is easier, but other species, just like I just did, can figure out what you are pretty fast, and that might not be good for me. Before I followed the chirpy werewolf into the building, my head instinctively turned towards the metal monster, searching once again for it's owner. I felt a deep pang of disappointment when I only saw the driver door closing, and the engine roaring to life, as obnoxiously loud as ever, before peeling away from the spot it was parked in, and speeding off. Someone slap me, now, because I am terribly disappointed in myself. Why did I want to see that smug face again? "Uhm, you still haven't told me what room you are in, I don't really know which way to go unless you do." The girly werewolf provided that much needed 'slap' to get me out of my thoughts and back into the real world. "I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be in room 110." I manage to finally get some words out. "Whoah, she speaks!" The girl makes the most dramatic shocked face I have ever seen. She could give even the best soap opera actress a run for her money. I smile back at her, not knowing what I could say to that. "Wow, congratulations. On that floor are the biggest and best rooms in this building. And to top that, I heard that your roommate is supposed to be the coolest girl in the whole campus." Now that sparked some interest in me. "Do you know her?" I cautiously ask when we stopped in front of a door numbered 110. This is it. My home for the next year. I can't help but feel excited, and a small smile creeps on my lips. "You could say so." She answers and digs out a key from her back pocket. I frown at her action, wondering how the hell she got a key. Now, I'm not usually this slow, I promise you I'm quite smart, but that wink from the guy who practically ran me over, just threw me off my game completely. "Clever!" I say once I put two and two together and realised this chatty wolf is my new roommate. I can't say I'm mad at that, It could have been way worse. "By the way, I'm sorry for earlier. My brother was just being an ass. He is too uptight for his own good sometimes, always wanting to prove a point." I look at her as if I was asking what the hell is she on about. Luckily she caught the meaning of my look in an instant. I'm starting to like this girl! "Earlier, when you were standing in the middle of the road... I swear I told him to slow down, beep at you, or something, but that ass face said 'the road is for cars, the sidewalk is for pedestrians' and drove so close to you. Please don't judge me by his actions. I promise I'm the nice one, and I can already tell we'll be the best of friends." She kept rambling on, doing impressions of her brother, whom.I cam tell she looks up to and loves dearly, despite her mocking him just now. The thing is I can only think about that stupid wink, and how it made my insides turn in a not so unpleasant way. Oh, the eyes... of course, I mentally facepalm. They're siblings, so they have the same light blue and greyish eyes. An idea, or more like a solution pops in my mind. Hm, maybe I can get back at him, teach him a lesson, that would get his face out of my head, knowing we're even. If I were ever to admit I have a big fault, that would be that I hold grudges. The whole of my Kingdom knows that. It's not like I go around punishing people in an archaic way, and eye for an eye and s**t like that, but I have been known to teach those who were in the wrong, a valuable lesson. I might just do that with my roommate's brother, and I might as well have some fun while I'm at it. As I was thinking that, I realised I don't know this girl's name, nor did I give her mine. "Sorry, I'm bring really rude here. I'm Clara." I finally introduce myself and top it off with a sincere smile. "Laura." She says back with a beaming smile. " It's really nice to meet you. Where are you from?" This simple question, this absolutely normal and innocent question made me panic a bit, since I don't know what to tell her. She definitely knows that I'm a vampire, even if she hasn't said anything yet, and since I can tell she's a high ranking wolf, I'm sure her senses also tell her I'm a high ranking vampire myself. So my rehearsed story of just telling people I'm nothing more than a simple girl from Ontario, won't work with Laura.
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