How to be speechless

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I found Patrick in a small office in the University's main building. Somehow he landed himself a job as a faculty here, which provides him with the perfect cover to be on campus everyday. I actually think I'll be taking a few of his lectures just to mess with him a bit. As soon as I close the door to Pat's office and made sure that nobody could peek inside, I took the car keys and threw them at him, aiming straight for his forehead. Unfortunately his reflexes are as sharp as ever, and he ducked just in time, but at least he understood why I am here and fuming. "I was at the dealership, and there was this young man that was picking up some spare parts for his car. He seemed about your age, and he couldn't stop gushing about his baby - the car I mean - and kept talking to a mechanic about improvements she's done and all that. I just figured it's perfect for a young girl like you." I narrow my eyes at him before Pat starts talking again, clearly feeling defeated. "I don't know much about cars, Clarabelle, and your parents just said to get you a safe one. It has like 12 airbags and a million sensors with lane assistance and emergency braking. I would say it's pretty safe since it practically drives itself. And you said you didn't want an SUV, remember?" He throws the keys back at me and catch them without taking my eyes off him. "I said I didn't want the... oh, never mind. It's fine Patrick, but I get to choose the next one if I get this totalled." I flash him a devious smile. "Clara, please don't! I'm paying extra on the insurance to get a like for like replacement." I just roll my eyes and storm out. How much do you want to bet that the guy Patrick saw at the dealership gushing about his stupid car, is Lucas, huh? If I've learned anything about my fated mate in the extremely short time I've known him, is that he loves his car and that his car hates me. Simple as that. Which means I know exactly where I could find him without having to ask Laura and raise any suspicions. If he insists on making this harder for both of us, and dragging it out longer than necessary, then I insist on being the bigger person and taking matters into my own hands. I'm going to find that gorgeous man and reject him myself. Alright Clara, time to go kick a puppy! I tell myself while looking at my darkening eyes in the rear view mirror of my brand new car. No one got to be Queen by being soft, you can do this! I chant gripping the steering wheel so tight that I might just break it. Well, At least that would give an excuse to show up at the garage. After I quickly scoured the mighty and all knowing internet for nearby garages, I started the short journey to the nearest one. As soon as I arrived I understood that I struck out, there's no way Lucas would bring his pride and joy here, so I quickly sped away before the workers could pounce on me and coax me into getting some unnecessary work done on my car. Place number 2 was a bit more promising, but I didn't see Lucas' car anywhere. When I asked the front desk if the mechanics there ever worked on a car like mine before, trying to find out if Lucas was ever there, they told me that they haven't, so I left feeling defeated and trusting my plan less and less. The 3rd garage was further away from campus and I debated a bit if it's even worth checking it out. Lucas might be working on his car himself, probably in a private garage or even in the middle of a car park, but something tells me he respects that monster too much not to get her to a proper mechanic. fuck it, I'm going! I started driving to where the sat nav is telling me. After nearly an hour I got to the garage and started to look for a parking spot. No sooner had I shut off my engine, then I heard that loud vrruuum sound which I've begun to associate with seeing my life flash before my eyes. So he is here. I took a couple of minutes to calm down and steady my racing pulse since my heart insisted on working overdrive, pounding hard into my chest and pumping unnecessary amounts of blood through my veins. I put on the composed façade that I've been taught to wear while conducting my royal duties, the one which doesn't give people even a small glimpse of what is going on inside my head or what surge of emotions are cursing within me. Instead, I appear to be strong and confident, the type of young woman who can crush you with a look. I walked inside the open garage ignoring all the catcalls and whistles of young men and boys present there. All humans from what I can tell, except for one who stayed quiet and kept on working on his vintage car, and a second one who's back is facing me, his muscles visibly stiff at sensing my presence here. A low came from Lucas once one of the more daring guys decided to approach me and offer to help me if I needed anything. I smirked a little seeing Lucas react like this. I think every woman would be tickled the right way if a guy was a little possessive over her, leaving aside all the forbidden romance s**t. The guy approaching me must have felt the need to get my attention, because he actually thought it would be a good idea to touch my arm. "Hey gorgeous. I was asking if there is anything I can help you with." His clammy and slightly dirty hand is still lingering on my arm, weirdly going up and down as he was trying to caress me. I scrunched my face to match my disgust of being touched without my consent, and before I could open my mouth to tell the guy off and maybe break his hand in the process, Lucas beat me to it. He pushed that guy aside with such a force that would make anyone question whether he was human or not. I sigh loudly. This is exactly what I am trying to avoid and why I have to do this. I go and grab hold of Lucas' arm, inconspicuously checking out the firmness of his muscles - do not judge me, anyone in my shoes would have done the same - and I tug at him, pleading with my eyes for him not to cause a scene. At the corner of my eyes I already saw the silent guy taking a fighting stance, clutching a big wrench into his right hand. So he's not a shifter or someone that has physical strength as an ability... interesting. But that will have to wait, because now I have an untrained puppy that doesn't know he's not allowed to bite people. "Lucas, can we talk?" I ask softly, knowing that he is able to hear me anyway. Fortunately he relaxes, just as that other guy puts his hands up in defence muttering something. "Sorry bro. I didn't realise she was taken. My bad." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. A woman can be single, independent, she doesn't necessarily need to be 'taken'. I can very much 'take' care of myself thank you, in more ways than one, if you know what I mean. Lucas starts walking, forcing me to remove my hand from his arm. I already miss the feeling of his hot skin under my cold hand, but I push the thought away and follow him outside the garage and to the small car park. "Nice ride." He smirks at me as soon as he sees the car and understands it was mine. "It's just a coincidence. I didn't buy the same car on purpose." I defend myself, but hearing it out loud, not even I would have believed it if I didn't know the truth, Maybe Laura was right. and their Moon Goddess is punishing me. You'd think she will punish her precious little wolves, not me, but I guess I deserve it since I'm the one actively trying to get this rejection to happen. "Sure it is, princess." He smirks at me with mischief dancing like dark swirls in his light blue eyes. I decided to ignore his comment. because I can't see any way for this little argument about cars to go in my favour. "Listen, you know what I'm here for. I just want to get this over with and get on with my first year in University. I doubt either of us needs the drama. Not to mention that I happen to like your sister, she's already become a friend and I hate lying to her." "What does Laura have to do with this?" "Asides from being your sister and my roommate?" I ask rhetorically, earning myself an eye roll. Well he's not more mature than I am, now is he? "She thinks we already rejected each other." I whisper, not wanting for that guy inside the garage to somehow hear us. Lucas seems to think about that for a moment. "Yeah, as much as she gives me s**t for being the uptight one and always enforcing rules, she's just like me." This remark is totally unnecessary and not helping in this situation, but I bite my tongue and not voice my snarky thoughts out loud. "Still, I don't want to reject you. You are mine, and I plan you to keep it that way." The amusement in his eyes and the smile on his face is creeping me out because his voice sounded so low and commanding and... hot. I can barely keep myself from falling at his feet in a pool of mush. There is this aura of sheer power that is now radiating in waves off him, and it's getting me all hot and bothered. Not to mention the pulsing sensation in my naughty parts that I have to keep under control because it could get me into some serious trouble if Lucas smells just how aroused I am right now. "It's nice that you stopped by princess, but off you go now before I bend you over this car and we damage the paint job." He winks and swats my ass before walking away from me, probably heading back inside the garage. What the f**k just happened?
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