
1008 Words
Introduction After the 1000 year witch wars, the devastating loss of so many children of the Moon was unbelievable. Moon Goddess herself came down to care for her own and with her help, the surviving Silver and Gold wolves split up and claimed parts of the remaining territories. With The Gold wolves re-establishing their Kingdom and some silver wolves tried to rebuild their families, a select few Jorge Edwards and his brother Juan relocated to the United Kingdom with their wives wanting to distance themselves from all the death and suffering of the war. Moon Goddess blessed the brothers with the power of healing, a rare gift that silver wolves cherish and all wolves revere. Being the only silver wolves to ever step into that territory and with their ability to heal they were immediately respected and given the reins to lead the 5 werewolf families of England. Together, they started developing a huge family business that led them to becoming a very rich and powerful werewolf pack, blending in with the humans. This pack was different from most of the others spread across the world. When the Silver wolves took over, the alpha and luna title was abolished and a council was created. Each family got a representative of their choosing in the council with the Silver wolves at the head. They created their own estate on the countryside, far from London it became a werewolf community known as Silvermount. It was equipped with everything from a fully functioning hospital to a high school. The silver wolves issued treaties with other wolf packs around Europe and literally declared themselves a neutral pack, kinda like Switzerland. Jorge, the Silver wolf leader, never wanted to witness that bloodshed he did all those years ago ever again. This brought about democracy in a time where many alphas were selfish and only interested in power. The treaties were created in a way to give support to every wolf pack in Europe, because the business Jorge built was big and very influential so with that power and influence, Jorge battered with the packs to offer help and aid but will not participate in any wars or be a target of war. The other packs agreed and together they created a utopia for all wolves including their families and even accepted rogues who were either cast out of their packs or lost their homes due to war. Since the werewolves families lived in peace their kids were allowed to live free lives and travel and mingle with humans. This was unprecedented and yet peace reigned far and wide for Silvermount and the werewolf families. * * * Priscilla And Sierra Silvermount has always been untouchable, after Leader Jorge took over, the was peace all over Europe, even the vampires were staying out of everyone's way. It would seem this era would last but not if we have something to say about it. We only live to cause chaos, which was why it was easy to sell our services to The God of Chaos. This was our first mission and we were not going to ruin it. Chaos had come to us and asked us personally for help. You are the only ones that can do this! Chaos had said with a gleam in his eye. We have honored and had put our plan to action. Placing spies in secret locations, we saw our move. The heir to the Henderson clan was such a gullible wolf, his main purpose in life was to screw anything that moved and he made our plan so perfect. Using him to lure in our actual target, the Edward twins known as Nadia and Jackie. They had something we needed and their hidden hatred for their billionaireress cousin made it so easy. We faked two mate bonds with the help of Chaos, and just let the twins start a division in the family. A division that would be the perfect crack to exact our plan and watch this well built utopia come crashing down. We stood by watching as the Edward twin left Silvermount to drive to their favorite coffee shop on the outskirts of a small town not far from Silvermount. They seemed to come here a lot and after eavesdropping on their conversations we figured out why. They were afraid to find out that they weren't mates with their soon-to-be husbands, the Henderson Twins. They had spent all of last year rubbing it in everyone's face about them being sure of their mate bond but somewhere deep down they knew and couldn't imagine becoming the laughing stock of their community. Lucky for them, we knew they weren't mated and used that to our advantage. Knowing they were Silver wolves too, we had to approach with caution because we didn't know what gift they had. "Well, that was easy." Sienna said giggling as we drove down the road. "Yeah it was, those girls were so ready to trust us." Priscilla added, smirking to herself "They must really hate this Christine chick" "Good thing too cuz it worked to our favour. Now that they are on outside, time to f**k with them evenmore." Priscilla cackled in classic witch fashion, almost choking. Sierra joined her and together they drove through a thick forest till they arrived at a small cottage. Inside was a cozy living room with knickknacks of all kinds and a huge cauldron in the middle. "Time to spell the Henderson boy too." Priscilla smiled wickedly. "The twins will never expect this but will use it to get rid of their cousin." Sierra added, wicked smile on her face too. "Then let's watch the games begin. Silvermount is about be hit right were it hurts the most." The girls continued their dance around the cauldron, watching the weird concoction swirl till Jake's face was revealed. With a drops of The Edward Twins blood mixed with Jake's (which they stole from the hospital) a fake bond was created, one so strong it will be mistaken as the mate bond.
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