Game on!

1419 Words

Felix I paced the length of my study, the phone pressed tightly to my ear. Ricardo’s voice crackled on the other end, a mix of excitement and anticipation. "So, boss, what’s the new plan?" "Listen carefully, Ricardo," I said, glancing at the stolen documents on my desk. "We’ve got everything we need to finalize the sale of Sébastien’s company. I’ve got an offer from a major business player who’s willing to keep me on as CEO. This is it, Ricardo. This is our golden ticket." "That’s incredible, boss! How did you manage it?" I chuckled, a sound filled with both satisfaction and malice. "Let’s just say, luck and a bit of cunning. The offer seemed too good to be true, but I’ve vetted it thoroughly. It’s legitimate. They’ll pay a fortune for the company, and I’ll stay in control. Sébastien w

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