Chapter Eighteen - Foraging

1035 Words

   Her lips were so soft, so sweet.  Her innocent kiss turned  bold, as though she knew exactly what she wanted, and wasn't afraid to take it for herself.  Her teeth grazed along his bottom lip, and her tongue traced the curve after her teeth.  His hands crept up from her hips to cup behind her head, and angle her face for better access. Michael would have gone on kissing her indefinitely, but as soon as his tongue crept into her mouth, her small hands went from his shoulders, to his throat.  She broke the kiss and pushed him roughly back against the tree with surprising strength for such a little thing.  She stared at him with a squinty look of disapproval.  “What? Too much?” Michael asked with a goofy grin.  She grunted and pushed herself off him.  She couldn’t exactly stomp her feet

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