Chapter Seven - The Smell of Coffee

1207 Words

“Son of a bit--” Michael hurriedly shook himself off and yanked up his pants before he took off after his wild mate.  “Hannah!  Hannah don’t do this!”  He called after her as he crashed through the underbrush.  She was tiny, and fast, and even with her hands tied, she was still skimming through the trees like it was second nature.  Michael was big, broad shouldered, and he was bushwhacking his way through the trees behind her like an angry gorilla.    She glanced back over her shoulder, ducked under a low hanging pine bough and momentarily disappeared from view.  Michael felt a sudden panic grab hold of his heart.  No!  No, he couldn’t lose her again.  He swore and plowed through the trees, ignoring the fact that he was being snagged and scratched on the way.  He forced himself to slow do

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