Chapter Ten - The Raid

1455 Words

“I don’t like the look of it,” Michael muttered as he lowered himself out of the tree he had climbed.  “It's too small.”  They had come up on a small town nestled near a large pond.  There wasn’t much in town, just a gas station with a convenience store, a post office, a hardware, and a hand full of middle-class houses.  “In a town this small, they’ll notice strangers right away.  They’ll be wary as soon as they see us.”  Frankie cracked his knuckles.  “You know what that means!”  He elbowed his brother in excitement.  “Shock and awe!”  Caroline groaned.  “Shock and Awe” meant they all descended on the town at once, each of them hitting a different target before scattering back out before the town’s law enforcement could pinpoint the activity.  It was very dangerous, especially in a rur

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