Chapter 7

1240 Words
Isabella POV I was so happy that Aiden and I had slowly gotten back to the way we were before. He was no longer distant from me. On the contrary, Aiden stayed with me throughout my sick leave from the club. Since my legs were in a bad shape, Dan gave me a few days off to recover. And I must say these past few days were the best ever. Aiden and I spent almost all our time together, with him taking care of me while I just listened to his not-so-funny jokes and ate his specially prepared meals. It was really good to have my friend back. “Aren't you going to the gallery today," I asked as I walked into the living room. No...What are you doing? You are supposed to be in bed, resting those legs of yours," Aiden scolded me as he guided me to the chair, totally ignoring my question. Stop... I am fine now, my legs are all better now," I let out as I rolled my eyes at him. Aiden was obsessing over my injury way too much. I knew he cared about me, but this was getting way out of hand now. “I know you are getting better, but you still need to rest those legs," Aiden let out as he raised my legs onto the couch as he evaluated them with some pillows.. “You see much better now," he smirked, giving me a wink that I couldn't help but chuckle softly at. You know, you should stop obsessing over me because I'm fine now," I smiled at him. Aiden murmured inaudibly as he looked at me again. “No, that's not true, I'm not obsessing over you, I am only concerned about you. That's all ," he said with an indifferent expression on his face as he fell back on the couch. Okay, if you are not truly obsessed, then why are you not in the gallery," I asked sternly as I folded my arms across my chest. A smile soon grew on Aiden's face as he walked over to where I was seated. Raising my legs to his lap, Aiden sat so close to me as he gazed directly into my eyes. His gaze held something so strong that I couldn't even describe it in words. It was like a compelling force that drew me closer to him, so close that our faces were only a few inches apart. “I own the gallery so I can go in whenever I want," he whispered as he slowly tucked some lost strand of hair behind my ear. I was so engrossed with the feeling of his closeness that I became so oblivious to every word he had said as my eyes trailed over his lips. Maybe he read my mind, or he saw my eyes trailing over his lips because he moved even closer towards me, lowering his lips towards mine. Our lips were so close that we were this close to kissing, but that was when my phone rang and we were soon broken out of our subtle trance. An awkward silence soon took over the room as I slowly reached for my phone. “Hello..." I greeted the caller softly. Isabella, I need you back at the club this evening," I heard Dan's voice say. Confused... “But my days off aren't over yet," I let out, bewildered as to why he wanted me back so soon, I wasn't even performing on stage yet, so my absence wouldn't make any difference," I grumbled to myself. “Isabella, do not question me, I need you back at the club and that is final. I don't pay you to sit at home, okay," Dan yelled a bit. “Okay, I will be there," I let out as I cut off the phone. Soon, turning towards Aiden, I smiled and said it looks like my holiday is over," I said as I tried to get up. “What do you mean," Aiden asked, sounding all baffled. Dan asked me to come back to work today," I murmured out “No... But," Aiden tried to protest but I cut him off immediately. it's all good, you don't have to worry, okay, as I said before, I am fine, and it's not like he would make me dance anyway," I smiled as I got up to my feet. I was about to walk back to my room when I heard Aiden say “Please be careful” .................................................... Walking into the dressing room of club paradise, Mia was so shocked to see me “ I thought you were still on holiday," Mia asked. Dan called me to come back," I said, smiling. “Fuck... Dan, it's not like he is going to even put you on stage," Mia rolled her eyes. But you could have told me, we could have come in together," She let out as she made an angry face. “I'm so sorry," I smiled as I pulled her into a hug. I forgive you," she chuckled as she pulled away from me. I have to go now, I am up on stage in a few minutes," Mia winked as she kissed my cheeks and walked out. Dropping my bag, I went out also to watch Mia's performance and, just like that, a few hours passed by and I watched every performance that came on, on stage. “ Hey Isa, come on, I need your help," Mia said, and immediately she pulled me into the dressing room with her. Would you help me take off my dress," Mia asked, and I nodded. I was about to help Mia take off her dress when Dan walked in, and I could tell in an instant that he was feeling so agitated and I wondered why. “Where is Bambi," Dan screamed? She didn't show up for work today," one of the girls let out “Fuck... why today, why now when the Draco is here?" Dan groaned out in frustration. “The Draco is here," all the girls screamed, and I became even more confused, What am I going to do," Dan mumbled out. “Okay... Candy, you will take Bambi's place today in the private lounge," Dan said. Hell no, not when it is Draco involved," Candy let out as she rejected the offer. “Okay Lola, how about you," Dan asked as the frustration grew more on his in Goodness no," she rejected it immediately. How about you Crystal," Dan asked again, “I would work in any other lounge, as long it is not the Draco's," she rolled her eyes. Fuck..." Dan screamed. If all of you rejected this lounge, then who would dance there then," Dan groaned out as his gaze hovered amongst the girls, and unfortunately, his gaze soon fell upon me. “Yes... Isabella, you can work at Bambi's lounge today," Dan said, smiling. I didn't respond because I was still so confused about what was going on. “No... Dan, Isabella can't work in Bambi's lounge," Mia yelled almost immediately. And why is that? She is a dancer here, isn't she?"Dan smirked. But she is still new, she hasn't even learnt all she needed to know," Mia said. No, I think she is ready now, Mia," Dan said as he moved closer to me. Little Bella is ready for her big debut," Dan smirked.
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