Chapter 28

1563 Words

Isabella's POV I was so excited about starting my new job today, and honestly, it had been a long time coming. I hated it when I was left all alone in the apartment while everyone went to work, even though Aiden was tired of always being there for me, it was still not enough right now. I was happy that it was all over and I had finally found myself a job. So with that, I woke up early as always, because I knew I couldn't be late on my first day. I quickly took a shower, got dressed and hurried into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. Rushing down my breakfast, I briskly made my way out of the apartment, taking the elevator down to the ground floor. And before I knew it, I was on a bus on my way to work. I was excited but also nervous as I wondered if they were going to like me

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