Chapter 74

1144 Words

Xander's POV I woke up feeling so exhausted and drained as if I had just run a marathon. I didn't want to get out of bed, I wanted to stay in the dark and unsee and not feel all that happened yesterday. But I knew I couldn't, I couldn't wallow in my misery, I was the Draco and there was no room for weakness. So I got up, had a shower, got dressed, and made my way down for breakfast. Walking down the stairs, I saw a lot of unknown faces, hustling and bustling down the hallways. Some were carrying flowers, while others were carrying drinks. '' What is happening here,'' I asked myself and before I knew it, I was enveloped in a bone-crashing hug by Ruby. '' Good mooring my love,'' she greeted, kissing me softly. '' Ruby, what is this, why are you here so early, and why are all the

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