Chapter 49

1540 Words

Isabella's POV I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Xander had a normal childhood just like everyone else, he had loved and also suffered the loss of a parent, which I could also totally relate to because I have never really got over my dad's death, but can anyone really get over the loss of a parent, losing someone that close to you can change you, because I know it has changed me as well. So now, somehow, I totally understand Xander, and why he is the way he is. '' All set, you all ready and looking so beautiful,'' Mary said, smiling. '' Thank you, Mary, you are the absolute best,'' I smiled as I looked at my beautiful self in the mirror. '' So should I get you your breakfast here?'' Mary said and I shook my head. '' I want to leave my room, can't I have breakfast som

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