Chapter 62

1239 Words

Isabella POV '' Why so formal with me,'' Manny smirked, asking. '' You need to relax. I am not your boss, okay,'' Manny let out and I found myself smiling. '' What do you want Manny,'' I asked and he rolled his eyes. '' Wouldn't you allow me inside first? It is bad manners to keep a guest waiting like this,'' Manny let out. '' Fine come on it,'' I said, ushering Manny into my room. '' Now that you are here, what do you want, Manny?'' I asked and Manny smirked. '' Lovely room. I am sure the Draco, specifically, designed it just for his marked woman.'' Manny let out and I just knew he was teasing me right now. So, with the way I looked at him, it was obvious that I didn't find his comment friendly. '' Wow, relax Isabella, you should learn to take a joke,'' Manny said, chuckling. ''

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