Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two What the Houseguest Saw Edward awoke in the bright and airy guest quarters that had been assigned to him: a room papered in creamy yellow, trimmed in white enamel, and bathed in the early morning sunlight that streamed through the lace-curtained windows. He closed his eyes, content to snuggle in the cozy warmth for just a while longer, but a niggling need to relieve himself grew in intensity until finally he sat up, swung his feet over the bed, and grabbed for his silk robe. Still half asleep, he padded off down the hall to empty his bladder. As he neared the bathroom he noticed that the door stood partially ajar. He heard a noise. Someone was in there! The distinct sound of water running into a tub confirmed his suspicions. Instantly alert, he pressed back hard against the wall, and edged closer till he could peak around the door jamb. What he saw caused his piss-swollen prick to sit up and take notice! It was the slender blonde, her back to the door, at the very moment she was slipping a satin peach-colored wrapper off her shoulders. He watched, scarcely daring to breathe, as she draped the folded robe over a bench that stood beside the tub. Completely unaware of her fascinated male observer, the young woman casually continued her undressing, crossing her arms and reaching for the hem of hip-length camisole she wore, gathering up two fistfuls of the silky fabric and skimming the flimsy slip up her body and over her head in one swift movement. Fired with lust, the barely-breathing onlooker couldn’t help reaching down to clutch his hardening p***s through the thin robe he wore. His eyes were glued on the stripping girl, as Edward slowly stroked his erection wrapped in handful of silk. He stood there captivated by the slender taper of the girl’s back, her lithe legs, and those low compact hips banded by a pair of thin panties that lovingly encased her prim, high-set cheeks. The view from behind was superb! Catherine’s skimpy underpants were not quite adequate to do the job, so that twin crescents were left exposed, peeking out with saucy insolence from under the overarching leg bands. The electric thrill was followed by a powerful wave of lust that ran through the randy lad. He slipped his hand under the robe to free his raging manhood. And he stood there, transfixed, fingering his naked c**k while he watched the girl…taking off her clothes… just for him! Still unaware that she was being observed, young Catherine turned to one side as she deposited the crumpled camisole on the bench along with the discarded robe, unknowingly presenting her secret admirer with a side view of her slim bare-breasted form. Then, without further ado, she hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband and, bending at the hips, swiftly ran her underpants down her legs. A throb of desire caused his aching c**k to surge expectantly when he beheld her bent-over form -- the blond girl reaching down to her ankles and delicately lifting each foot in turn to free herself from her fallen panties. Her willowy body, pleasingly nude, described an eloquent arc; delicate breasts, narrow and pointy, dangling, swaying seductively under the smooth curve of her slim torso. Burning with lust, the young lad tightened his fingers on his throbbing c**k and pulled, absently stroking himself in a languid rhythm, while his eyes alone caressed the naked woman before him. Then, without warning, the still-bent-over girl glanced up directly at him. The gaping lad was caught; red-handed, or at least with c**k in hand! For a moment all time stood still as those big blue eyes held him pinned there. Her face showed not the slightest sign of surprise, of outrage, nor even of embarrassment; amazingly, her steady look never wavered. Slowly she rose up, straightening before him, her lean body splendidly naked. Edward was paralyzed, gaping wide eyes fascinated by the way her naked t**s settled liquidly as she rose to her full height. His hand fell away but he seemed unable to move, desperately struggling to find something to say when she sauntered up to him. She stood there for a moment, a beautiful young woman, splendidly naked, standing only inches from where he stood, so close he could reach out and touch her. She stood regarding him, looking into his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. And then without a word and with a gesture of typical insouciance, she smiled and slowly closed the door in his face, leaving the poor lad standing there, his swollen c**k rapidly losing its stiffness, drooping in sad disappointment. *** Breakfast was a rather awkward affair, or at least so it seemed to Edward. He felt guilty; sure he was about to be denounced as a sneak and pervert before the meal was through. He stole a furtive glanced at Catherine’s impassive face for some sign of her intentions, but the blonde remained her usual inscrutable self. Wide-eyed Prudence, on the other hand, seemed brimming over with some delicious secret she could barely suppress; she greeted him with the grin of the cat who had just eaten a quite delectable canary. Aunt Amanda seemed not to notice the interplay between the young people, as she chatted blithely away about life in the country. It was only once the breakfast things had been cleared away, and the coffee served that Lady Longleigh inquired whether she might see her nephew in the library, at ten o’clock? It was a casual remark, yet unmistakably a command given in the voice of one used to being obeyed. The young man felt his stomach churning. *** The library was impressive; quite long and narrow, with glassed-in bookshelves. It was filled with old leather-bound books that lined three of the walls from floor to ceiling. Edward vaguely remembered this room with of its rich wood paneling and tall bookcases, although in his childhood memory the shelves were as high as the Alps. Most of the furniture had been pushed back to clear the center of the room where three chairs had been arranged in a loose circle. His Aunt, looking magisterial in her long black dress, occupied the largest of the chairs, and to his surprise, both the girls were also present, dressed in identical white blouses and dark skirts, seated with folded hands, like proper young ladies in their private box at the theater. They didn’t look up when he entered, but kept their gazes straight ahead. He felt awkward to find there was no chair for him. Now decidedly more nervous, Edward entered the room and Amanda, without a word, beckoned him over and pointed to the spot before her chair, right in the middle of the circle. He stood there facing her, shifting uncomfortably, trying to look unconcerned. “Edward, I know I must make some allowances for the fact that you have only just arrived, and so are not yet familiar with our House rules. Nevertheless, my young ladies live by those rules, and it’s my responsibility, if I am to have a hand in your education, to see that the same rules are evenly applied to you, as they are to all those who live under my roof.” She paused and took a breath. “I expect that you know why you’re here?” she asked, looking up at him with a cold hard stare. “Yes, Aunt Amanda,” he nodded, eyes downcast. The choked words were barely audible in the heavy silence of that room. “You are here,” she went on, “because you took advantage of Miss Catherine at her bath, by violating her privacy while she performed her morning ablutions. Then, to make matters worse, you compounded the offense by exposing yourself most shamelessly. Not content with your dirty little spying, you then allowed yourself to become brazenly aroused, yes, sexually excited, at the sight of my innocent girl. Such a shameless lack of control cannot go unpunished. With absolutely shocking lack of self-restraint you allowed yourself to become erected, and then brazenly proceeded to pleasure yourself right in front of the lady!” her voice rose in indignant outrage; the young man, deeply mortified, shuddered under the blast. “Well?” she shouted. “Do you deny it?!” His hung his head low. Burning with embarrassment, he managed to respond in a low whisper: “No, Aunt Amanda.” She smiled smugly. “This is exactly what I suspected. That worthless uncle of yours obviously raised you as a libertine, without the least shred of self-discipline. You will, as a gentleman, have to apologize to the young lady of course. And then there’s the matter of punishment. You will find I believe firmly in a healthy dose of punishment; builds character! And you can be assured there will be punishment in this house for even the slightest infraction of the rules. Since you are new to the household, I am inclined to be lenient. Nevertheless, my girls well know that they would receive swift and sure punishment for violations much less egregious. In all fairness, they would expect the same to apply to the male family member. In fact, since we expect gentlemen to show greater restraint than young ladies in their emotional displays, you must be held to an even higher standard. Therefore, I am sure you prepared to accept your punishment like a man?” The poor lad’s thoughts were in an uproar. Where was all this leading? He felt trapped in something he didn’t understand. Confused and burning with embarrassment, he was painfully aware of the eyes of the two girls on him. He could do no more than nod his acquiescence and resign himself to whatever his Aunt had in store for him. “Then come here Edward, and prepare yourself for a proper spanking.” The boy was stunned; scarcely able to believe what he had just heard. His Aunt meant to spank him, like a child! And worse yet, she meant to do it in front of the girls! It was unbelievable and he could only stare at her wide-eyed with disbelief. But his incredulous eyes met only that blue steel of hers, as she sat there proper and implacable, waiting for him to do her biding. “But, ..but what about..” he trailed off in confusion, turning to gesture towards the two girls who sat quiet and politely attentive. “Ah, yes, you’d prefer that discipline been meted out in private, eh? But it seems to me that you have ceded your rights to privacy when you violated another’s. In any event, you will find it is our usual practice whenever one is disciplined to have others present so as to witness the punishment thus providing a lesson for all. Come here now and I shall see to your lesson my boy. You shall be punished, in the same way I punish my girls...over my lap!” Dumfounded, the bewildered lad tried to protest, but she would hear none of it. “Come here, Sir!” As in a daze the helpless young man took a hesitant step forward. “You may remove your jacket.” Moving as in dream, Edward did as he was told, slowly slipping off his jacket, folding it. For a moment he stood in shirtsleeves, confused, finding no place to hang the jacket. His aunt never moved, but sat quietly composed, watching him as he at last laid the folded jacket on the carpet at his feet. “Now kindly lower your trousers,” the imperious words cut through him like a knife. His nervous hands hesitated, then came up to fumble at his belt, unbuckling it and working open his trousers. For a moment he stood before her, his hands holding up the front of his pants, feeling foolish, once more a schoolboy being called to task. “Go on!” the matron hissed, her impatience crackling through. With a sigh of resignation, he bent slightly, shoved his trousers down his hips, and ran them down to leave them there, hobbling his legs just below the knees. Thoroughly mortified, the young man reddened under his imperious Aunt’s unwavering stare. He was acutely aware of how he must look with his accordioned trousers fallen down around his bare legs, his fine-spun cotton underwear exposed to his Aunt, and to the two girls who sat behind him. But he was soon to find that he was to endure even further shame, for his Aunt’s next words sent a shock of moral outrage through him, followed by a wave of intense humiliation that for some inexplicable reason he found oddly exciting.
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