
1394 Words
Oliva POV. I had my max with Ian, it’s over between us he just doesn’t know it yet, he’ll see, mess with me and starve me but don’t call me a girl. I’ll show him, he knew nothing about me, only if he knew why I had an open record in the ER. That reminds me, the nice fireman guy, Dylan, but how to get to him to help save me. I woke up out of my little space, I was fully awake and ready to take over Ian, it’s me or him now and I refuse to lose for some random dom. My old family tried and lost against me several times, it’s how I had a bed and not a crib. They tried to place me in a crib but I kept running away from it, every night I got away from the crib, in the end, I broke it, don’t ask me how but I did it, I’m a strong kitty don’t take me for granted. Dylan is a firefighter, uhmm, how do I call him, I got no phone to get to, I’m still locked in this stupid crib and my bum-bum is on fire. I refuse to cry, I’m my own hero and I’m saving my own ass now, I kept thinking about a way to get Dylan over and ask him to save me. I just know he will help me, he stayed with me in the hospital, he only left when the caseworker and police made him to, but he’s so nice. Maybe he’ll agree to let me stay with him until someone else adopt me or maybe he’ll take me back to the Neko center and I can stay there. When Ian finally decided to show up this morning I was so mad at him, I didn’t even spare him a look, he opened the crib and picked me up. He stripped me off right away, and once I was naked he made me stand in front of the mirror and made me lift my head and see. I hate my body, I always avoid looking at my body, even in the shower I don’t look at myself but now he’s forcing me to look at it. “See little Kitty, you’re a girl,” he says making sure I saw my body I felt tears going down my face, he dresses me as he usually does after that, paying no attention to my bruised and blistered bum-bum. I had some tears still going down my face when he carried me down to the kitchen, instead of letting me get away after he gave me the bottle, he sat me on a chair of my own, giving me a bottle and sat to eat his own food. My bum-bum hurt so badly I wanted to scream and jump, the hardwood wasn’t helping, I drank the bottle quickly and tried to get up. “Stay where you are,” he says in his cold voice, and I obey him and stay in my place, fiddling around trying to relieve my pain but it wasn’t working. Ian ate his breakfast very slowly, when he was done, he took his plate and my bottle to the sink and washed them both. He went back to the table and sat down to read his paper, I was still fidgeting wanting to get away, I looked around the place trying to get my mind off the pain, it’s when I saw the cooktop, it was a gas-operated one. After he was done with his paper, he looked at me and got out of his seat, he lifted me off my chair and carried me to the living room, he had a playpen set there. He placed me there and left to his office, I moved straight to my stomach to lift the ache off my bum-bum. Seems like my roaming around the house days are over, he didn’t even bother turning the TV on for me, what am I supposed to do the whole day now? Just sit here, not even a toy was given to me, I moved my tail lazily playing with my tail, it found its way to my mouth and I sucked on it happily, it gave me some comfort. After some time have passed and Ian was nowhere to be seen, I moved to my plan, I climbed over my playpen, it was hard to do since the walls were too high and I had nothing to help me climb. I tried to keep quiet as much as possible, if Ian catches me trying to move away from the playpen he’ll go crazy on me and my bum-bum can’t take any more pain. I went to the kitchen and looked around for a way to start a fire, I know I shouldn’t play with the stove or the fire. People get hurt from fire, but this is an emergency I needed to be saved. I stood in front of the stove and thought about it, I turned the whole knobs of the stove on, the fire didn’t go on, I frowned at that, I got all the tea towels I can find in the kitchen and threw them on the stove, there was a bad smell in the kitchen now but no fire. I searched a little more and found a lighter, now this is the dangerous part, I used the lighter to turn on only one of the stove eyes that had the tea towel on and it burned right away, I giggled with glee this is working, take that Ian that would teach you to call me a girl and beat me up. I ran as fast as I could out of the kitchen and went to find a hiding place, if Ian catches me now I won’t see Dylan and I won’t be saved. My best hiding option was the laundry room, I got in one of the hampers that had some sheets in it. I got in the hamper and hide under the sheets and waited for Dylan to come over, there was nothing right away, I expected them to come faster here. But after waiting and waiting there was no one, then a bad smell came up in the house, it was a bad smoke smell, but I stayed hidden, then there was a beeping voice, like the one in my father car, it’s when Dylan came last time, it worked. “Olivia…” I heard Ian calling me but I stayed hidden. “Oliva come here you little brat” I heard the same while coughing but I still ignored him, I’m not coming out until Dylan gets here. The smoke scent got worse and worse, it filled my hiding place, but I stayed hidden where I was, I was getting dizzy but refused to come out. I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier, then the siren came again, Dylan is here I think to myself happily. I heard many voices in the house, I heard footsteps, but I still stayed hidden what if it’s Ian and not Dylan, then came the strange voice. “Olivia…here kitty kitty…” the first voice said close to my hiding place. “Don’t be an i***t Jack” I heard the reply which made me chuckle. “Little one, you win now come out and I’ll give you candy,” the second voice says, uh-uh this is the same promise I heard before getting my bum-bum snaked, I’m not getting out. The smoke was so bad it made me dizzy and coughing, I didn’t get up from underneath the sheets, waiting for Dylan’s voice to come I only trust him. No matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes open, they ended up closing on their own before Dylan got here.
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