32-Clingy Little.

1555 Words

Nathan POV. After dropping Elli at the daycare, she started crying not wanting me to leave, but I knew she’d cry, I knew it was the first time I left her alone. It broke my heart when I had to say goodbye and get to work, her teacher knew to call me in case of any problem. I got to work but my brain was still with the little kitten back in the daycare, did she make friends? I hope she did, maybe if she find some to play with she won’t mind going to the daycare when I got to work, I don’t work every day, but my schedule is still filled with working hours. Thankfully my day passed without any calls from her teacher, or maybe it’s a bad thing, I hoped she would ask for me. I don’t know I’m messing with my own ideas these days, I changed from my scrubs to everyday clothes and went to pick

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