Luminescence Adapted from a story originally published in Martian Wave (March 2010), this story details the disappearance of Paul Ormerod and Hadie Kessler, an event that becomes important in the ISF-Allion novel Shifting Reality and its sequel Shifting Infinity. A bright flash turned the ice under my feet into a sheet of white. The inside of the inflatable dome blazed in X-ray vision as my visor's auto-polarise function cut in, providing me with a skeleton-view of the flexible struts that held up the fabric. A split second, and then the murky orange hue of the Titanian atmosphere returned. Darker still inside our tent on the ice of Kraken Mare on Titan's south pole. I depolarised my visor, heart thudding. Black spots danced in my vision. "Paul? Did you see that? Paul? Do you hear me?