
Her Royal Ties (Book 2)


Book Two - Sequel to Best Friends & Soul Mates

Your favorite couple Trio is back Twenty-Five years later, and their bonds are stronger than ever. After the challenge faked by Duke Mohammed and Princess Crystal, the Duke and Duchess returns to Morocco to temporarily sit on the throne.

As agreed in the Familial Blood Oath, Princess Luna Crystal and Princess Luna Lady Mia are sent their monthly allowances that they are royally entitled to. Until a deadly plague sweeps through the land and King Duke Mohammed is affected.

The death of King Duke Mohammed forces Princess Luna Crystal to make a decision. Will she stay in Morocco and finally take the throne? Or will she return to Silver Moon?

Follow Princess Luna Crystal’s journey and the hard decision she has to make to fulfill Her Royal Ties!

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Chapter One ~ It’s my father!
Crystal POV             “Slow down Mia, I can’t understand a word you’re saying.” I said to Mia over the phone pacing back and forth in my bedroom. Caelan had just left for work, and the twins, Christian and Angel were getting ready to go to school. Amir and Colton volunteered to take the twins to school on their way into town this morning for Amir’s gown fitting. The twins turn eighteen next month and we’re having a formal birthday bash for them like the party Amilah and I had. “Crystal, we have to return to Morocco. My father is deathly ill, and my mother is losing it.” Mia said in a slower tone, and I heard every word. I gasp and took a seat on the couch in the sitting area.             “Mom, what’s wrong?” Christopher asked as he barged into my room, and I looked at him with a glare for not knocking first.             “Christopher, where are your manners? What if I had been exposed?” I snapped at him.             “Dad told me you were up and dressed already, I need to grab his duffle bag and put it in his car for this evening.” He said to me softly with apologetic eyes.             Christopher and I have a special relationship. He’s my first born and although I love all my children the same. This kid here is my strongest heartbeat. It was just him for six years, then the twins Cyir and Amir came, but by that time my bond with Christopher was solid and he’s such a momma’s boy even though he is a spitting image of my handsome husband.             “Okay, sorry for snapping at you but next time you still knock before entering somebody’s bedroom. Oh, and tell your father I will reach the office after I pick the twins up from school.” I said in a much sweeter tone.             “Okay mom, see you later. I’m going to work with dad, Brandon, and Uncle Brian today.” He said in a happy tone as he grabbed his father’s duffle bag and walked out my room gently closing the door behind himself.             After Christopher and Brandon both turned twenty-one, Caelan and Brian started training them in pack business and once a week the boys went to work with them at the law firm since they were both planning to become lawyers like their fathers.             “Crystal, are you still there?” I heard Mia’s voice sound through the phone and raised it back to my ear. Christopher’s little stunt made me forget I was on the phone with her.             “Yes, I’m here, what were you saying?” I said to her in a calm tone.             “It’s my father! He’s deathly ill and we are being summoned to Morocco. We have to be there next week, Tuesday.” She said and I sat and looked at the calendar on the wall.             “Okay, I will talk with Caelan and let him know. How long will we need to be there? Cyir and Amir’s eighteenth birthday is next month and we’re planning a birthday bash like the one Amilah and I had.” I said hoping she responded not long.             “I’m not sure, my mother is losing her mind and the doctor’s said my father’s health is declining daily and he may not make it past the next three months.” Mia said sadly and I could hear the sob in her tone.             “Okay, I will call you as soon as I get to Caelan’s office this evening. It’s our 25th Wedding Anniversary weekend and we’re supposed to be going away for a couple nights.” I said to her.             “I forgot about that. Happy Anniversary! I love you guys!” She said with a smile and ended the call.             It’s been twenty-five years since Duke Mohammed, and I made the Familial Blood Oath and I have to say I have come to love him like a father. The challenge took place as agreed and we made the oath before the actual challenge. I understood that as long as he was alive, I would have power and control of the Morocco throne, but he would rule the country.  Another part of the oath was that I would receive a $65,000.00 monthly allowance which was for me, Caelan, and the kids. Along with the title Princess, Lady Luna Mia would receive a $30,000.00 monthly allowance for her, Uncle Kurt and any children they conceived. King Duke Mohammed has done an amazing job by my standards and if his last days are coming, I would want nothing more than to be by his side. I don’t want to leave my family here at Silver Moon even if it is temporary, but if I have to, I will do what is required of me.             I sat looking at the wall calendar for a few more minutes before I sighed and went to check on the Christian and Angel, I wanted to make sure they knew to mind their brother while dad and I were gone for a couple days. When I got to Angel’s room, she was grabbing her book bag and getting ready to walk out of her room.             “Good morning mommy, are you looking for Christian?” Angel asked me with a smile on her face.             “Actually, I was looking for the both of you. Dad and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary this weekend and your big brother Christopher have agreed to keep an eye on you guys while we are away. Although aunt Kendra and Uncle Brian will be here, if you need anything ask your brother first, okay honey?” I said to her, and she nodded her head.             “Hey mom, Uncle Brian said you were looking for me.” Christian said as he walked up to me and Angel.             “Yes, Dad and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary this weekend and your big brother Christopher have agreed to keep an eye on you guys while we are away. Although aunt Kendra and Uncle Brian will be here, if you need anything ask your brother first, okay?” I said to him, and he smiled.             “Okay mom, but can you ask Christopher to take me to the skate park today after school. Who’s picking us up from school anyway?” He asked with a smirk. This one here is so much like his father it drives me crazy at times.             “I’m picking you guys up from school and taking you to dad’s office, you guys are coming home with Christopher, when he’s done working at dad’s office. I will tell him to take you to the skate park tomorrow, it will be too late after he’s done working today.” I said to him, and he nodded.             “Angel… Christian… It’s time to go or you two will be late for class!” Amir yelled from the Alpha lounge.             “Okay babies, I will see you guys on Sunday when dad and I get back. Behave yourselves and remember the rules for when dad and I are away. I love you both” I said giving them both a hug and kiss on their foreheads.             “Okay mom, we love you too.” They both said in unison before walking down to the Alpha lounge.             ‘Amir, I expect you and Colton to be on-time to class as well. I will see you when you get back this afternoon.’ I said to Amir through mind link.             ‘Okay mom, we will be on-time to class, and I should be home around 2:00pm.’ Amir responded through link.             ‘Okay honey, be careful. I’ll see you when you get back home.’ I said to Amir before cutting off the mind link.             True to her word, Amir and Colton returned from school and shopping in town a few minutes before 2:00 pm. Amir is so much like me and Kendra, very responsible and smarter than your average teenager. I’m really proud of her and all her accomplishments, she was lottery selected for the SES Conference this year, but Caelan and I decided we would let a less fortunate student go because we can definitely afford college if she wants to go.             “Hey mom, I’m home and Cyir called and said dad wants him to ride with you to his office. He should be home by 3:00 pm.” Amir said as she walked into my office.             “Okay, I’ll wait for him. I haven’t spoken to your father, Is everything okay?” I asked her with a slight hint of concern in my tone.             “Yeah, I asked Cyir and he said Uncle Brian needs his help with something and that he will come home with Christopher, Angel, and Christian. I don’t think Uncle Brian trust him all that much on his motorcycle.” She said with a chuckle, and I smile and nodded at her.             “Your Uncle Brian is very protective of you two for his and Aunt Kendra’s name sakes. He feels Cyir is the dare devil your father was when he was his age, and the motorcycle does make him a little nervous.” I said to her with a small laugh remembering Brian’s reaction to Cyir buying the motorcycle last year instead of a normal sedan.             “I found a dress mom, but do you think Aunt Marie would make some alterations for me. It’s a little too big and a little to long. I didn’t buy it because I wanted to ask her first. I’m going to call her and see if she will go back to the store with me on Sunday morning.” Amir said as she pulled up the picture of the gown on her cell phone. It was a beautiful dress, and she would look amazing in it.             “It’s beautiful honey, I’m sure Aunt Marie can do whatever you need, and she would be honored to do it for you.” I said with a smile, and she smiled back.             “Mom, can I ask you something?” Amir asked as she sat in the chair across my desk.             “Anything honey, what’s going on?” I asked her and smiled.             “Do you think dad would allow me to go camping with Colton and some friends from school next weekend?” She asked looking at the floor.             “I don’t see why not, dad and I, like Colton a lot and we are good friends with his parents, as a matter of fact, his dad Jonathan when he was younger was very smitten with me.” I said to her with a chuckle.             “But you’re like ten years older than him.” She said with a light laugh.             “Eleven and a half almost twelve years older, but that didn’t stop him from telling your dad that I was going to be his mate when he got older.” I said with a laugh remembering the incident.             “Good thing he found Christina because I’m sure dad wasn’t giving you up.” She said and laughed, and I laughed with her shaking my head.             “Hey mom, can I catch a ride with you to dad’s office?” Cyir asked as he walked into my office.             “Sure, I was waiting for you, but we have to hurry your brother and sister gets out of school in thirty minutes.” I said to him as I noticed the wall clock said 2:45 pm and Angel and Christian gets out of school at 3:15 pm.             “Okay, I’ll meet you at the car, I need to grab my backpack and put my helmet up. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Cyir said walking out of my room.             I kissed Amir and grabbed my duffle bag with my keys and phone and walked out of my office and to my car to wait for Cyir. Cyir came out five minutes later and we left to the twin’s school. We arrived just as the bell rung and they were climbing in the car fifteen minutes later.             “Hey bro, what you are doing here?” Christian asked Cyir.             “I’m just catching a ride with mom to dad’s job. Uncle Brian needs my help with something and didn’t want me riding my motorcycle.” Cyir said to Christian and they both laughed.             It took us a half hour to get to Caelan’s office, it was 4:00 pm by the time we pulled into the employee garage. The kids and I, all jumped out the car and went up the elevator straight to the twenty-fourth floor to Caelan’s office.

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