Chapter 3

2076 Words
“What the hell!” I shrieked in surprise while looking down at my thighs.  Dylan was wiping my thigh with a wet paper towel without any warning that when the cold towel hit my skin I wasn’t ready for it.  “My bad” He laughed while continuing to wipe my thighs where I pointed to before motioning where the wine spilled.  “I can do it,” I grabbed the paper towel from his hands and turned away from him wiping off whatever was left.  When we returned home I quickly excused myself and went into my room to shower. Dylan doesn’t notice but since people at school started spreading the rumor that Dylan was my boyfriend it made me very conscious of him.  Of course, he’s attractive but I always saw him as a brother and nothing more, well not until I started noticing him as a man recently.  Morning came around quick and after I washed my face and brushed my teeth I went downstairs for breakfast before training. Every Saturday Dylan would come and work out with me to train. If I wanted to take over one day I have to be able to defend myself so for the past few years Dylan trained me every Saturday when I had school and every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday when I was off.  “Bacon and eggs with a side of hash browns with sriracha” Dylan placed in front of me as I took my seat at the table across from him.  “Thank you” I looked at him, who nodded a reply to me, before I dug into my food.  “What’s the plan today?” I asked placing my plate into the sink as he finishes his coffee and doing the same.  “I’m thinking of stamina training today, so laps around the pool.” I nodded and headed upstairs to change. I wore my royal blue bikini and met him outside by the pool.  Dylan was half naked in his green swim trunks that displayed his deep v-line and washboard eight pack abs. I wouldn’t be as surprised if he had six packs as those aren’t that hard to obtain if one is consistent with their workout, heck I had six packs, but eight packs were a different story. To get eight packs not only do you have to be diligent with your workouts but to maintain it, you basically had no off days.  Dylan noticed my presence as I opened the door and turned around eyeing me up and down. Now normally I would be fine with it but recently I’m feeling a little uncomfortable from all the attention I receive from him. “First we warm up then we swim” I nodded and stepped next to him as we stretched. I was on the floor with my legs split wide open and Dylan pushing down my back to stretch further. When I felt his bare hands on the skin of my back I couldn’t help but shiver in excitement.  We swam for about half an hour and Dylan called for break.  “Why are you tired already? Old man out of stamina?” I teased as he threw me a bottle of water to drink. I watched as he chuckled and shook his head taking a sip of water. What distracted me the most was his Adam's apple as it moved up and down when he chugged the bottle of water. Because we were just in the pool droplets of water were falling down from his neck to his chiseled chest making me swallow my own saliva unknowingly.  “I definitely have a lot of stamina, not that you would know.” He smirked as he took my water bottle from my hands and helped me out of the pool.  “Oh yeah?” I looked at him with my hands on my hips.  “Yeah, I can go for rounds on end.” He smirked again this time wrapping my towel around me and drying me off a bit. I couldn’t help but stare at his lower region based on his comment just now and noticed that his wet swim trunks stuck close to his body outlining his very big and very long member. Dylan must have noticed my eyesight as he grabbed my chin and gave me a wink before laughing and walking away leaving me there red from head to toe.  “s**t…” I whispered to myself, he totally caught me checking him out.  “I’m going to the club tonight.” I told Dylan as we finished showering separately in our rooms and met up in the kitchen for some lunch. Dylan doesn’t live with us but he stays over more than returning home so dad gave him a room right across from mine.  “Which one?” Dylan picked up the lasagna made by the maids and cut into it giving himself an ample amount and then some for me.  “LIV Miami, Sammy is having her bachelorette there” He nodded and took his phone out and pressed some buttons before giving me his undivided attention again.  “Okay, let me know what time and we head out.” I nodded and took the bigger plate of lasagna from him and took a quick bite. “Hey that’s my plate” he laughed as he shook his head and added more food to the plate he had in his hands. I stuck my tongue out and walked to the dining room.  “What’s yours is mine” I smiled while taking another bite from the plate of food in front of me.  “And what’s yours is...?”  “Also mine.” I smiled as he laughed and started eating.  To prepare for Sammy’s party I quickly scanned over my walk-in closet filled with designer brands. Sammy texted all the girls to wear red to match her theme so I quickly picked out my Versace satin spaghetti strapped dress and matched it with a pair of black Louboutin. Nothing like matching a red dress with red soles.  “How do I look?” I walked out of my room to find Dylan waiting for me patiently in front of his room. He was wearing a black button down with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants with a pair of shoes.  “Stunning.” He smiled and helped me downstairs into the car.  In twenty minutes we arrived at the club.  “Kiara you’re here!” Sammy ran to me as she saw me coming through the doors with Dylan behind me. “Hi Dylan!” Sammy smiled at Dylan and turned back to me pulling me away.  “I love Dylan but why did he come along? You won’t be able to have some fun if he’s here!” She whispered in my ears as she pulled me into the VVIP room.  “What do you mean? He’s always with me.” I looked back at Dylan who headed to the bar not far from our room.  “He’s always c**k blocking Kiara, don’t tell me you never noticed!” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “You think so?” I took a seat next to Natalie putting myself between her and Sammy.  “Oh Absolutely. Right Nat? Dylan always c**k blocks Kiara.” Natalie nodded and handed me a glass of champagne.  “Last time we went out to Story Dylan so c**k blocked the guy who was dancing with you. Remember how after you returned from the restroom the guy was gone?” I nodded vividly remembering what happened a few weeks prior when Natalie turned 22.  “Apparently, this is from Raina, but she said Dylan pulled the guy out once he saw you going to the bathroom and within a few minutes later returned alone fixing his shirt a bit. I bet he totally beat the s**t out of him.” Natalie clinked out glasses together motioning for us to take a drink.  “I had no idea that happened.” I refilled the glass and took a look outside the door making eye contact with Dylan.  Although there was a blonde girl in skimpy clothes speaking to Dylan, his eyes never left mine as he replied to her advances.  “He totally likes you Kiara.” Sammy took my hand and pulled me up. “Want to test it?” She smiled and winked at Natalie who also got up and the two pulled me out to the dance floor.  Sammy, Natalie and I grew up together as they were my cousins on my mother’s side. They weren’t part of the whole mafia ordeal and all but they were rich girls on their own since our grandfather on my mother’s side owned a few malls around the city.   “I bet you, if we set a guy up with you Dylan’s going to make a move!” Sammy screamed as loud as she could while we moved to the music.  “He’s not into me like that!” I laughed and shook my head. “Kiara, he totally does!” Natalie grabbed my hand and spun me around in circles before pushing into a random guy behind us. I landed in his arms and looked at Natalie who mouthed to me ‘he’s hot, go have fun’ and she started dancing with Sammy.  “Sorry” I screamed between the loud music as the blonde guy who was a head taller than me smiled and leaned close to me ears.  “No worries, not everyday does a beautiful woman fall into my arms” I giggled at his flirtatious compliment. “I take the beautiful giggles you’re making as permission to dance?” He spun me around and I nodded as we moved to the rhythm.  We danced closely as our bodies were barely centimeters apart. Our hips rolled to the music and against each other while his arm snaked around my waist pulling me close. I looked up and saw his deep blue eyes staring back at mine inching closer and closer until our lips were inches apart.  Before our lips touched I was suddenly pulled away from this beautiful man into the arms of a very warm and familiar embrace.  “Hey dude, I was with her first” the guy I was dancing with pointed his hand at the one holding me in his arms captive.  “f**k off, she’s not interested.” Dylan angrily gritted before pulling me away. We passed by Natalie and Sammy and they just looked at me and smiled while mouthing ‘I told you so.’ I rolled my eyes and smiled while walking away.  “Dylan stop.” I called out to him as we reached the balcony upstairs in the club.  “I was having fun you know.” I crossed my arms on my chest and looked at his back as I was behind him.  “Kiara, that man is no good for you. He’s just a nobody and by the looks on his face, he probably can’t even satisfy a woman in bed.” Dylan ran his hand through his hair and looked at me dead in the eye. I flinched a bit under the intense stare and instinctively walked backwards until my back hit a wall and Dylan right in front of me trapped me between him and the wall.  “How would you know?” I looked at him trying to sound like I’m not intimidated by him when in turn I definitely was. Here we have a hot, muscular, perfect man whose looks can kill trapping me between his arms and the wall.  “Kiara, I’m telling you he’s no good so he’s no good. f**k, this is why I hate you coming to these places.” He sighed and I couldn’t help but want to tease him because he’s just so attractive. That and the alcohol kicking in giving me more confidence than I need to confront Dylan.  “If he’s not good enough, are you?” I leaned closer and placed my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His eyes widened at my actions and I smiled.  “Kiara… you don’t want to do this.” His eyes narrowed and suddenly I felt a tug at my heart. Was he not attracted to me like I am with him? Is he only attentive to me because I’m dad’s daughter?  “And if I don’t?” I asked, half curious and half afraid. There is no denial of my attraction towards Dylan at this point.  “Kiara…” he looked at me in the eyes and suddenly I stopped hearing the music from the club as my attention was all on Dylan and the closing of spacing between us.  “Dylan.” I smiled while bringing my body close to his pressing my full body against his.  The next thing I recalled doing was pressing my lips against his. Before I could pull away realizing what I did, one of Dylan’s arms wrapped around my waist holding me closer while the other held the back of my head deepening the kiss. He licked my lower lips asking for entrance and I unknowingly reacted and felt our tongues play with one another. I found myself getting lost in his kisses and just let him take control. 
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