Chapter 8-2

2105 Words

The ruthless, depraved Mexican cartels that ran these diabolical, insidious, modern day slave-trading operations, possessed no scruples nor did they think twice about brutally murdering anyone who got in their way. If I was right, jumping into the middle of this could be far dicier than any of my previous assignments. Did I really want to pursue something this perilous? If I did choose to continue, no way could I share my ideas with Tally, especially after his forceful reaction yesterday to a simple cut on my chin. He’d blow his stack and probably call off the wedding. But, I cautioned myself, what if none of what I’d theorized was true and I’d just “what if’d” myself into a fabricated tizzy? I had not one ounce of proof to present to anyone. On impulse, I called Marshall and laid

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