Chapter 9 - Michael

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I have checked on Zean and he said he has been observing Jane from afar. He seemed more relaxed when I saw him, maybe it is due to the fact that I have finally sorted my thoughts out. He assured me he would continue his watch and that I should go deal ‘with the demon’. With the issue of Jane safely in Zean’s hands, I head back to the apartment to continue my meditation. I took the time to finish clearing my mind and reinforcing my conviction. My phone buzzes me out of my meditation. It’s Alya. ‘Michael! Come quick. My house. It’s Jaed.’ I go without hesitation, and I’m greeted by Alya bustling around Jaed who is sitting at the table. “What’s wrong?” “I don’t know. He won’t answer me!” Jaed seems to be awake, but his face is slack and he is not focussing on me or Alya. Other than that he seems to be ok. “Do you have smelling salts, Alya?” She nods and runs to the other room. I don’t think I have ever seen her so flustered. Jaed must have made quite the impression on her. Or he used his aura on her. I can feel my jaw clench, but I shove the thought aside for now. Alya returns with a small vial and waves it under his nose. He snorts and shakes his head. I see his eyes focus and flash around the room before they settle on me. The depth of despair I see in them is almost human. I look back at him unflinching. Alya caps the bottle and sets it down. Her movement causes Jaed to turn to her. “My boy, what happened?” She has switched to her nurturing voice. It’s soothing tone has an immediate effect on Jaed. And for the first time since the dawn of time, I am witness to the tears of a Demon. They well up and fall, leaving shiny trails down his cheeks. What in Aeris! “They’re dead.” I almost miss his whispered answer. I realize that I’ve been staring, mesmerized by the tears. I didn’t even think it was possible that Demons could cry. Even during torture and intterogation they never cried. Curses and screams, yes. But tears…. never. “Who is dead?” Alya’s voice has a small tremor to it now. Jaed’s eyes are starting to unfocus and he ignores her question. “Who’s dead, Jaed?” The sound of my voice snaps him back. His watery gaze rests on me again. His voice is quiet and gritty. “My pets.” I can hear Alya’s question under her breath. “Pets?” “My pets. They are all dead.” The pain in his voice and the deadness of his eyes are almost too painful to bear. -------------------- We finally get Jaed settled on the couch. I can tell Alya has questions, but thankfully she holds her tongue, busying herself with Jaed’s care. A lifetime ago whe would have made a great nurse or doctor. She's sitting at his side watching the rise and fall of his chest. His eyes are closed but there is a stiffness in his face that tells me he isn’t asleep. I motion Alya to the door. “I have to check on Jane. Zean hasn’t checked in and is not returning my calls. Message me immediately if there is any change.” I turn to go when I feel her small hand on my arm. “He’s not like you, is he?” I ponder the answer to that question for a few seconds. I don’t look at her. I can’t. “He is…, and he isn’t.” She removes her hand and lets me go. I step outside and I hear the door softly close behind me. Closing my eyes, I raise my face to the sky and take a deep breath of the night air. I open my portal to a spot near Zean’s hideout. My foot has just broken the plane of the portal when I hear the door crash open. Jaed is standing in it. I can sense the anger radiating from him. “You are not leaving me again.” “What are…” “No, you have done nothing but leave me. I’m tired of being in the dark.” A day ago, his last statement would have had a more profound effect on me, but I’ve confronted my demons (ha, no pun necessary) and tamed them. But he is right, I’ve tried to distance myself from him to compensate for the uncomfortable feelings he created. Not any more though. “Come then. I need to check on Jane and Zean.” He takes a step forward before he realizes I’m not going to argue. His anger is replaced with confusion as he looks back at Alya. I can barely make her out in the dark of the doorway. She’s too far back for me to see her expression and her posture is not giving me any clues. Finally she waves her hands in a shooing motion. He waits just a few seconds, then turns and strides towards her, enveloping her in a hug. I can see her arms stiffen before wrapping around his shoulders. Interesting. He releases her after a few moments, mumbles something, and kisses her forehead. Stepping away he turns back to the door and gives a small wave as he closes it gently. As soon as the door shuts, his demeanor changes. His face is set with determination as he approaches. I hold my tongue and wave him through. With a quick nod and no hesitation, he steps into the portal. I contemplate this interaction and decide it doesn’t matter. He will never see her again. Alya will be moved to a new place that I have waiting for just a situation like this. I take my phone out and send a quick message to a contact that is very rarely used. She knows the drill. I get confirmation for removal in 48 hours. A little longer than I would like, but I can’t do anything about it. I send agreement and the file needed for her to complete the job. I take one last look around before following Jaed. “Goodbye Alya.”
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