
2119 Words

Yeisha's mind went blanc, she couldn't even talk even just a single word. She blink, and blink and gasp to relax her inner soul. "How are you? It's been a while" somehow she remembered this voice. Holy Mother!! She felt numbness on her hands holding the phone and the phone fell, making Roderick runs through her. "Babe? What's wrong?!" he embrace her suddenly and kiss her on top of her head as he is patting her back. She inhaled and exhale and then sob. "Hush babe! It's okay—I'm here.. Look at me!" Roderick said while caressing her face and wiping her tears by his thumb. "Rod—I'm.. That man.." Roderick bend down to get the wrecked cellphone of Yeisha and assemble it.. While assembling it, Roderick is frowning and glaring once in a while with his babe who is now relax as she is sitti

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