chapter 62?

427 Words
Cassy's thoughts were on that beautiful looking hair piece, sitting royally in the middle of a box on top of the smooth and expensive looking red colored velvet cloth. Cassy was so eager to get that piece of jewelry that she forgot about everything around her for a second. Cassy’s eyes shone brightly, as the thing she wanted was only a few fee away from her and in minutes it would belong to her. She already started dreaming about what to do with that piece of hair clip accessory. She started pairing it off with other jewelry sets she had and made plans to wear which earrings and necklaces that would go well with this hair clip. She even started to pick up the dresses that would go well with this accessory and which one to wear on the day she would go to the market to see the parade of the princes, on the festival day. Cassy was all above the clouds in excitement. She mentally prepared, which color dress she should wear. Which necklace, SE of earrings to wear to match well with both the dress and the hair clip. She wanted to look the best out of all the girls in the town and she would make sure that happens at any cost. When Cassy was busy day dreaming about the festival day and the events that would take place on that day, Avery too had her own thoughts and idea running through her mind. But what mattered it was that Avery’s thoughts were all totally different from what her younger sister Cassy had in her mind. Avery looked around and saw that both Zara and Cassy's maid servant Karen was busy cleaning the table and the cups they just used to drink the refreshments brought by Zara. Avery casually took the hair clip accessory from the velvet box in her hands and started to extend it in her younger sister Cassy's direction. At the same time, Avery's eyes flashed evilly and she had a small dangerous smirk on her face. In a blink of an eye, Avery dropped the hair clip accessory in her hands so tactically that everyone in the room looked shocked when they heard a cruise sound. Everyone looked down on the floor and found out that the crisp sound that was heard a moment ago was none other than that precious and beautiful looking hair clip. The nice hair clip that was just in Avery’s hands a moment ago was now, shattered into several tiny pieces on the ground.
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