chapter 9?

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chapter 9: Cassy reached the royal palace gates and seeing her luxurious looking carriage and the finest horses pulling her carriage, the security guards in the main entrance to the royal palace exactly knows, who was in the carriage. The luxurious carriage entered the royal palace domineeringly, through the large palace gates and went towards the Western side to the moon lake palace courtyard. This is where Cassy stays now. But before that, this beautiful courtyard filled with various beautiful flower bearing plants and sculptures, was given to Avery in the start, when she got married to the second Prince Avalon. It was a gift from the great empress grandmother to Avery as a wedding gift. As the great empress grandmother was the one, who selected Avery, as the bride for second Prince Avalon. Back then, he was not named as the Crown Prince of the Valerian kingdom. Only after Marrying Avery Hastings, did Second Prince Avalon was nominated for the title and then named as the Crown Prince of the Valerian kingdom. Cassy got down from the carriage along with her loyal maid servant Karen. Upon entering the moon lake palace courtyard, she went into her quarters, skipping in happiness. She then dismissed all the other maid servants and kept only her loyal servant Karen by her side. “Take out the Crown Princess Consort royal robe and the gold tiara out of the safe box, Karen” Cassy ordered her loyal servant. She discarded her outer robe dress and sat Infront of the golden mirror, which was decorated with several pieces of valuable stones. Soon Karen brought out the things demanded by Cassy. Upon seeing the royal dress made of the best and pure form of silk in red colored fabric with real golden threads embroidery in it, made it look like too eye catching. The robe even had precious red and white stones embedded and stitched in the fabric, making it look more regal and royal. This was the dress that belonged to Avery in the past. But somehow, Cassy's eyes fell on it and she desired to obtain it. As usual by using some sweet talking and squeezing a few fake tears, she made Crown Prince Avalon to bring this robe from Avery and give it to her, as a gift. Remembering that day, Cassy showed an evil smirk. If looks could be said as poison, then the look in Cassy's eyes now could fit the description the very best. As in real, her look on Avery’s life was like a poison to Avery's life and it destroyed her life completely. Cassy quickly changed into the royal robe of the Crown Princess Consort with the help of her maid servant Karen and finally placed the Crown Princess Consort's gold tiara on her head, with a constant smile on her lips. Then she looked at her reflection in the golden mirror, decorated with precious stones and smiled in happiness. “finally, the royal robe of the Crown Princess consort and the beautiful tiara made of pure gold belonged to me. Now The only thing left to do, was to announce to the others that, I am the Crown Princess Consort and give me the title officially. Which will happen very soon though” Cassy said to herself and admired her own beautiful self in the golden mirror. 'With the help of this face and using this beauty in my favour, I made all these things, to achieve my goals', Cassy thought and had a meaningful look in her eyes. “You look beautiful, my lady. This royal robe suits only you, the best. The red and golden thread color combination of the robe, compliments your fair complexion perfectly”, her maid servant Karen flattered her. This brought a smile to crept on Cassy's face. “Of course. It suits me the best. Because, I am the most beautiful woman in the whole Valerian kingdom now”, Cassy said proudly and flipped her hair arrogantly. Then she began to dream about the day of her official wedding with the Crown Prince Avalon and the day of announcing her with the Crown Princess Consort title. With all these thoughts running in her mind, Cassy slept with a smile on her face, hoping eagerly for the dawn of the next day. ~*~ Hastings household, Madam Gwen’s personal quarters, Madam Gwen sat near one of the windows and opened one side of the window. The gust of chilling night air rushed inside the personal quarters, making Madam Gwen to fell the chilly prickling sensation, due to the chillness of the night air, as it has the rainy clouds up high in the sky. The cold moisture in the atmosphere could not even stand a little chance in comparison, to the amount of coldness present in the eyes of Madam Gwen. Madam Gwen looked out of the windows and looked at the stormy clouds, that are covering the clear full moon in the night sky, making the atmosphere look a little eerie and putting a damper on the onlookers mood. Madam Gwen had a long lost look in her eyes and she was lost, in the memories of the past. ‘huhh….you too died early, back then. Now even your daughter was following your footsteps. She had all of your qualities. She was a carbon copy of you. She had your beauty, your warm smile, your bright and pure shinning eyes, your kindness, your innocence, your passion and even your same level of stupidity. how ironic was that, right. Your empathy for others and the stupid and naïve character of yours, caused your early demise. The same thing happened to your daughter too. So what if, she had your excellent qualities and your out of the world stunning looks. It didn’t give her a different ending, different from what happened to you though. So what was the use of passing down all your qualities to your dear useless and stupid daughter, making her to suffer a same cruel and pitiful ending just like yours. Are you seeing your daughter’s suffering, up above from the sky. They say, the soul of the dead becomes as the stars in the sky. I wish that that saying was true though. I want you to see how your daughter suffered and how her life ended miserable, just because she had your stupid qualities, which you were so proud of having, when you were alive. The life in this world is like fighting in the war and living in a dangerous forest. You have to be strong and think like your enemy, to predict their next move and to avoid their deadly attack and fatal blows sent your way. But no. Your stupid self had be pure and innocent with a face like an angel. You were like a baby rabbit in the forest filled full of deadly and hungry wolves, attracting their attention towards you so quickly and so easily. You were not smart enough and strong enough to defend the deadly wolves and in the end, you got swallowed whole by the deadly wolves and lost your life, all due to your naïve nature. You thought that everyone around you were good people and had good intentions just like you. That was your first and foremost mistake. It was the reason, why every one was able to use you and get benefits our of you for their own selfish needs. You were so easy to manipulate and made used and controlled by others for your whole life. This was also the reason why you didn't see the demise of yours, sent your way early and you even died without knowing the reason and the cause of it, behind your death. You forgot and failed to recognize that sheep skin clothed real wolves and ended up leaving this world early unfortunately. But even your daughter was the same as you and failed to recognize her friends and enemies. That was her fault. So don’t blame me for both your and your daughter’s fault at failing to recognize the real face and intentions of the people on me. Its all on you, both mother and daughter pair.And also don’t blame me, for being cruel. Only the strongest and the smartest animal in the forest, can survive it’s enemies, ensuring it’s long life. It is the law of the nature, from the beginning of the creation of the world. Only the strongest One gets to survive in the world, while the weakest one gets to be a prey for the others. Both the mother and the daughter had the same fate, which really make me a little sad though. Both the mother and the daughter pair were born into a good and prestigious families. Both were the Apple of the eye of your families till you were useful to them and till the day you both had your part in them getting their benefits. Both were known for your beauty and good natured character throughout the whole kingdom. You two were the person of envy for all the people in the whole Valerian kingdom. But what does all that brought to you two. Nothing!!! Nothing but sorrows and sufferings from the ones, you loved dearly, your beloved and trusted people. You two were abandoned by your beloved and most loved dear husband’s of yours. Your husbands both betrayed, you mother and daughter pair, when they got a new toy to play with. You two were so easily replaced by your husbands, like they were changing their clothes, whom you loved dearly till you both were on the brink of your deaths. The family members, whom you considered your whole world, left you to fend for yourselves in your weakest point, instead of helping you guys to survive. I really pity you both, mother and daughter pair. So don’t blame me for being a wolf in this deadly forest. I had to think and act like the deadly wolves, inorder to ensure my safety and survival in this cruel world', Madam Gwen thought and lost in her train of thoughts. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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