chapter 44?

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Capital city of the Valerian kingdom. The Royal palace. The royal palace was as busy as they usually have and to add to their work, the servants in the Royal palace was informed that their princes were returning to the capital city that day from their trip they went to complete the official work. The workers of the Royal palace was both happy and anxious at the same time. Some were happy that their beloved princes were coming back. While some of them were anxious to the core, as the return of the royal Princes meant, there will be extra members of the royal family and they had to be cautious not to offend them. And not to mention the government officials and other female members of the royal family who wanted to visit the princes. It’s like the slaves and workers in the palace had to be extra cautious, so as to not to offend anyone of the high ranking members and officials, as they would lose their heads for that crime. The news of the return of the princes quickly reached the streets of the capital city spreading like a wild fire, making a Lot of young girl’s heart to race and made them yearn to atleast take a peek at the infamous royal princes of the Valerian kingdom. The news of their arrival automatically reached the peak at the peak of the power pyramid too. Empress Moira was too happy and elated that her royal grandsons were returning. And she had a very valid reason to be too happy too. Once the princes come and settle down, she can start the arrangements regarding their marriage, which she was very much anticipating and eager to go on a full fledged search to find her perfect grand daughter-in-laws. King Kellan on the other hand, went through the reports sent by his Royal sons, as he had to proceed with the reports in the Royal Court. And also he decided to make his Royal sons to stay in the capital city, making them to help in the Royal duties in the capital city. Noble consort Katherine was totally a case that was on a totally different level compared to the others. She couldn’t wait to see her beloved sons face, as it was a long time ago that she took a good look at her Favorite son. She threw orders left and right,making the palace maids to have a difficult time in taking in a breath. She specifically went to the royal kitchen and personally made the royal chef to cook all the favorite dishes of her beloved son Theodore. She personally overviewed the whole process of the cooking palace. Main Consort Benazir was both happy and frustrated at the same time. It will be too much of a coincidence, if the vehicle they were coming in broke in the middle of no where, causing the royal Prince Theodore together hurt. Even though, her plan failed miserably right now, she had other plans to the down her enemy. But more than that, she was genuinely happy that her Favorite son was eating till now.
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