chapter 58?

267 Words
“Zara, go and bring out the hair clip that our father had gifted it to me, when he came from the business trip last Time”, Avery said. Zara served the refreshments she brought and stood beside her Lady, Miss Avery's chair. Upon hearing her lady’s orders, Zara turned around and sighed secretly. But she made sure that her facial expressions remain the same and had a stoic face. As Zara knows clearly that this time too second young Miss Cassy had come to snatch one of the precious things that her lady had in her possession. It was all the same in all these years. Usually the one who get good things, either good and drinks or dresses and jewels, it would always be her lady, the first Miss of the Hastings’ family, Miss Avery. But like always, the second Miss Cassy would always come and put on a pretty and innocent act while successfully snatching the things that originally belonged to her. But now I don’t mattered anymore. As her kind and innocent first Miss, Avery would always gives all the good things to others voluntarily with a happy smile on her face. Even second Miss Cassy clearly knows that and that was the reason, why she would put on a nice innocent act Infront of her elder sister and openly take things from Avery. Zara clearly knows that all the things that was taken by the second Miss Cassy in the name of borrowing it, Zara knows that she would never return the things she had taken from her lady, Miss Avery.
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