chapter 43?

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Third Person POV: When Main Consort Benazir was lost deep in her thought, her loyal servant Sara carefully refilled her lady’s tea cup and silently stayed beside her lady. Years for serving and being with her lady, main Consort Benazir, Sara clearly knows when to speak and when she had to keep her mouth shut and behave as if she didn’t exist at all very clearly. Well, what can she say so. All the years of her, serving under her lady, the only thing that made her to stay safe and alive was her strong sense of survival instincts. So Sara had learned a long time ago,about what to do in all the mood changes of her lady. Hence, she thought that the wise decision for her to do was to keep her mouth shut, so as not to provoke the already frustrated and anxious looking Benazir. Because Sara clearly knows that it will not end well for her, As her lady was in a very bad mood. When the two women in the room was lost deep in their own thoughts, a sudden noise, seemed to have disturbed them and made them come out of their little own world. The sudden noise inside the room was made by none other than the messenger bird, which had a message capsule tied around its left leg. Upon seeing the messenger bird land into her room, main Consort Benazir was very eager to know the message that the bird has brought to her. Because it was the bird, main Consort Benazir was waiting to see for a very long time. She had waited for the news it beared for so long. Knowing her lady, main Consort Benazir’s thoughts, as if she had read her lady’s mind, Sara quickly acted and went towards the messenger bird that came into their room. The messenger bird, which had traveled for a very long period, had finally arrived at its destination and hence it spread out it’s wings and picked it’s feathers calmly. It was giving itself a nice round of patting, by smoothing it’s disheveled feathers very carefully. Sara bend down and caught the messenger bird, causing it to get startled by the loyal maid’s sudden action, causing it to make sounds in its startled state. To make the bird to be calm, Sara quickly caressed it and made the messenger bird to calm down quickly. Then in a swift move, she removed the message capsule tied around its left leg and handed it to the anxious looking Benazir. Main Consort Benazir quickly took the message capsule from the extended hands of her loyal servant Sara and opened it hastily. Then she took the paper from the inside and opened it to read the message it carried. Once she read the news of the message, her facial features became stiff and she looked furious. Her beautiful face was married with a deep frown line and her face was tinted with a red hue due to her short temper. Because the news from the message capsule was nit the one, that she had waited upon to hear till now. It’s not the news she had wanted and waited to hear for all these times. Hence, she was very furious that she threw the message capsule down on the floor. The message capsule was made of metal material and hence when it was thrown on to the floor, it made a clinking sound when it hit the floor. In her bad temper, main Consort Benazir tore the small piece of paper that had the news into several tiny pieces to vent her anger. The one whole and neat looked paper was crushed and wrinkled and then tore into several tiny tiny pieces and it fell near main Consort Benazir’s feet, surrounding her. “That bastard is still alive. Those weak and waste men I hired couldn’t kill him, and not even able to hurt him severely. Those useless imbeciles. Good for nothing lowly dogs, couldn’t even do this simple job nicely and neatly”, main Consort Benazir gritted out and vented her anger and grievances that she was feeling right now. She was the one who had hired those group of assassins to hurt third Prince Theodore severely or more like to kill him, if they had the chance. She was trying to get rid of that bastard son of Consort Katherine for a very long time from now. But every time miraculously, he happened to escape from her well laid plan so easily that the hatred, main Consort Benazir felt towards him, increased ten folds as time passed by, along these years. The mere existence of third Prince Theodore bothered her so much that the mere thought of him, made her to blow her too in anger. Hence, she gathered the council of Ministers and scholars she had on her side secretly and planned to eradicate him many times. She finally succeeded in that too. Main Consort Benazir discussed with the council of Ministers to make an appeal to the king Kellan to send him to the far away land, making him to be away from her sight. It was her plan all along to send him out of the capital city. But unfortunately, after third Prince Theodore was dispatched to the outer Village, her precious son, second Prince Avalon too was sent to solve an official government job this time, making main Consort Benazir to feel sorry for herself. Main Consort Benazir wanted to send third Prince Theodore away from place, that was near to her precious son, second Prince Avalon. As all the time, both the second and third prince would be compared in terms of looks and skills by everyone in and outside the palace. Thus, she secretly, made the council of Ministers to send third Prince Theodore to the far away village. Thus when she heard that Third prince Theodore was coming back to the capital city, she wanted to use some under the table tricks to stop him from coming back to the capital city and the Royal palace. But like all the times in the past, third Prince Theodore had escaped from her sneaky attacks every time, making main Consort Benazir to loose her mind for a second in anger. Main Consort Benazir wanted nothing more than to want to eliminate third Prince Theodore and make him to suffer the same thing that message paper suffered in her hands. So that there won’t be a person who can be compared with her precious son, second Prince Avalon. Main Consort Benazir wanted to eliminate third Prince Theodore from competing against her son, second Prince Avalon knowingly or unknowingly. And this time, main Consort Benazir’s intent in stopping Third prince Theodore to come back to the palace was even more so high that the last times she had felt like this. As now, it was all about getting married and winning the favor of the in-laws. Those powerful and influence of the in-laws could be used to achieve even more amazing things in the future. And it can indirectly aid in the naming process of the Crown Prince title. Thus, main Consort Benazir wanted her son to win this time at all costs. But when main Consort Benazir heard that third Prince Theodore was not injured badly and was even coming back to the capital city was only considered as a great threat to her precious son, second Prince Avalon.. Sara who was standing by the side silently, saw all these and she could finally grasp the situation clearly. ‘Looks like the plan made by her lady had failed miserably, making her lady to go crazy', Sara thought and sighed heavily. She stopped caressing the messenger bird and slowly turned around and went towards the window. She quickly let the bird to fly away and returned to her lady’s side silently. She cautiously went towards her lady, main Consort Benazir and tried to ease her lady's mood. ~*~ in the capital city.. Hastings household Mansion. Avery sat in the garden she had in her court yard. the garden was full of plants that bloomed with different colored flowers in different sizes and each had different scents coming from them. the brightly bloomed flowers were like an invitation to the Honey seeking butterflies and bees, making them to swarm around the flowers. the bright and colorful eye-catching petals of the flowers attracted the butterflies. it was a beautiful scenery to witness and Avery sat under the large peach tree and looked at this scene. The surroundings of the garden was so quiet giving a serenity to the onlookers. Even though the scene Infront of her was so beautiful and pleasant to the eyes, her eyes didn't showed the interest in appreciating the nice looking scene infront of her. Avery just looked ahead blankly and her mind seemed to be else where. This place has become a regular hangout place for Avery. she always comes and st under the tree while looking into the distance blankly. It has become a habit of hers. all her past suffering would surface whenever she closed her eyes and suffocated her. thus she chose this open place to feel more comfortable and took in deep breaths whenever she felt like feeling difficult and suffocated from the thoughts from the past. All of a sudden, like a lightning shot through her, Avery gasped and opened her eyes in panic. she looked around and found that she was in her home, in Court yard. it look some time for her to realize that she was not struck in her past but was sitting in her garden safely. pressing a hand on her chest where her heart was beating violently, she tried to control her rapid breathing. she told herself that it was just the memories. but even though they were memories of the past, the pain, helplessness and anxiety she felt that time was so deep that she felt all those feelings again while reliving those memories, making it hard for Avery to distinguish between reality and nightmare. she was constantly struck between the past and the present and was so confused.
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