The fierce redhead

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Chapter Three Damon POV The red-haired woman behind the screen was a surprise, even my assistant informed me that she would be joining a little later than the scheduled time, I never expected to find ginger hair. She had been listening to Marcus tell me about his night in the north bay and found it repulsing that she didn’t hide it. My door opened and Marcus trudged back in with his brow raised. “You’re done?” I closed the laptop and grabbed my phone. “Something like that,” I replied absent-mindedly as I typed on my screen. “Honestly, I thought you two would last longer.” He said with a sly smirk. Images popped up on my screen and the woman showed yet again. Anastasia Reed, daughter and heir of late Business mogul Sanchez. She was said to have worked in the company to learn management before her father died from a sudden car accident. Not so much about her was online, nothing from college, just pictures of when she was way younger and only with her father. Another set of pictures I found were pictures from her engagement- she looked shocked and was on the bridge of tears and that was it, she was never anyplace else, with no dinner or parties or events, it was as though she was staying hidden. Closing the pages, I found Marcus staring at me. “She had something important to take care of,” I answered and he snickered. “Yet she wasn’t happy that you were late,” he stated. “You sure seem to know let it slide easily. Who is she anyway? I don’t think I have seen her before.” “Remember the man who promised to trade in his watch if we won him in a poker match five years ago?” “Of course, I can never forget that guy. He was quite the man- never seen him after he left so abruptly that day. Why?” He asked typing on his screen. “Oh- s**t, I have to go, Alexia would have my head if I even think of cancelling.” “Where are you two going to?” “She has this program she’s launching soon and she needs a plus one. She has been talking about it for weeks and would beat me up if we ever go sparring again.” He said and adjusted his tie. “Speaking about showing up, will you show up to the opening of the Celeste fundraiser for the new project down on the coast?” I had forgotten about that, and I had no intention of showing up but some part of me was expectant to see someone. “I should,” …………………………………………………………………………………………. Evening came around quickly and I was on the last agenda on the list before retiring. As I drove to the restaurant, my sister called. It was between complaining about how some married man was hitting on her when she went out to pick out some packages for a client at the mall and how she was grossed out that he wasn’t taking the hint that she wasn’t interested. “- he didn’t even hide the fact that he was married and smiled at me like a freaking creep. Just imagine how it was going to Starbuck and he was offering to pay. Like dude, would you stoop that low?” She chuckled in the end. “Do you happen to have the name of this person?” “No, I didn’t bother that much and Damien, don’t even try. Please I know how you get but I’m fine, the dude backed off when he realized how much weight I could carry.” I chuckled as I slowed the car down in the front, a familiar redhead was in sight and my interest aroused. The woman was in black pants and a body-fitted turtle neck which complimented her body. Her red hair was packed in a high ponytail and as she got out of her car, she grabbed a jacket and tugged it over her shoulders and walked into the restaurant. “What a coincidence,” I muttered as I switched off the engine. “Are you still there?” she asked and I turned my attention to my phone. “Yes, but I have to go now. I’m meeting up with some partners for dinner today and I just arrived.” “Oh great, work and more work. You know Damien, it would make me happy if you had someone you spend time with- and before you say it, Marcus doesn’t count. You two have been friends since that silly swimming race. I mean a romantic relationship- someone you can be open and vulnerable to” “Yeah, right and then we get to do sleepovers and paint our nails while eating chocolate and watching Gilmore Girls. Sure Pacella, would do right that.” I snorted as I closed the car. “Look, I know that you mean the best for me but you know how important expanding the company is to me, and I know you wouldn’t want another woman to take your spot in my life.” “A romantic relationship isn’t a threat to me, yours especially.” Her voice had lowered and after growing up with her for over twenty years, it was clear that she was being serious. “I can’t make no promises to you Pacella, but I do love you and I have to go now.” The warm aura greeted me as I stepped past the sliding doors, I glanced down at my watch and then headed towards the elevator and at that moment, I caught sight of the redhead again but this time she was talking to someone. It was Anastasia Reed and she was speaking to another man, he was dressed in casual clothing and was doing most of the talking while she laughed. It was the first time I saw her laugh and it was genuine, sincere like she didn’t have a bad morning. For a second, her olive green eyes caught mine and her laughter seized but the smile still remained and as though time stopped we stared at each other until someone else came to them. And as I rode up the elevator, just one face reoccurred in my head, that of Anastasia Reed.
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