1- Interaction With The Royals

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Merylle's POV Soft giggles were heard in the four corners of the classroom when my classmates saw the one who entered. "Are you sure he's a 147-year-old vampire?" Arnia, my best friend, whispered to me. She’s a hybrid vampire. Her parents are both hybrids, which made her a hybrid. We are all eyeing professor Vali as he graces the classroom. He stands in front wearing his beige long coat with gold buttons partnered with his white trousers. His chocolate-colored high boots are below the knees, tucking the bottom part of his trousers. I’m not going to lie. He is a hundred-year-old vampire but he only looks our age. No wonder the girls in the room, be a vampire or a human, both giggle. “How can someone old as him be this hot?” I hear the whisper of one of the girls in the group behind me. Arnia glances at them and they all continue their soft whispers about our professor. I cringe at their chuckles. Aren’t they ashamed? Professor Vali is not just a professor but also a veteran warrior. Given his vampire skills, I am certain he can hear the shameless comments of my classmates. Professor Vali held his chin up high and straighten his back as he face the whole class. Unlike our other professors, he never brought a book as his reference with him. He only brings himself which amazes me. I mean, he’s teaching us history. I wonder how he can store all the information in his memory. Is it another vampire skill? I doubt. I have vampire friends and they often forget things we talked about the day after. I shake my head. "Good morning, students," he greets in his low and formal tone. The soft giggles earlier go louder. Lucky for them, professor Vali seems to not care. He’s probably already used to this reaction. I sigh. What's the point of giggling softly if it's a hundred percent sure that professor Vali will hear it? A hundred-year-old vampire who survived the great rouge war will never be an amateur when it comes to their powers. "Good morning, sir!" my classmates, as well as Arnia, enthusiastically replies. "Number one." My eyes widen at what I heard. I roam my eyes and notice that I wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Arnia, who is sitting beside me, attempted to open her notes. However, professor Vali swiftly closed their gap. In a blink of an eye, professor Vali is already in front of my best friend and getting the notes from her hands. My best friend pouts. “No one is allowed to open their notes.” He narrows his eye to every student. I feel a shiver in my spine when his pair of sight landed for a swift second at me. In my eighteen years of existence, I grew up with vampires but I am still not used to their presence. I still feel anxious and cold whenever a stranger vampire talks and goes near me. “If you listened to our last discussion, you will be able to answer today’s test.” Professor Vali’s eyes lands on Arnia. I lower my head and glued my eyes on my table. I don’t want to meet my teacher’s eyes. I am certain I won’t able to focus. Professor Vali teleports back in front of the classroom. My nervousness slowly fades when Luther, our elite vampire friend, stuck his tongue to Arnia. I smirk. The two continue teasing each other while remaining silent to avoid our teacher’s attention. Luther’s family is in the council, which makes him an elite one. Arnia threw a hardbound notebook at him but he easily catches it with a single hand. Arnia glare at him but he only smirks. Sometimes, I'm kind of jealous of their vampire powers. However, I don't want to be forever eighteen and spend hundreds of years living in this unjust kingdom. "Number one," professor Vali reiterated. He caught back the attention of the class. Arnia stiffens on my side. She turns to me and mouthed, 'I did not review!'. I only shrug my shoulders at her and mouthed back, 'Not my fault.' See? This is why I doubt that vampires have the power to remember everything. Even my friend could not remember what we discussed last time. Maybe Professor Vali is simply smart enough to remember what happened since the great rouge war. "The sweetness of the human blood depends on their...?" A small smile appears on my lips. Good thing I always review during the night. I raise my hand and he immediately sees me. He continues traveling his eyes at the whole class filled with nervous students. In the end, when he realizes that no one wants to volunteer aside from me, he calls me. "Yes, Merylle." I confidently stand in my seat. If there's anything I am not afraid of, that is reciting in class. "The sweetness of human blood depends on the character of a human. Every human being is naturally good. Hence, they have naturally sweet blood. However, if it happens that humans became evil. Their blood will taste bitter," I answer. I am a human so I have a basic knowledge of how vampires perceive and smell us. Arnia's copper eyes twinkles at me-- thankful that I answered the question gracefully. She's grateful not because I'll get to have high grades but because it will lessen her chance to be called into the class. Out of 37 students, it is impossible for professor Vali to call all of us. "If the human happens to be bad and he tried to change his character. Say, for instance, he does good and he repents for his bad behavior. Is there still a possibility for his blood to taste sweet?" Professor Vali threw the follow-up question. I silently clear my throat before answering. "No, sir. Once the human blood became bitter, the sweetness will never come back." "Partially correct." My confidence is slowly being shattered by what I heard. What? I memorized the textbook that I borrowed from the school library last night. I have a good memory and I'm confident in what I've answered. I sat back in my seat, waiting for Professor Vali's explanation. "Your answer is right. However, it still depends on who tastes your blood. If the vampire who would drink your blood likes or is attracted to you, you will taste sweet, no matter how bitter your blood is." My forehead wants to furrow. I haven't read it in the textbook! Or did I miss it? "The answer cannot be always seen in books, Miss Ovia," I gulp. Did he hear my thoughts? Of course, not! Even some of the royal vampires cannot master the reading of thoughts. "Experience is the best teacher," he adds which makes me press my lips together. He turns his back to think of the next question. However, one of my male vampire classmates spoke. "Why not you experience it with me, Merylle?" I turn to him. He's sitting on the last row with his other guy friends while smirking at me. I saw Luther's face grim. But before he can attack our classmate, Professor Vali swiftly teleports in front of him. He lifts our classmate with his hand, choking him. "I don't allow disrespect in my class, Eldo." Professor Vali's cold voice echoes in the room. None of us move nor open our mouths to speak. We watch Eldo struggle from Professor Vali's hand. He slams him down on his sit and goes back in front of the class. "Remember the rules. Treat humans with the same respect that you give to vampires," he eyed us one by one-- making sure that we understood what he said. "Number two..." he shifts his expression to a less frightening one. The atmosphere went back and Arnia's nervousness doubled. I sat in my seat and glance at Eldo. He’s coughing while a friend of his is helping him. This is why even though Professor Vali is strict, he is still fully respected by humans who are often afraid of their species. "Who is the first Royal Blooded couple that gives rise to Royal blood vampires?" "Yes!" Professor Vali acknowledge my classmate who raised her hand. "Valzarus Bathory and Elizabeth Bathory." "Correct. Why and how did they become a Royal blood?" "Because they are siblings. During their time, they were criticized. However, when Elizabeth birth to their three sons and two daughters, they noticed their exceptional powers. They have more enhanced vampire skills than others." "And what happened after that?" "Some vampire families tried to imitate them in the hopes that their child will have more advanced skills too. Siblings were forced to mate with their siblings, but none succeeded. Only the Bathory family." "Alright. Question number three... Who is the eldest son of the Bathory family?" "King Darwik. He died in the great rouge war. He is the reason why the Verlice Kingdom is free from rouge vampires up until now. He is also the supposed King." I notice Professor Vali's eyes soften in half a second. Everyone knows he is close to the Bathory Family, especially to the eldest. He was invited to be part of the council but he refused. He prefers being a professor after fighting alongside his friend, Darwik Bathory. "And why he did not become a King?" "Uhh... because he died...?" my classmate answered in an obvious tone. "Wrong. His death is not the reason." I shifted in my seat. All of us became attentive. This is the advantage of having a professor who has a lot to share aside from what is written in the textbooks. "He doesn't want to mate with his siblings. He is the black sheep in the family. He was a playboy." The side of his lips rose for a small smile upon reminiscing memories with his friend. "It was his choice. He did not become a King because he doesn't want to." The whole room was enveloped by dead silence. Everyone did not expect to hear that. Who doesn't want to be a King anyway? "Question number four... Who are the two remaining sons of Valzarus and Elizabeth Bathory?" "Vurther and Araccus Bathory. Vurther was mated to his older sister, Thiana Bathory. While Araccus was mated to their youngest sister, Leonora Bathory." "Who are the children of Vurther and Thiana?" "Prince Venz, Prince Blade, and Princess Lilia." "What about Araccus and Leonora?" "Enzorious and Elizabeth II." "Why is she called Elizabeth II?" "Because she has inherited her grandmother's face and even skills. They technically look like twins. Only that, Elizabeth Bathory stopped aging when she was 18 while Elizabeth II stopped aging when she was 21." "Alright, good! Next question, what is the only way for humans to turn into a vampire?" "If they mated with vampires! It will be their permanent age!" "Seems like most of you reviewed your readings. Good job." Professor Vali commented. Arnia took a deep breath beside me knowing that the class will end soon. But it was eventually replaced by cries of complaint, including me when we heard professor Vali add, "I'll see you at our next meeting. Get ready for a quiz about the Great Rouge War." "Professor!" a classmate of ours called. I almost hear the sighs of our classmates when she stopped Professor Vali from exiting the room. "I have an additional question!" "What is it?" His hands are on the doorknob, already ready to go. "What will happen if a royal blood mate with someone who is not a royal?" It took professor Vali a second before answering. He put his free hand in his pocket and faced the class. "Their vampire power will weaken," he answers. Is it just me or he answers it bluntly? “That is what is written in the textbook,” he adds. My eyebrow raises. I thought he was not fond of using our textbook as his source. He always has his own reference—his memory. "Is this the reason why King Darwik was killed in the war? You told us earlier that he was a playboy. Does it mean he mates with other vampires... or in this case, even humans?" "He did mate with humans and vampires with no royal blood. His powers weakened but no one can still match him. Darwik has extraordinary skills." "Then why was he killed?" "Should I give that as an assignment?" We all roar in protest. Some of my classmates glared at the student who asked the question. We saw her lower her head, avoiding meeting the eyes of our classmates. Professor Vali exited the room, leaving us with our wails of disagreement to his last announcement. I suppose it was not considered an assignment, right? "The coronation day will be next week! How can we attend if we have to review the history?" I heard one of our human classmates comment. Arnia nods her head, agreeing with what she heard. Oh right! Venz Bathory, the eldest son of Vurther, and Thiana Bathory will be crowned as the new King. A swift-moving thing made Arnia jump in her place. I felt a hand resting on my shoulders. When I look at who it was, I found Luther. He smirks at us. His jet-black hair emphasizes his fair skin and his lean and tall body towers among us. "Ready to go?" He asks. Arnia glare at him but still followed us. We exited the classroom and blend with the students in the corridor. After class, we always go to the riverside and spend time there. It is our favorite place since it reminds us of us. The river here in Verlice Kingdom symbolizes the division between vampires and humans—although the palace claims that there is no division between the two creatures. I live in the front part of the whole kingdom. I and my family technically live in the forest while Arnia lives after the riverside. Luther, on the other hand, lives near the castle... an exclusive place for council members. "Heeeyyy!" The three of us turn to a high-pitched voice from behind. My eyes widens when I saw our former friend, Kriza, whose skin went paler than the last time I saw her. I call her my former friend since when she started dating her vampire boyfriend, she literally left us behind. I can sense Luther and Arnia's shocked expressions too. Kriza, our once human friend, is now a vampire. Her eye color is deep black and her skin... is so white! "You mated?" Arnia asks. Kriza rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Isn't it obvious?" "Stupid," Luther hisses and Arnia chuckles. "What?!" "Your boyfriend doesn't love you." The cold-hearted Luther replies. He only shrugs his shoulders when Kriza glares at him. "You will be eighteen forever..." I comment. That’s the only thing I can say since whenever my stepmother and father urge me to turn, the first thing that comes into my mind is that, I will be forever my age and I won’t get to experience being old. "That's what I like!" she smirks at me, showing her baby fangs. "Anyway, the coronation day is getting nearer. What will you guys wear?" She asks, diverting the topic. "Anything that doesn't look like what you're wearing," Arnia replies. She looks at Kriza’s overdressed outfit. Kriza looks down at her red and black dress with gold linings and ruffles, confused at what our friend says. "You look like a slave forcing herself to be a princess," Arnia added. "You're just jealous because I am now a pure vampire and you..." she points at my friend. "You will be forever hybrid!" Arnia was about to fight back when the corridor sliced in half, making way to the vampires currently gracing the school's hallway. 'Bathories.' I commented in my mind. Prince Venz, alongside his cousins, is walking comfortably in the middle of the crowded hallway. His eyes are on their usual copper color. He languidly walks, ignoring the stares of the students. Beside him is Enzo, his cousin and the head of the council. With them are Blade Bathory and Elizabeth Bathory, shamelessly savoring each other's lips. Blade's hand is snaked around Elizabeth's waist as they go past through the middle of the crowd. The students automatically went to the side, letting the group have their way. "Disgusting." I froze in my place. Shocked by what I heard, I turned to Kriza with eyes widened. Her face turned paler than she already is when she realizes what she said. Arnia and I jump in our places when we saw Blade appear beside Kriza. "What did you say, former human?" Blade's infamous smirk is playing on his lips while he watches our friend trembling in fear. In just a swift movement, Kriza is now gone in front of us. "Aaah!" Kriza screams in pain. She's now meters away from us. Her back hit the marbled wall of the corridor. The linings in the wall grew as it c***k from the impact made by Kriza's body. My hands flew on my mouth to cover it. Kriza's body is floating in the air while Blade is effortlessly choking her with his hand. He eyed our friend languidly and squeezed her neck. Kriza's mouth opened as she gasped for air. Luther immediately went to them. He swiftly tackles Blade to let go of our friend. Arnia went to her. And since I am the only human in the group, I have to run my distance towards them. I kneel and caress Kriza's back. She keeps on coughing and her tears crawl down her cheeks. "You know that the Royal family has exceptional skills! They will hear you no matter how you whisper your words!" Arnia scolds. When I turn to the 'Bathories', I saw them watching. Elizabeth II, the one Blade was kissing earlier is smiling ear to ear as she looks at our friend, gasping for air. On the other hand, Venz, the one who will be King after a few days, does nothing. He's staring at us while a playful smile flashes on his lips. He's enjoying this! What kind of demon will enjoy the suffering of others?! Enzo is the only decent vampire in their family! He went to Luther and Blade to stop the two. Luther has the guts to do it since his family is part of the council. When Enzo successfully stopped the fight, Blade only gave us a playful smirk. He wipes the blood on the side of his lips which probably comes from Luther's punch. "For someone who comes from an elite family. Kinda fair," he commented. My blood boils. Aside from their family name, what these bastards are proud of?! I hate vampires who use their power to bully humans and the weak ones! "You don't have to do that to my friend!" I yell as I stand from the ground. Luther, as well as Arnia and Kriza, turns to me—all are surprised—even I! I don't know what kind of spirit went inside my body, but all I know is, I regret it. "A human," Blade commented as he tilts his head and eyed me intently. When I realize what I did, I tried to avoid his eyes only to end up staring back at Venz. His emotionless eyes welcome me but even with feet apart, I can sense the ghost of a dangerous smile on his lips. ----- Unedited. English is not the author's first language so expect grammatical errors. ----- Her King, His Slave by: Joanne Cristel ©2021
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