
1479 Words
Beginning Warning: Hitting/Slight torture. Read at your own risk! ----- "Remove your clothes," he commands in a cold and baritone voice. Small strands of my hair at the back of my neck stand and I feel a tingling sensation crawling down my spine. His eyes narrow at me—like a predator ready to devour its prey. He is standing in front, intently looking at my lightly shivering body. Even though I don't want to, my shaky hand went to the back zipper of my worn-out dress, slowly pulling it open. The silky fabric of the dress drifts down my skin and fell to the ground, revealing my body covered with a mere pair of white underwear. A smirk flashes on his face. His right thumb flies towards his lip, slightly brushing its lower part. No words slip from his mouth as his eyes stay on my body, shamelessly eyeing me from head to toe. Instinctively, I cross my arms over my chest and held my shoulders, thinking that it will somehow ease my shivering body and escape his uncomfortable stares. Not a second before I made the move, he spoke. “Put them down.” His low yet dangerous tone makes the sides of my eyes flooded with the hot fluid of tears. Three words from him are enough to make my heart beat fast. The palace is enormous in size. The room that we are currently in is only a small scale of the whole place. There is no way that the night cold wind can enter here. However, I do not need the cold breeze of air to feel cold. Only his presence is enough for my insides to tremble and for the hot fluid in the side of my eyes to form. I watch him gradually walk towards me while folding his sleeves up to his elbow. The way his eyes pierce onto me shows that he won't show any sympathy to me. He is no near going to hold back. "I-I'm sorry, my k-king..." my voice quivers. As I silently pray for all the gods and goddesses to help me survive this night’s nightmare. He walks slowly around me—eyeing every angle of my body. "I let you go out of the palace….” A cold breath brushed against my nape. I froze in my place, afraid to make a single move. “You told me you will be back on time.” His voice gets closer. I can feel his lips slightly pressing onto my earlobe. Horrified in the situation that I am in, I gulped. Suddenly, I found myself being lifted onto the floor. My eyes widen in fear. Due to the instinct of my body, I open my mouth and seek air. His hand is choking me as he effortlessly lifts me from the floor. “I-I’m sorry, m-my K-King…” I struggle. "K-King V-Venz... please..." I tried to remove his hand wrapped around my neck. I am running out of air and I know I won't last at this rate. In a blink of an eye, we are now at the edge of the bed. He let go of me and my body slammed down on the rough floor. I coughed. My hand went to my chest as I try to give myself some air to breathe. While seeking air, my body winces in pain. I am not a supernatural being like him. Smashing my body on the floor would definitely make me lose a bone. I saw my dress meters away from us--left on the corner of the room where we were standing a moment ago. "Stand," he demands. I haven't recovered yet. I am still panting however, I did not dare to disobey him... especially since I know this is my fault. If I just carefully track the time, I won’t be late. My legs were wobbly as I force myself to stand. My eyes glitter from the wet tears forming in my eyes as I face him. "Hands up." I pressed my lips together to stop myself from crying. I did not move—scared of what he might do with my unguarded body. "Don't make me repeat myself," he said in a warning tone. My heart started pounding loudly when I saw him pulling out a black whip from his pocket. He looks at me as he wraps the grip of the whip in his hand. Alarmed, I do what he said. I lift my hands up in the air while he unbuckled his black belt, making his dark red long coat loose on his waist. He closes our gap. My face levels his chest and I did not dare lift my chin to meet his eyes. My body trembled when his hand touches my sides. He brushes his finger from my waist up to the sides of my breast, and to my hands above my head. He then tied them with his belt. A silent whimper of pain escaped my mouth when he tightens it around my hands. "Stay still and don't lower your hands," he whispered in a threatening tone. My breath hitches when his head went at the side of my neck, sniffing it. 'Please, not again... not today...' I silently prayed. I almost sighed in relief when he made a step back. However, my body stiffens when I saw the side of his lips rise for a devilish smirk. "You smell so sweet," he utters. His usual black eyes turned red and his pupil dilated. "Turn around, slave," I felt a shiver down my spine when I heard him call me by the title he has given to me. With my hands up in the air and my body shaking in fear, I obliged. I jumped in my place when I heard him swing the whip in the air. Without a warning, he hit me with a whip. I already saw it coming but my body still isn’t ready for the blow. I wince silently as I felt my naked back tingling in pain. I bit my lips inwardly to stop myself from whimpering. A squirm escapes my lips when I felt another hit against my back. I thought I can stop myself from shedding tears. But when he gave me five consecutive whips, a sob slips from my lips. "Why were you late?" he asked. After several whips, I am already sweating bullets. My chest is rising up and down and I can barely focus. The blow and my bleeding back are too much to take. My body already wants to give up. “Ah!” A cry of pain and pleading echoes in the room. He gave me a whip when he hear no answer from me. My hands are still up in the air, struggling to stay in their position. I panted. "I... I fell a-asleep—ahh!" I couldn't continue what I was supposed to say when I felt another hit on my back. "I'll make sure you won't be able to sleep tonight then." That was the last thing I heard before my cries and scream bounces in the whole room as he started hitting me non-stop. "Please, I w-won't do it a-again... please," I cried in between his hits. Yet, as usual, he doesn't listen... he doesn't care. I understand his grief. He hated me for taking away someone he love. He continuously swung the whip against my back and all I can do is cry louder. When he stopped, I felt a thick sticky liquid crawl out of my back. 'I'm bleeding.' I heard a thug behind me. I couldn't see it but I guess it was the whip that he tosses on the floor. My arms instinctively lowered down when I felt his cold hand on the sides of my waist. "Did I tell you to put them down?" I have no energy to face him but based on the tone of his voice, I can picture him raising his brow. I was already exhausted from all the hitting but I still weakly place my hands up in the air again, afraid of what he might do to me. His hands firmly hold my waist down. I felt his lips planting soft kisses on my bare shoulders. It traveled down my back and his tongue flicked against my skin, tasting my blood. He sucked on my small wound, making me bleed straight into his mouth. I shut my eyes tightly, enduring the excruciating pain that he made. He licked my wound, cleaning them up. When satisfied, he stands on his feet and made me face him. His hand went on my neck and cupped my face. "You taste so f*cking good." ----- Unedited. English is not the author's first language so expect grammatical errors. ----- Her King, His Slave by: Joanne Cristel ©2021
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