Chapter 6

1432 Words

“Babe, can you get our bags out of the truck?” Jonah asks Sandy, granting his boyfriend a break from the chaos. Two overstuffed Nike hockey bags are needed for the trip, perfectly packed with all of their necessary and queenly essentials: three different types of shoes, makeup for any visible wrinkles, long-sleeved clothes, an assortment of hats, and so many other pieces of attire that probably should have been left at their houses in the city. Sandy grins and replies, “I’d love to. If I don’t come back in a few minutes, I’m smoking.” It’s one of Sandy’s worst habits. He does have other bad habits, like getting up for work late, not bathing every day, and leaving his clothes scattered everywhere when he sleeps over. Habits Jonah has become immune to, loving the man for who he is and his

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