Chapter 12

1489 Words

12 A couple of days later, Ashleigh was in the kitchen trying a spin on the classic apple pie that she’d found on one of her recipe apps. She was humming as she added in some cinnamon when there was an unexpected knock on the door. She hadn’t even made it out of the kitchen yet when she heard The Colonel’s commanding voice. “Ashleigh, where are you?” She tugged at the edge of her shorts, as though she could will them into being longer. Marilee’s head popped around the corner and she teetered into the room, The Colonel following close behind. “We’re sorry to drop in unannounced, honey,” Marilee started, but The Colonel cut her off. “Nonsense, we’re here to talk to her about her wedding. No need to ever be sorry about that, is there, Ashleigh?” She looked around instinctively for Walk

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