1061 Words

Women were sucking on Ava’s skin like animals. Biting and chewing the milky white skin like it was their last meal. The d**k was making a vibrating sound loudly. It was so loud that everyone in the room could hear the buzzing sound clearly. “Elsa, this is so big!” a woman said in shock while staring at the fat d**k. Unconcerned about any word that the woman spoke, Elsa was rubbing the c**k from the tip to the hilt like it was her most prized possession. Elsa’s eyes were stuck to Ava’s beautifully open p***y. Its lips were parted apart like it was just begging Elsa to come f**k it. Elsa had never used this on any girl. Her husband always used it on her cunt. His own c**k was just eight inches long. But this beast of a c**k was ten inches long. So her husband uses it to f**k her. He ha

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