Chapter 9

2287 Words
Alice pov My hands were shaking in anger as I ground my teeth together, the room heavy with silence. Finally, it was broken. “Well, she’s a b***h, now isn’t she?” Ulric said loudly. Liane busts out laughing, breaking the tension in the room. She propped herself up slightly and I rushed to her side, grabbing an extra pillow and helping her put it behind her body. “I like him already.” She said, winking at me. I heard Ulric’s deep chuckle behind me, making me blush in embarrassment. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Liane. She was wearing a loose soft nightgown, probably something easy to change her into after they were finished cleaning her up. Normally the women went to the clinic to deliver babies, but with how weak Liane was and how bedridden she was for the last months they decided to do the delivery in her room and clean it up afterward. It’s less sterile, but they must have decided it was worth the risk. Her hair was much longer before, it use to fall to the back of her knees, long and beautiful golden hair. When she was made to stay on bed rest she had her hair cut to rest against her ears, saying it was easier for Brian to clean. He didn’t have the patience for washing all that hair. She smiled sweetly at me with her light blue eyes twinkling, though I could see her exhaustion and pain shining through. Liane moved her tiny hand to her head, trying to run her fingers through her hair that no longer was there. She blushed as she realized what she was doing and scratched her head instead. I noticed how big the nightgown was on her, making me think they put a maturity nightgown on her. The bigness of the shirt made her look like a little kid, now that her giant pregnant stomach was no longer there. ‘She looks so weak and pale.’ Clarke said with a worried whine. I bit my lip, worry shining in my eyes. ‘She does. I am worried she’s not going to make it. Look how hard she’s trying to just sit up and breathe.’ I said sadly. “No, seriously, is everyone in this pack assholes? I encountered a bunch of girls hitting on me, then got confronted by a baby monkey looking dude, then that little bean of a Gamma. Renee is probably the Queen b***h, and not trying to be mean to my Alpha but he’s not really all that warm and fuzzy either.” Ulric said. I gasped, my eyes going wide as I stared at Luna Liane. Ulric’s ability to just say whatever was on his mind without filters was going to be the death of him one day. Clarke started growling in my head, jealousy racing through me. ‘I know, Clarke. But I’m not accepting him, I can’t be jealous. Even though I want to find the girls he’s talking about and rip their heads off.’ I growled at her. Luna Liane looked at me with a giggle, making me realize I was growling out loud. “Unfortunately this pack needs lots of improvements. I had so many plans, but now, what’s the point? When I found out the one I’ve loved for years from a distance was my mate, I was ecstatic. We were barely given a week before being married and promoted to Alpha and Luna. Renee was nice at first, but the moment she was forced to step down she became like the evil mother-in-law. And Alpha Brian,” she paused, her eyes lowering as she stopped to take a few deep breaths. “Well let’s just say he wasn’t what lived up to his image. He does love me, in his own way. He just never wanted to be Alpha, and he was forced Into it when he wasn’t even close to being ready for it. He’s fine with letting someone else make the decisions. It would be me if I was stronger, but I’ve always been so weak and now; I’m afraid Renee is right. Who knows how long I’m going to be Luna for.” She choked out in between pauses where she needed to stop and breathe. Tears filled my eyes as I grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. I never knew I would end up loving this girl so much. She was so cheerful and talkative. The complete opposite of me, honestly. But she became everything to me. We always knew she wouldn’t live long, she was born with a hole in her heart. I just wished I would have had more time with her. “So, tell me, does he always walk around half-naked?” She asked, trying to change the subject as she fell into a violent coughing fit. She apologized and smiled sheepishly at me. I sputtered, my mouth falling open but no words were coming out. Ulric laughed, coming closer to the bed. When she looked at him he bowed, smiling at her. “It’s finally nice to meet you, Luna Liane. Congratulations on your delivery. And no, it’s unfortunately frowned on as a fashion, or I probably would. I was training earlier. I think I left my shirt outside still.” He shrugged, not really caring about it. I hadn’t realized earlier he wasn’t wearing his shirt and I blushed again, knowing I was pressed against his chest when he was carrying me. ‘It was heavenly.’ Clarke said dreamily, making me roll my eyes at her. “What happened earlier? I know it was something. I heard what Penny said about Ulric being your mate but you haven’t accepted him yet. Not that I could see why, he looks yummy and he actually talks and sticks up for you. Lucky...” she said, blushing and frowning as if she was punishing herself for comparing Ulric to Alpha Brian. I frowned, not wanting to talk about any of it. “I don’t think I can go into it all honestly, it just happened and I don’t want to think about it.” I said softly. Liane frowned, her pale face glaring at me. Finally, she smirked, turning her head to look at Ulric. “Elite Ulric, I command you to tell me everything that’s happened.” She said with a grin. Ulric jerked behind me, making me smack my hand against my forehead. “Gamma Penny has a strange interest in me. She said things to Beta Alice to piss her off and Beta Alice pushed her. Then Gamma Penny challenged Beta Alice to a match and unfortunately, Beta Alice lost. Alpha Brian said within one month another official match has to take place between Gamma Penny and Beta Alice, the winner getting the Beta title. Also, I have been made Beta Alice’s official trainer for the month and we have been kicked out of the houses. We are to move into Beta Alice’s father’s house until the match. Also if Gamma Penny wins I have to reject Beta Alice and become Gamma Penny’s mate.” He said stiffly, the command forcing him to speak. I frowned, lowering my head as the thought of him kissing Penny flared into my mind. ‘That’s not going to happen, you’re going to win!’ Clarke growled in my mind. I clenched my fists, anger flashing in my face. ‘I’m going to win so I don’t lose my title, not for Ulric.’ I growled at her. She sighed but didn’t reply. I looked up at Luna Liane and blinked in surprise, her hands tightened into fists. “I can’t believe he could be so cruel.” She whispered softly. Tears were in her eyes and I sighed, placing my hand on hers. “Liane, it’s my fault. I should have been training harder. I shouldn’t have lost. I am Beta, I should be stronger than Gamma. I embarrassed him, it’s only right I have to fight for my title. If I had to fight earlier I never would have been made Beta.” I said softly to her. Ulric sunk down to his knees, resting his elbows on top of her bed. “I promise, Luna Liane, she will win. I will train her relentlessly this month. She will win.” He said, the vow heavy in the air. Luna Liane’s eyes widened in surprise, then she smiled at him. “Thank you. Even if I’m not here, I’m glad that Alice has someone so sweet to take care of her. She deserves it, I promise.” She said softly. My cheeks flushed red as I looked at my fingers, embarrassed to be talked about. ‘She’s right though, beneath your tough exterior you’re amazing.’ Clarke said with a giggle. ‘It doesn’t matter, I’m not accepting him.’ I said stubbornly. Ulric lifted his hand, I could feel it hovering over my hand as if he was wanting to hold my hand. For a split second, it was all I could think about, the heat from his hand over mine as he thought about touching me. Finally, he pulled his hand away with a sigh, making me take a breath since I stopped breathing. “Luna Liane, I don’t plan on giving up. Not that I deserve her. But I’ll try my best to make her look at me.” He said with a sigh. I could feel my heart beating fast, my face red. I couldn’t look at him, I couldn’t look anywhere. He didn’t deserve me? I didn’t deserve anything. “Did you want to know what I named the babies? I was at least allowed to do that.” She said with a dry chuckle. My heart tinged for her, knowing fully well how much Renee is in control of everything. “Yes, I definitely do.” I said with a smile. “The first boy, the future Alpha, I named him Julien. He looks just like Brian, the light brown hair and dark blue eyes. The second baby, I named him Axel. He looks more like me, with my golden hair and light blue eyes. I was surprised by all the hair they had!” She said with a chuckle, taking a deep breath. I smiled, resting my hand on her’s again. “Then Julien will probably be quiet as his father, and Axel will be talkative and crazy as you.” I said with a chuckle. She smiled at me, nodding her head as she took another breath. I stood up with a sigh, giving her a regretful look. “I’m still going to be coming for meetings, but I have to pack and leave today. We need to get going before it gets late. Plus I can tell you’re exhausted. I...I wish I didn’t have to go. I would rather be closer to you, but I’ll visit as much as I can. Just, please get better. The world will be very dark, without your bright smile.” I said softly to her. She smiled up at me, coughing. “No matter what, Alice, you’re always going to be my best friend, my sister. Even if I’m not here, I’ll always be with you.” She said softly. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, telling her to rest. She was asleep before we even left the room, and I closed the door softly behind me. ‘I really hope she’ll be alright.’ Clarke said with a whimper. I sighed, looking back at the closed door as Ulric started walking towards the stairs. ‘I hope so too, but with how weak she is, and the hole in her heart, I’m afraid she’s not going to last much longer.' I said sadly. I turned to look at Ulric’s retreating back as a tear slid down my face. Quickly I wiped it away as he turned around. “Coming, beautiful?” He asked softly, sadness in his eyes as he felt my emotions. I heard Alpha Brian’s voice booming through the closed door as he walked back in, most likely waking her back up and I clenched my hands in anger. Liane was so sweet and kind, and she was treated horribly by the person the Moon Goddess assigned to her. Just like my mother, Liane had to suffer. She should never have even gotten pregnant but Renee teased her for saying she needed protection. It was the Luna’s responsibility to give birth to an Alpha, she had no choice, and now she was close to death because of it. Angrily I stalked past Ulric, unable to even look at him. I wouldn’t repeat the cycle, no matter what. It was always the same.
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