Chapter 13: Alexander, Part 2

1021 Words

Alexander and Eucey knelt behind the wood pile, trying to see the three men. "Who is it?" Eucey asked. "What are they sayin'? I can't hear." Alexander motioned her to silence. If they were detected, he'd be sent back inside to find something else to amuse himself with. Slowly, their words filtered to him, and he paraphrased for his friend. "There's father, his friend Mr. Smit, and another man. I don't know him. They're saying something about a m******e" he trailed off and squinted into the night, as if that would improve his understanding. Eucey waited patiently for more information, but Alexander made the mistake of leaning too far out from the wood pile. Someone pointed in his direction and, though he tried to hide, it was too late. "Alexander?" He looked up and found his father p

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