The Tour

1054 Words
{Raven’s POV} The doctor cleaned and disinfected the wound on my back. “When you shift tonight it should completely heal!” He said pointing to my back. “Until then, I’ll need you to remove what’s left of that shirt so I can wrap you up in these bandages. Once that’s done you’re free to resume activities today, as long as you’re careful!” He said in a warning tone. I nodded and blushed as I had to remove my shirt, leaving me bare chested. He wrapped my torso in the bandages, as he did Dominic ran up to a room, soon he came back down with a baggy shirt. “It’s mine, it’ll be kind of big, but it’ll be a lot better than having nothing to wear.” He said smiling kindly. “Thank you, Beta.” I bowed my head to him and gave a slight smile. “That’s very kind of you.” I said softly. Once the bandages were on I carefully placed the shirt over my head and slowly moved my arms into the holes. Once the shirt was on I stood to my feet and looked to the doctor. “Thank you sir!” I said politely, bowing slightly towards him. “Of course, now remember to just relax as much as possible, and don’t strain yourself. Once you shift, your wolf should completely heal it for you, until then it’ll be a little sore and itchy. Just try not to bother it.” He said bowing to the Beta and heading out of the pack house. “Alright then miss Raven, follow me, we’ll go to my office and talk.” Dominic said leading the way to his office on the second floor. As we entered his office he closed the door. “Please, have a seat.” His office was nothing like what I expected, there were many books on white bookshelves that covered the walls. A large bay window on the wall furthest away, a large grey wooden desk in front of it. There were two chairs by a fireplace in the corner. He walked over lighting the fireplace, and took a seat in one of the chairs. “Alright, now tell me what’s going on. I’ve never had any complaints about Sylvia or Roger, is there something I should know?” He asked leaning forward. I took a seat in the chair adjacent from him. “There’s a lot actually, they’re not the kind people they pretend to be.. ever since I was six years old they’ve treated me like a maid. I was made to cook, clean, and serve them 24/7, it’s why I was so excited to finally leave.” I said looking down. “Honestly, most people don’t even know you exist..” Dominic began. “Some don’t know that Sylvia and Roger have an adopted daughter. Mostly because no one has ever seen you. We always wondered why they never let you leave. Roger said it was a safety thing, that he was worried for your well-being because you were bullied in school. That’s why they never let you visit Pack stores, or even the pack house.” He said. “While it’s true I was bullied, that’s not why they didn’t let me come to this part of the pack. They were afraid I’d come here and claim sanctuary..” I said a single tear sliding down my cheek. “I just can’t stand the way they treat me anymore, they call me horrible things, throw things at me if I’m too slow, I can’t handle it anymore. They’re so cruel..” I cried out softly burying my face in my hands. “I just want to be free from them.. everyone is able to leave home when they gain their wolf, they told me they’d put silver chains on me if I ever tried to leave.” When I said that he sat up, anger flickering in his eyes. “They said that to you?” He asked, rage evident in his voice. If there was one thing you didn’t do, I was injure a wolf from your own pack with silver, or wolfsbane. I nodded. “I’m sorry to have caused all this trouble, I just got a job here, I wanted to earn my keep, and be accepted here, but instead I’ve caused a fuss!” I said under my breath. “You didn’t do anything wrong, you survived an attack from an unknown wolf. Don’t worry though, we’ll handle all of this, and give you the Justice you deserve. As for Sylvia and Roger, I will personally look into them, and see if I can find anything to prove your allegations true. If I can, then I swear to you, I will bring them to Justice as well!” He said a smile on his face. He leaned forward and placed his hand on mine gently. “For now, let’s get you into your very own room, and I’ll give you a tour!” He finished standing to his feet and smiling down at me. His kind eyes were enough to make a girl swoon. I nodded standing to my feet slowly. “Thank you Beta, ask them to show you their basement. There is a door behind a bookcase there. It’ll tell you everything you need to know.” I bowed to show him respect. “Just call me Dominic, I’ll go first thing this morning, right after I show you around and you don’t have to bow to me. You and I are going to be great friends, I just know it!” He smiled, and held out his arm to me. “You’ll be sleeping on the 4th floor, which is one floor below mine, and two below the Alpha’s floor.” He said sweetly. “Oh no! My things! I lost my duffel bag when I was running!” I said frantically. “Don’t worry, I’ll send someone to get it!” He assured me, before mind linking someone. “Alright, one of the warriors in that area will go pick it up and bring it here to your room.” He said in a kind voice. “Shall we go see your new room?” He asked gleefully.
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