Hello there, you can call me The Narrator.
Where are you?
Well, to put it simple, you’re in a Dream Void.
It’s actually a really complicated place to be in, so I’ll keep it short.
A Dream Void has to do with dreams, you think. However, it’s actually even more complicated than just a dream you see. The dream you see, is of a true story, about something that has happened either in your world, or a distant world in the universe or more. Now, you’re special. Only a select few can see into the Dream Void. Why, i'm not too sure. I just know the chosen ones are special.
Now, the dream this void holds, is about a young dog, and her friend’s adventure to stop an ancient evil that’s been threatening the world for centuries.
Now, enough of my rambling. I think you’ve heard enough. Time to start Dream Void sequence number 1.
Commencing transmission in 3…
Welcome, to Blanket Dog and The Two Loners