2065 Words

CHAPTER FIVE“She is charming, absolutely charming!” Lady Lovell said. “You must tell me, Vallient, where you met her and why we have never heard of her before.” The Marquis thought that Lady Lovell, who had known him since he was a child, had always been a bore. He disliked her over-enthusiastic manner of talking and the way, once she started on a subject, she worried at it like a dog with a bone. He was, in fact, wondering exactly what Romana was saying to the Lord Chief Justice at the other end of the table. When Lord Lovell had called on him the previous morning to discuss a difficulty over the common boundary of their estates, he had said before he left, “I am sure you will not wish to break your tradition of giving a luncheon, as you always have, for the Lord Chief Justice? He is

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