The Police Station

242 Words

THE POLICE STATION At around the same time, Chester Brown sat in the Police canteen. He looked down at the silver buttons of his uniform and half-heartedly shone one of them up a bit with the cuff of his jacket. He was depressed and his thin, wiry body was hunched over his plate of indigestible police food. As he shovelled it in he thought of how he’d described the events at Awkward Corner to the Chief of Police and tried to convince him that there’d been a crisis at the Town Hall. The Chief a big and lazy man (Fat slob if you asked Chester) had laughed loudly. “Crisis? What crisis? And anyway what would we do if there was one?” Then he’d patted Chester on the back and gone up to his office for a lie down on his sofa under the window. Chester knew that at least in part, the Chief was r

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