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I read’ Thistown to two of my children. All three of us were gripped by it. Malcolm McKay creates a compelling new world of the familiar and the strange, and weaves a spell for the reader that makes it an addictive read “Original, fresh, funny and inventive…highly recommended” Juliet Stevenson. CHILDREN’S REVIEWS FOR THISTOWN Wonderful. Each chapter left you in suspense. One of the reasons why it is so magnificent is that it has a completely different storyline. There was no part I didn’t like. Each character has his own specific personality..... FINN B. 10. What I particularly enjoyed about THISTOWN was the emphasis on true friendship. The book teaches many morals, standing up for what you believe in, and the importance of loyalty and perseverance and ultimately that those in the wrong will be the ones to fail. MOLLY PECK, 12. I really like the book. I think it is great for people of my age. It is fun to read and also exciting. The part I like most is the end where they end up going to the cornfields.... LEAH BROWN, 13. I thoroughly enjoyed reading THISTOWN as it is very different from anything I have read before. It was like THISTOWN had some kind of gravitational pull because i could not put it down. I was on tenterhooks all through and my heart was racing when Alice jumped in the sun cone. The ending was very surprising... DANIELLE WOODFORD, 12. I read it in a day. Nothing could tear me away from this book. Never have I seen dictatorship portrayed as clearly as in Thistown. REBECCA BOWEN, 13,
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