Chapter 3

1552 Words
James POV Three weeks later this guys are acting like nothing happened. Neither Jake nor Eric is willing to talk about what happened in coach’s office and why they were fighting in the first place. Although the eye witnesses who arrived at the battling grounds fast think it has something to do with Stacy, I can’t find out the connection. Last time I checked Stacy and Eric were best friends. The guy was like her guardian angel. He went tore to tore with anyone who messed with her. Can you believe it that I'm even more scared of him than am scared of Stacy's parents? And Jake. Well Jake is known for taking anything he wants without breaking a sweat. Most of the time the girls throw themselves at him. I heard about the elevator rumor and confronted him the next day. He assured me nothing happened between them besides I trust my girl she can't lie to me. I pull over at her gate. She is still in the house. The authors scare me but I've learnt to handle them so I get out of my car and match right in front of their door. I ring the doorbell once and it's her mum who answers the door. She opens it ajar. "Stacy! Your boyfriend is here", she shouts staring at me. I'm struggling not to look at her cleavage. Her boobs are amazing for a mother of three and her n*****s are rubbing the thin fabric of her cream nightdress threatening to poke two tiny holes through it. "Morning Mrs. Authors", I say avoiding eye contact. "Morning, come on in she's still getting ready", her mum says opening the door wide open. "Thank you", I say getting in. Their house is beautiful. Walls painted white. A small kitchen with a dining table opposite the living room with a large brown Matt in the middle. A round glass table resting on it and around the table white leather coaches. Mr. Authors is watching news in the living room. I shyly walk towards him. "Morning Mr. Authors", I Mumble. "Morning, take a seat my daughter will be right down", He Says his eyes glued on the TV. There's an awkward silence. I usually have nothing to say to him and he looks like he also never has anything to say to me. If you ask me it's good this way. He is justified not to trust me according to them high school love is puppy love. Stacy comes in from upstairs. She is dressed in a brown leather jacket, her black lustrous hair tied in a ponytail. A white top and blue rugged jeans. White rubber shoes with her bag pack. "My two favorite boys", she says happily kissing her dad on the cheek. "Morning sunshine", He says. "Morning dad catch you later", Stacy says grabbing my arm. "Bye Mrs. Authors", I say on our way out. "Bye", she says smiling. I don't know why she's smiling. Perhaps she can read my mind and see how scared I am. When we get outside she grabs me by the collar and kisses me deeply. Am still scared to kiss her back. We're like in front of their house what if her mum or dad finds us kissing? "What's wrong? You don't want to kiss me?" She asks rhetorically. "You know I can still see you guys", her mum shouts from the dining room window. "Jeez! Mum!” Stacy shouts. "That's it” I say smiling. I've always trusted my instincts and they were telling me she's somewhere looking. We jump in the car and drive off. Stacy's POV Am still feeling guilty about not telling James I kissed Jake. It's been three weeks now and am tired of acting normal around him. When he kissed another girl he came clean. At least he had a scapegoat. He was drank but I don't. I kissed him because I wanted to. Jake and Eric were acting normal. I know it's Eric's doing he feels like it's his duty to protect me even when am wrong. He cut a deal with Jake and apologized although I know he is still mad at him. They both said some mean words about each other. They still have the anger if anything happens between them they'll fight again and this time it will be catastrophic. James pulls over at the student’s parking lot. He gets my door and kisses me on the lips. Short kisses with pauses. He stops to touch my hair and admire my eyes. "I love you", He says. I fake a cough and say "I love you too, catch you later?" "Fine" He says as I slip through his hands. I walk a few meters. I can Sense he is still staring at me so I turn back and ran towards him. I kiss him again before I walk away this time for good. James and Jake are seniors while Eric and I are juniors. They are in the same class and so are we. When I get to class I find Eric seated with a sports magazine on his locker. "Morning" I Say touching his shoulder. "Morning", He says warmly. "Can we talk during the second period, our usual spot", I suggested staring at the pictures of the magazine. "Yeah sure", He says confidently. "Good see you then" I say and go to my locker. Eric's POV I don't know what she wants to talk about this time. I can say no but am compelled to go. Am her best friend it's my duty to be there for her. On the bright side I got a chance to ask her if there's a chance she thinks of me more than a friend. I know she has a boyfriend but I need to know and be sure. I can't stay in the dark any longer. Jake was right. I need to grow a pair of balls and tell her how I feel. Whatever she says I'll live with it. I can’t wait for the second period to come. The lectures are going on slowly and I keep checking my watch. I still feel bad we didn't tell mum and dad about our fight. It was the guy code. They didn't have to know. Although we are having a hard time to act normal around them. We still have some unfinished business with Jake and the moment we provoke each other all hell will break loose. I can handle seeing Stacy with James rather than Jake. He's my brother but he's a jerk. He can have any girl he wants and that makes him arrogant. He doesn't care about her feelings as long as he adds her to his smash list and I’ll be dammed if I let him use her. The second period bell rings. I wait for all students to leave before I pick up Stacy from her locker. We walkout together in silence. I haven't forgive her for kissing Jake and keeping it a secret. But like I Said it's hard to stay mad at someone you love. We get to our spot everyone takes their comfortable positions. "Actually I have something to ask you too" I say. "You go first", She says happily. "No ladies first", I say. She takes time to think about it. I can tell it's serious from the look on her face. The suspense she is creating makes me want to know badly. "You don't have to protect me anymore I'll tell James I kissed his best friend today I'm the evening", She says staring down. "Are you sure you can do it? I mean I can tell him" "That's not your call to make. I made the mistake I fix it" "Okay if you think it's a good call go on with it", I say. I can tell James won't be happy. If he finds out he might probably break up with her and now is a good time to let her know that I've wanted her for as long as I can remember. Maybe after breaking up with James she can consider me. "My mind is made up, what’s that you wanted to tell me?" she asks curiously. Usually she does the talking and I listen but today things are different I can get why she is curious and surprised. My heart is racing. I though it's going to be easy just to say the three most misused magic words or ask her how she feels about me. My hands are sweating and it's like I've lost my voice. Where the hell are my big boys’ pants? I tap on the table. She is still looking at me. "Are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah am fine it's just that I don't know how you'll react and what direction our friendship will take after this" I say. "Come on dude, you listen to me. Nothing you say will ever ruin this friendship", she says taking my hands in hers. "Okay, I've been......" Her phone rings and she makes a gesture telling me to stop. She gets it and answers. "This will have to wait... I have to meet James urgently", she says walking away.
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