Chapter 11

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James's POV I still can't believe that Stacy and I actually broke up. The pictures of her with my selfish best friend Jake having fun at the founders dance while I was at home stress eating have been trending on social media for a week now. They got me thinking maybe I should put up a fight. They are not boyfriend and girlfriend yet. She might be waiting for me to fight for her. To sacrifice my friendship With Jake just to show her how important she is to me. I will even quit football if she wants. As a matter of fact we didn't break up officially. I will just apologize for leaving her all alone at the beach and ask her to take me back or rather beg her. They say you don't know what you got until you lose it. I've learnt my lesson the hard way. I can’t stand her having fun if not with me. "Mr. Ford are you with us?" Mrs. Miller asks. I don't know why they keep her teaching us when she is good with juniors. She is so petty and annoyingly observant you can't take your mind off class for a minute without her noticing. "Yes" I say confidently. To be honest I don't know anything she was saying. Jake is the first one to laugh. If course he is. I know the kind of joy he is feeling with Stacy in his corner. That's why I must get her back. "What did I last say about external psychology?" She asks. I'm blank. Honestly I got nothing to say. I don't even like psychology am just taking it because it's a prerequisite at my dream college. "Pardon" I mumble. The whole class roars into laughter. I feel so embarrassed right now. My life's been a mess without Stacy. I need her back to reclaim my normal functioning. "If you don't know choose anyone to help you", She orders. That's what I love about her. Everyone always gets an opportunity to choose the smart fellas seated in the front when they can't answer her questions. But not today. I want to embarrass Jake. Knock him of his high pedestal. "I'd love Jake Brown to help me", I say looking in his direction. The whole class bursts into a thunderous laughter. They know he is blank just like I am although he was pretending to be so attentive. Jake's POV I know what James is trying to do. He is fighting with me. A cold war. But unlucky for him am at my best in all sectors. The game, the class, my relationship with Eric is good and the family too. I wait for the jerks who call themselves my classmates to zip their mouths. I want to surprise them. "Jake, you're chosen", Mrs. Miller says smiling. I've always known the effect I have on her. I might as well not answer the question and get away with it but James is trying to embarrass me. I don't take disrespect lightly. "External control psychology is a type of psychology where we punish the people who are doing what we believe is wrong, so they will do what we say is right; then reward them, so they keep doing what we want them to do. It's Used by teachers, religious leaders and government", I say with ease. The whole class goes dumb. Where are your dirty tongues now? Even Miller looks impressed. She flashes another smile before asking them to clap for me. The look on James’s face is spectacularly thrilling. His own plan just exploded in his face. I threw him some bread crumps Last week in form of pictures we took with Stacy. I knew he can't keep quiet about it and he is doing exactly that. Coming after me is a bad idea. He didn't break up formally with her. The crumps were to get him to beg for her forgiveness so that she can end it officially. I don't want any threats when I make my bid. Eric is taken care of so my only problem is James and soon he'll be out of the picture for good. "That's enough for today see you'll tomorrow. Jake see me before you go", Mrs. Miller says when the end of the first period bell rings. All students walk out. I lag behind so that I can see her in private. I don't know what she wants this time but am sure it's good. In terms of academic work I've been in my prime off late. Finished assignments on time. I attempted all the cats and even presented my book for marking more times than I've ever done in a single semester. When everyone has left I walk to her desk. She is busy reading through done papers. When I get to her she fakes a cough and adjusts her spectacles. I guess she wanted me to see the cleavage of her perfect round boobs. "I want to talk about your brother", she says opening his file. "Doesn't that require my mom or dad?" I ask politely. "Why waste their time when you're here?" She asks smiling. "Okay what about him?" Mrs. Miller opens the papers until he settles on Eric class cats. He fishes out his paper. "He has dropped what you think might be wrong with him? Last month he skipped a class to go look for Stacy" She says sounding concerned. Am not getting it. First the guy has a seventy six percent which is still good why is she complaining? And second my brother and I don't discuss anything academic. But I have to cover up for him anyway. She was right this doesn't need mom and dad I'm the big brother it's time I should play my role. For someone who scores ninety in almost every test this might be poor results. "He's been having issues with football. Coach changed his position it requires a lot of training I will talk to him”, I say handing the paper back to her. "Okay thank you Jake you can go now", she says. "Thank you Mrs. Miller" I say before walking out. Eric’s POV Things aren't going out as planned. Stacy is now talking to me like nothing happened. She isn't asking questions about Clara and the two are turning out to be best friends instead of being enemies. I don't know what to do. Am hoping they won't show up together to watch us train. That will be a disaster to my concentration. Am training with James. He hasn't said a word to me since we got here. He was also not in the founder’s dance which is weird because he is a life of the party. "You good?" I ask grabbing the ball. James stops. The break up must be taking a toll on him. He's probably coming to terms with reality; he is a jerk for letting her go. To me he's not. He is just unlucky. "No men. The Stacy thing is eating me up" He says. I skillfully throw the ball towards him. He grabs it easily. "You guys haven't talked ever since?" I ask sounding surprised. I know Stacy so well. She might have blocked him the same day he left her alone at the beach. He throws the ball back to me. I ran to catch it and walk back. "No we haven't" He says sadly. "You should" "How men? She blocked and she keeps avoiding me", James complains. I want her for myself but I can also feel the pain in his lament. Maybe he deserves her more than I do. And definitely more than Jake. "I'll see what I can do", I say. "Thanks man", He says. Jake makes a sign. His usual sign when he wants to speak with me. I know why he can’t come at us. He and James are not talking. If it were me I wouldn't talk to him either. To avoid making it awkward I throw the ball far away. James happily gives it a chase. I now have to break my best friend’s heart again by setting him up with James. She'll have to forgive me again. The guy deserves a proper break up. "What's up?" I ask. "Talked to Mrs. Miller today dude you dropping. Is there anything you want to talk about?" He asks with concern. Stacy has changed him. We never talk about academics with Jake. In fact it's so rare for us to have a meaningful conversation. Most of the time we're arguing between marvel or DC, Leonel messi or Christiano Ronaldo, Cardi B or Nicki Minaj and those kind of stuff. "You're playing the big brother role", I tease. "Come on men just let me know how I can help", He begs. "Well apart from you snooping around Stacy, Clara and the fact that I didn't prepare for that cat there is nothing to be worried about", I say forcing a smile. "Stacy and I are friends, limit your time with Clara and you're the smartest football player I know you don't need to prepare for a cat", He says giving me a brotherly hug. I can't believe am saying this but I actually love this version of Jake.
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