chapter 16

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Mrs. Miller's POV Eric is among my top students but I've noticed a slight drop in his performance. I know he is friends with Stacy but from a teachers point of view I think she is having a negative Influence on him. Too bad I can't tell what the problem is. At first I had thought its love but I saw him get dragged in a closet by some girl now I have nothing. Almost. Usually it's Eric who takes the blame for Stacy. But today it's Stacy taking the blame for Eric. This changes the narrative. My best guess is she is trying to push him away and it's affecting his grades. "Take a sit Mrs. Author as for you..." I can't think of a perfect punishment for his lie, "Clear the white board" He obediently walks past me with his blazer still covering his front. I don't want to embarrass him but after the class I will have to detain him. Hopefully his super cute brother will come to fetch him. After Eric has cleaned the board I check my lesson plan. Today I have to teach on self-esteem. It's easier for me being a counselor also. The class is quiet except for some murmurs at the back. A glare is enough to shut them up. For them to have a worthwhile existence they need this skills. "Who knows what self-esteem is?" I ask walking around. My goal is to see what Eric is up to. Eye contact for students does not always mean that they are listening. And Maryse had asked to see me briefly after the women empowerment meeting. She raised a concern about Eric and I promised to help. Keep an extra eye on him. Authors hand is up by the moment I get to Eric’s desk. She still wants to save him. "Yes Authors" I say. "Confidence in one's self-worth", she says maintaining eye contact. "Correct!" I applaud, “Eric did you get that?" He stares at me looking surprised. He is giving me that "Are you serious" look. I nod in agreement walking back to the front of the class. "Yes Mrs. Miller... Confidence in oneself", He repeats after her. "Good this is going to be a good lesson”, I say getting back to my chair. Eric’s POV Between millers torment and Stacy’s gravious look I don’t know what I should be scared of more. I know mum must have talked to her again about my performance even after I personally assured her am fine. Right now am an endangered species, seated between two she-lions. They are slowly tearing me apart. I can’t help but feel like miller is also attacking me with the self-esteem lecture. I don’t think it is in her teachers plan, she might be referring to me or am just paranoid. Actually I have mixed feelings right now, I need to go out and breathe some air. "Eric, fetch me a teaching aid from the other class", She says. "Right away Mr. Miller", I say happily even though I don't know what kind of teaching aid am being sent to fetch. At least I get them off my back. I get out of the class room briskly my other finger has calmed diown. A few minutes ago his wrath was threatening to burst through the fabric of my pants. Then it hits me, the other class is a Clara's class. God why did I jump out quickly. Am a few meters away but I can't go any further am so embarrassed to look her in the eye. Soon enough a teacher would come out of nowhere and ask me what am doing outside. I keep pacing up and down weighing my options. Which one is easier or sounds less bad, facing Clara or delaying Mrs. Miller with whom my teacher student relationship with her is on the rocks. Lucky for me I can see James coming from the wash room. I make a signal to call him. "Should you be in class Eric?" He asks when he gets closer. "I should Miller sent me to borrow a teaching aid from this class", I say pointing towards it. "Then what?" He asks sounding surprised, "you need someone to invite you in? You are not a vampire are you?" Why is he complicating this situation besides he owes me after going behind Stacy's back and setting them up when I knew so well she didn't want to see him. That is a risk I took. "Come on dude fetch the damn aid, I will explain later", I say. "I got no reason to help you buddy jump right in, Mr. Hubble is not that strict", He says walking away. "James!" I call out. "Shh! People are in class keep it down", He says continuing to walk away. That went well, Stacy doesn't want him. Completely. Even better news for me but now I have to get into Clara's class. I knock on the door politely. I can hear Hubble’s raspy throat being cleared, his voice begins to feel closer as he walks. "Lucky for us we have a guest who can help us, come in Eric", He says. I can imagine the look on Clara's face when Hubble announced my name. It's not like I'm invisible. Like I was to come in unseen and grab the teaching aid without her seeing me. She will have to forgive me for now. My hands are tied. "Mrs. Miller send me to fetch the teaching aid", I say almost dropping where am standing. Stage fright is real. I don't know how teachers do it. Maybe it gets better as they continue teaching. "Before you can have it, I asked them a question they couldn't answer then maybe, just maybe God heard their prayers and sent you", He explains leading me to the farthest end of the class. "I can try", I say politely not sound like am bragging. Since I came in I haven't made eye contact with any of them. Clara's POV He is such a big baby, why the hell can't he look at me in the eye. Is he still horny? Maybe I should check. I don't regret going bad with him in the janitor’s closet. It's been long since I visited pleasure Island myself had it not been for the cans of paint am not sure if I was willing to stop. "Clara will you be kind enough to remind us the question", Hubble says staring at me. Now he has no option but to look at me. When our eyes meet he quickly shifts his gaze. I love my men confident, that's why he will always come second to his brother. "Mr. Hubble wants to know what Master morality is", I say leaning back on my chair. He shouldn't blame us. Afternoon classes are always so boring. Most of us are usually tired from seating on our chairs the whole day. I pity boys with almost nothing on their backside. Our bellies are usually full or empty it depends. Either way concentration is so minimal or no one likes counseling classes. Not even the nerds at the front but Eric, well Eric is just Eric. He likes the things people hate. Who else likes penguins? "Eric tell them", Hubble says confidently. "Creating moral gaps with us on top, to show dominance", He says struggling to look up. "Exactly you can have the teaching aid", He says handing him a small book. As Eric walks out, better for him I wish I was the one walking out, Hubble picks up the lecture with renewed vigor. It doesn't change anything. He sounds just like a preacher who is preaching the same thing he preached last Sunday. The congregation is not lively. Like all teachers he realizes no one wants to listen to him anymore so he ends the lesson. "That's enough for today", He says. The whole class becomes lively all of a sudden. Even the sleeping bags are back from the dream world. Games and activities time is around the corner. But one thing with Hubble, he never gives up that easily. The guy is like a pack of hyenas when they want a smelling carcass. "Am giving you an assignment", He announces going through the pages of his book. There are groans of dissatisfaction throughout the room. We would rather sit the whole day listening to him. His assignments are usually out of this world. Not even Google and Wikipedia seems to have the answers to his questions. It's a good thing I have Eric so as they groan am just waiting for him to jump right out so I can lie my head on the locker a bit. "Get me the fundamental factors of practical psychology, tomorrow same place same time have a good day", He says walking out. Groans and complains follow him. The man is unshaken. But at least I got an excuse to visit Eric's house. Their parent’s better start getting used to me as early as possible. I note down the question and fall asleep on my notebook.
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