Chapter 18

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Jake's POV I hope he understands am just trying to help him. I still don't know what's the deal with two hanging together either but am betting on Clara not telling Stacy I hooked up her best friend. So far she hasn't asked me which makes me think am safe. But with women you can't be safe for much longer. Sooner or later she is going to ask questions. And I will have the answers. "James give us five you are sloppy", I order after James failed to catch a pass from Eric. He looks at Stacy then me. Again am not doing it to him out of hate or love for Stacy. Meanwhile he gives us five push-ups. When he gets up coach asks us to gather around him. "I want two teams, the brown brother’s captains of each”, He announces walking back to the coaches stand. I think this is how world War three can start. We are both excellent players and we both like winning. It's in our genes. We were born winners but now we have to go against each other. I know what you are thinking. It's just a practice match. Yes it is. But am not losing to my brother in front of Stacy authors. Come rain come sunshine. The worst part of this idea is that team members have to choose who they want to lias with. And there is also one player I can’t lose to Eric. I have to talk to him first. "A minute”, I say dragging James away from the crowd. "We have been friends for how long?" I ask. "Dude, I have known you since like forever what is this? You think I'd lias with your brother? Is that what you think of me?" He asks sounding betrayed. While we were young we had made a promise to each other. No matter what we always belong to the same team. That was loyalty. But now I don't trust his head that is full of grievances. He is capable of anything. “No men, you know recent events have changed a few things between us", I say looking for the right words. "You are right to doubt me", he says with a sick smile. I expected this one. Wait for it. Just wait for it. Here comes the blackmail of the year. "What's the catch?" I ask "You and I, we let Stacy choose", He says. I feel like dropping him with a right where he is standing. But again I have a statement match to win. Some things just require sacrifice. And I can't remember a sacrifice bigger than this. Am confident, my confidence is bullet proof. She will pick me any day any time. And am not underestimating my enemy. "Deal”, I say stretching my arm for a firm handshake. "I must say Am surprised, winning this game means that much to you", He says shaking back my arm. "My heart beats for football, along the way to the pinnacle of prowess I have had to made sacrifices", I say the two of us walking back to the rest of the team. I know she saw it all. And she is looking at me probably dying to ask why I did that. I will explain later. Right now I want to make her happy and protect my ego. Stacy's POV He has more explaining to do. First he sets Eric up on a date, now he is making deals with my ex whom they haven't been Seeing Eye to eye. After the handshake James can’t stop smiling at me. The game has not started yet but he is already psyched up like a horny teen. I wonder what they agreed on. I can't wait to ask Jake. Now I don't even want his Damn wheelchair. Maybe I need it but the point is he didn't do it out of good will. "He is trying", Clara says in my ear. "I know it's hard to forget about him but right now am lost”, I complain in whispers. "Let me help you, between the two of them who will lose?" She asks. I can't answer that one. I remember last time I had to choose between them I was left all alone on a beach. Except this time it's another girl. Maybe she might understand the conundrum am in. “Jake, or maybe James we have been through a lot with him. As for Jake he is irresistible you have to hate him you find yourself loving him", I say. "I feel you girl, but it's time you made up your mind before things get out of hand", Clara says concentrating back on the game. She is right. I have to think about it. Too bad my best friend and I are not in good terms and the board of members, we'll they will kick Jake out even without an interview. I think I have to tread this journey of self-realization alone. Jokes aside. I can do this now. Who do I really love? Why is Eric coming up? I can't think straight. Wait, do I like Eric too? I mean he is nice to me. The guy would take a bullet for me unlike the two. But he is happy with Clara. More happy than he would be with me. "Your bet?" Clara asks. "Eric will win", I say confidently. "You are being bias", she says smiling. "You ate new at football, the team with pros always loses", I explain. "And why is that?" "Everyone wants to outshine the other... Your bet?" I ask her. "J and J", she spells out the initials. Betting against what we love. That sounds like a plan. At heart I know Jake will win but still I chose Eric. Maybe she is new at it like I said earlier. She knows Jake is a pro so he must win. A blind guess but on point. I know Eric won't go down without a fight but Jake when it comes to winning he is a machine. That might explain the rekindled friendship with James. Eric's POV It's time Jake also realized how much gridiron means to me. I mean we are both good at it and this is a statement match up. "Both teams ready?" coach asks walking back to the field. "Let's get the ball rolling", Jake says happily. "We ready coach", I say. "The rules are clear, play like a brothers we have a very important game I don't want injured players at the end of the season", He says to the two of us. "Roger that coach", Jake says. I know he is lying he wants to win this to enact his dominance. The guy is almost out of high school when he leaves I will have the shine I deserve. "Positive coach", I affirm. "Good ready to go!" He announces. As expected the game starts at a high note. One can hear my name and Jake's being called out through the rectangular field. Some are even carrying banners with our names. So far Jake has made two passes both of which my team and I have countered. No touchdowns yet. I can see Jake whispering to James. They underestimated us and now they need a new plan. To keep them on toes I call Mike for a word too. "You can take on Jake", I say. "Why can't you do it your self-cap?" He asks smiling. "Coach asked us to keep it cool let's switch positions", I suggest. "Agreed now am going to get that shine", He says happily. After the consultation the game changes. My team is now dominating the offenses although we haven’t made the four downs required but Jake and James know what we are capable of. The cheering continues, it gets higher every time Jake has the oval shaped ball in his arms. It looks like the motivation is pushing him. Before I can ween, James has given him a perfect pass and he is running across the field almost making the ten yards. He is a pro. We are one behind. Jake's team celebrate as I gather my ten guys around. They need motivation too. It's not all lost. "We can do this", I say breathing heavily. They all nod. Mike has the ball now. He is big and strong none of Jake's boys can get to him. They are now playing defense. He throws me a good pass, unlucky for me am right under where Stacy and Clara are seated. "If you don't win you ain't getting kissed", I can hear Stacy shouting. I pass the ball to my nearest teammate and match forward as though I haven't heard what she said. I can't help but steal a glance at Clara's reaction. She is smiling happily. "Eric last chance!" Mike whispers at me. Jake's team have failed to make the four plays. They have to turn the ball to us the, defense team. Mike will make the pass. Jake's guys are swarming around me. They know from where am standing I can make the ran and make it a draw.
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