Chapter 6

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Jake's POV Am waiting by the pool. Watching the swimming team practice. If it wasn't football I could be swimming. It is my second favorite sport. James hasn't said a word to me since he came back. I know he is mad at me but he’ll get over it. We are men we don't hold grudges for long or at least we're not supposed to. I check my watch. She is twenty minutes late. Am still nervous and thinking about what I'll tell her. I can't say I love her it will be awkward. Her wounds are so fresh. What if I apologize? She might never fall in love with me like I want but I will let her question my humility and what a gentleman I am. With Eric by her side I will always be the bad guy here. I wish I had a way to change that. He is my brother but he crossed a line by hurting my ego. Till now am confused if seducing her is a good or bad idea. I can't tell if these feelings overwhelming me are real or they just grew on the realization that I can get back on Eric if she falls in love with me. "Hey home wrecker?" She says sitting beside me. My heart fills with joy and suddenly I feel cold. It's weird coz a minute ago I was sweating thinking on what to tell her. I wasn't even sure she'll come. "Sounds fair but relax young lady, you were not married", I say. "So why did you ask me here after a biting me in the back?" I don't know what to say right now. I can see she's struggling to look okay but clearly she isn't. Maybe I should just be a good friend-which I suck at instead of making things worse for her. "To apologize", I say sounding embarrassed. "It was my fault. I kissed you. You're the victim here I should be the one apologizing", She says. "But I told him. Maybe if it came from you he couldn't have over reacted" "It doesn't change anything Jake... Can we just talk about something else?" This might be the right moment for me to build a good rapport. I should start a meaningful and interesting conversation. Get to know her better before we head home. "Okay so what can we talk about?" I ask. "I don't know, anything that doesn't concern love and boys", she says. "How about I tell you what I do before every game?" I suggest. Honestly apart from football I don't have anything else we can talk about. Am going with the assumption that she also likes football. "I didn't know you're superstitious" "I am and this one I've never told anybody" I say to make it feel special. I've never told anyone. "What is it that you do? Or should I guess?" It's going on good. She is intrested in the conversation and she sounds happier than she came in. I didn't know am good at this. Most of the girls I've been with we don't talk much. This is novel. Everything about this feels great. “Yes guess", I say in a welcoming tone. "You wear your boxers or socks inside out?" She says suppressing a laugh. I can't help but burst into laughter. It'd be crazy if I actually did that. "No!" I say shaking my head, "last chance" "You pray, wait a minute do you even go to church?" She asks. "Of course I pray and do go to church but it's still not my lucky charm" Stacy's POV This is turning out to be great than I expected. He is actually good at communicating with people and making them feel comfortable. I still can't believe he apologized. I thought he was arrogant like everyone including his own brother Eric says. Or he's just putting on a show? Boys can be anything you want as long as they get to go under the sheets with you. I've had my fair share of this experience. But am willing to bet on him. Not against him. "So what is it?" I ask with curiosity. Being the first one to know his lucky charm makes me feel special. "It's this", He says showing me a chain with a ring tied on it, "I usually talk to it about my fears and what I want to achieve on the pitch”, He adds on. "It's beautiful who gave it to you?" I ask touching the magical ring. "It was my grandfather’s my dad left it for me when he died", He says sounding sad. I can now see what he goes through. Everyone likes the super star Jake but no one is willing to know the real him. For a minute I forget about my own woes and scoot in for a hug. "Am sorry about your dad", I say stroking his back. "Thank you...the point is you can have the ring until you feel better", He says. Ooh My God! I can't believe he said that. Did he just offer me his lucky charm? It can't be. Football means a lot to him... Unless I... No it's too early am a few hours from a break up with his friend he can't be hitting on me. Although I wish he could be. I can tell he's trying to be a good friend. "Wait what?" I ask surprised. "You can have my lucky charm until you feel better...don’t say no. It will make me feel better about what I did" "What about football you can't go in there without it" I argue admiring the ring. "How about you bring it to me during the game then after the game I give it back to you”, He suggests happily. "I can work with that", I say. There's some awkward silence. I feel like jumping up and down with joy and at the same time get home and lock myself in my room. Cry and wet my pillow or write a long sad poem. Even a rage room will do right now. "One last thing", He says. "Am listening" "Can I give you a ride home? Our car is back from the garage it’s been three long weeks", He says with the keys on his index finger. "okay, am sure James wouldn't want to drop me", I say. "Let's get going then" Eric's POV I still don't get it. What does she see in him? When I look at my brother Jake all I see is trouble. He has had many girlfriends than I can remember and most of them left because he always had another in secret. And she knew it all. Some of his girlfriends are her friends am sure they told her how a handful Jake can be. He is my is my brother I love him. We fight some times and make up at the end of the day we're family. All we got is each other. But I still think he set her up for his own benefit. If not why is she hanging out with him? There’s something fishy about him. And it might have a thing or two to do with either me or James. Jake is selfish. He reminds me daily that to succeed in life you have to be selfish and give back later. I realized he quotes Michael Jordan. I was a fool to believe that he could actually come up with that. Anyway my point is he might be getting back at me and James for agreeing with coach that day we had a friendly match. Jake is vindictive. I can’t remember him not hitting back wherever I did anything to him. There is a good reason he is using her to hurt us. I have to find James and give him his car keys. Lucky for me he is at the gym working out. Coach had always advised us to work out when we're overwhelmed. "Hey men you good? Am sorry about earlier on", I apologize handing over the car keys to James. "It’s okay. I was being a jerk. I left her on her own Eric maybe I don't deserve her", he says sadly. "Don't beat yourself up too much, you did everything right. Jake doesn't deserve her either", I say "What about you. Don't you think you deserve her?" he asks. He's now getting out of context. Am trying to make him feel better and in return he is poking a sleeping bear. So rude. "No, we're good at being friends", I say. "Okay men see you tomorrow", He says. When I walk out of the gym that's when I remember earlier on I was trying to tell her how I felt when he called her. And now her heart is broken I'll sound like a fool if I told her about how I feel. Besides she is more interested in Jake than me at the moment but I'll be here when she needs me. I grab my bag pack from class. Right away Jake pulls over with Stacy in the front seat. "Hop in, mum will kill me if I show up at her door without you", Jake says smiling. I wish I had a gun. Chapter 7 Jake's POV I've decided to take things slow with Stacy. Eric still has hard feelings but am sure he'll fall in line. We have started being closes friends. Nothing more. We hung out together, play games go to School together and the best part of it our families are friends now. Her dad and my dad hang out in the evening drink a beer while our mums go shopping together. Apparently am part of their group and Eric can't do s**t but play along because she want me there. "Hey dude", I say to Eric standing at the door of his room. "What's up bro?" "Can I come in I want to talk to you about something", I say. "Come on in" He sanctions. I hate to break it to him but I want to ask Stacy to go to the founders bash dance with me. This week we're celebrating the three founders of seaside academy. One lady and two gents who started seaside from scratch. I sit on his coach and recollect my thoughts. "You got a date for founders bash?" I ask. Eric is busy on his laptop scrolling though some wildlife website. He won't stop being a nerd. "Did you know that penguin’s malate for life?" He asks. Now he's deflecting. I'll take that as a No. My little brother has no one to take to the dance. On the bright side I can fix that for him. "No how do they manage to do that?" I ask sounding interested. Who cares if penguins mate for life? "Imagine if humans were like penguins" He says closing his laptop. "That won't be cool... Back to my earlier question" "I don't have anyone to take to the dance you?" He asks speculatively. "Am planning to take Stacy", I say. He looks relaxed. Typically he'd give me a glare or say something mean. "Are you asking for my permission?" He asks. "No, I have a date for you so that we can have a double date", I say happily. He takes some time to think about it. Then a smile lights up his face. "Who?" he asks. "Don't worry I will send you the Pic. She has already agreed" I say. "Okay now get to the point what do you want to know about Stacy am sure you came for some cheat sheet" He says. He is good at reading minds. Now that he has brought it up I have to ask as much as I want. I want to surprise her before the dance. "What kind of dance does she like?" "Slow dance, it's romantic" "Color of the dress?" "Navy blue" "Favorite drink?" "Wine" "Thanks dude I owe you one", I say walking out of his room. That went well. Eric is showing signs of maturity now. I have to make everything perfect before I ask her out. Now that she doesn't have a boyfriend am sure she needs someone to go to the dance with. Eric's POV When Jake suggested to bring me a date I thought about it. Maybe if I start hanging out with girls Stacy will see me as boyfriend material. I still haven't told her how I feel and Jake isn't giving her time to ask what I wanted to tell her some few weeks back. The guy is all over her. But she has changed him. That one I agree. She's been able to do what I couldn't in ten years. Jake's changing for the better although I still don't trust his intentions I will give him the benefit of the doubt. My phone beeps. True to his word he has sent me a picture of a gorgeous girl with all the details. "I can work with that", I say out loud. Her name is Clara. She is a high school junior like me and goes to seaside academy. We might have met once in a while but we have never exchanged a word or two. I save her digits and text her instantly. E: hey C: hello was expecting you E: I was wondering if we can link up before the dance. C: cool tag me your location when you get there E: okay. I throw my phone on the bed and jump in happiness before I do the Roman reigns big dog signature move. I just speared the s**t out of my boring dating life. My heart is racing and I'm already thinking on what to wear. "Someone looks happy" Maryse says at the door. "Mum! That's creepy" I complain looking embarrassed. "Am sorry you want to talk about it?" She asks. Maybe I should let her help me now that I can't settle on what to wear. Maryse has been trying so hard to be part of my secretive life and most of the time I haven't given her a Chance. I feel like this is the right time to let her in. Stacy will have to forgive me. "Yeah Come in mum" I say. She walks in. She always looks smart. Her blonde hair and blue eyes, slender body and always wears a warm smile. Guys In school find it hard to believe that she is actually our mother. I remember Jake beating up a guy who said he wanted to have s*x with her. "So what's it? I can sense a girl I know your founders dance is around the corner", she says staring at me. "How do you know too much without asking?" "Am a mother. Every mom has this super power it's like an instinct..." "I know what it is mum you gotta help me" I interrupt. "Is it the first time you're meeting?" She asks walking towards my wardrobe. Again I can't tell how she's figured out that I'm having a problem with the dress code. "Yeah" "Then you must dress to impress”, she says handing me navy blue khaki trousers with a white shirt and a black belt. I wasn't thinking of that. Honestly I would have gone with something less official but again what do I know about dating and impressing? Casual clothes somehow make me uncomfortable. I now get why she picked official and she knows me better. "During the date get to know her don’t ask too much questions instead initiate conversations that will lure her into talking more about herself, get it?" She asks. "Roger that mum, thanks" I say. "Let me know how it will go", She says leaving the room. Stacy's POV This is the first dance that has found me without a boyfriend. Am not expecting anyone to ask me but if Jake does I won't turn him down. For the past few weeks we have been close. I might have managed to mend his relationship with Eric by forcing the two to hang out together. Anyway if no one asks me out I will go with Eric. He always ends up being a guard at the parties watching over other people to prevent them from engaging in bad behavior like s****l i*********e within the school, drugs and fighting. It's time he also got to enjoy parties like everyone. Am seated behind my study table finishing up assignments. There's a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Come in" I shout still writing. My little sister Ashley comes in looking happy. She is carrying a small envelope and with two chocolate bars. "Your boyfriend asked me to give you this", she says handing over the envelope with one chocolate bar. "Thank you" I say. "Welcome and mum says you should go help her in the kitchen" She says. "Okay go, tell her am coming and share the chocolate with mum" Am curious to know which boyfriend she's talking about. To her any boy I hang out with is my boyfriend. This might be my ticket to the dance, how I pray it is. Am struggling to finish my assignments without looking into the envelope. I can't stop guessing who it could be. My guess is on Jake. Lately he has been a good boy and a great friend. We've been having fun together now that am a keeper of his lucky charm. I pretended am not yet back to my feet so that I can get to keep it longer and it's working perfectly. When I finish up my assignments I lock my door. And open the envelope with my eyes shut. I take a deep breath and when I open my eyes. "You sick bastard!" I curse out loud. My mood is now ruined. I throw the letter and the envelope in the dustbin and walk out of my room. "Are you okay?" Mum asks. "Yeah am fine mum where can I help?" I ask. I don't keep secrets from my mum for long. She always finds a way to decipher them. Am hoping she won't this time. Am. Just so pissed off at him. I don't know what but am so pissed and I feel betrayed. Whoever said anyone can betray you it only depends on the circumstances was right. "Stacy dear if you're not feeling it don't do it", mum says smiling. I hate her instincts. She is right. I don't feel like grating carrots I should be grating his damn face. "Go blow some steam I'll take care of it" she says walking towards me. "Thanks mum", I say. Chapter 8 Eric's POV The date is going on great. I have put into practice all the skills mum taught me last minute and Clara is opening up. Am still waiting for a congratulations message from Stacy. I send her a letter of apology with two Chocolate bars before leaving. Apology because I took Clara to our favorites fast food joint in town. We made a promise not to take any other person to that joint and I hate to be the first one to break the promise. The thing is I wanted to take someone there before she takes Jake. "So you play football" Clara says. "Yeah how do you know?" "Everyone knows the brown brothers" she says. "Only the fans know" "Then I'll start being a fan how does that sound?" "Sounds like more scores for me" I say happily. She is funny and smart. And also the first person who's cool with me being a nerd. I think we are food for each other. Although there's one problem. I can't tell if I like her or turning into one person I hate most when it comes to dating, my brother Jake. Am I using her to make Stacy jealous the same way I think Jake is doing? Maybe not but from the look of things it's working. She hasn't called or texted. If she is jealous then maybe she will start pushing Jake away. "So what will you wear for the dance?" I ask as we walk out of the fast food restaurant. "Let it be a surprise", she says. "Okay" Clara's POV He is smart handsome and Jakes brother. Anything that interacts with Jake is great leave alone that stays under the same room with him. I can't wait for him to invite me to their house so I can get to sneak in his room and smell his bed. The only reason I agreed to go to the dance with him is because it will get me closer to Jake. I've been trying to get him to notice me since the sixth grade and this is the closest I've been. Eric looks happy. He drives carefully and skillfully. How I wish it was Jake dropping me off to my neighborhood. I can imagine the look on the girl’s faces when they see him hug me right on front of our house. We would be Mr. And Mrs. Seaside academy. "Am here" I say politely. He stops the car, goes around it and gets the door for me. Is he a gentleman or phony? Nerds know less of this small romantic gestures that girls do adore. "Thank you" I say. "No. Thank you I had a good time", he says smiling. I can tell he is being honest. He is new at this from the way he is standing and the way he was behaving back at the restaurant. Maybe if we have enough time together I can mould him into someone I like. Then the next person he'd date will have to thank me. "I also had a good time, can we do this more?" I suggest holding his arms. Damn it he is like a baby. It's 7pm no one will see us kissing in the dark why can't he just take my lips like he owns them when he still has the chance. "Yeah sure I'd like to", He says. I Guess I have to do it myself. I grab him by the nape of his neck and pull him tighter on me. I kiss him deeply and possessively then pause. He picks up and kisses me back. He might be a loof but one hell of a good kisser. His tongue is almost getting swallowed by my throat as I moan softly rummaging his hair. He stops and stares in my eyes. "Goodnight Clara" He says. "Good night" I walk to my door. Turn around to look at him still waiting. He wants to make sure I'm in the house typical nerd. He's probably watched many investigative movies where people get snatched right outside their houses. Once am at the door I wave at him. He waves back and I get in the house that's when he gets into his car and drives off. "How was it?" Mum asks from behind. "Great are you spying on him?" I ask smiling. My mum doesn't let me go out without doing a background check on the person am going out with. "A football player, stays at seaside opposite the beach, no criminal record and no past girlfriend, very dormant on social Media... Should I continue?" She asks. "No detective Linda Meyers" I say. She misuses the seaside police department resources doing background checks on boys I go out with. I don't know what he'll dig about Jake when I finally Show up with him at her doorstep. He looks like a bad boy and maybe she might analyze and judge him before she even gets to know him. Too bad for mum because it’s Jake I like. "You hungry?" She asks. "Nop, I just want a cold shower and a peaceful nigh sleep", I say going upstairs. "Okay Goodnight sweetheart, remember to finish your homework" She shouts. "I will mum, goodnight" I say locking my room. I slide out of my dress and grab a towel, a shower cap and a face towel. Before I go to the bathroom I pick up my phone. I have to let Jake know how it went with his brother he seems to care much about. C: Hey, it went well we had so much fun. J: Good, thank you for giving him a chance he can be a handful with his nerd stuff but he is a good guy. C: I agree, see you at the dance? Who are you bringing as your date? J: It will be a surprise. Good night. C: Goodnight. Am dying to know who the lucky girl is. Whoever she is might be getting on my wrong side without knowing. They had their time with him right now he's all mine and nothing will stop me. I always get what I want, winning is written in my genes and it is the dominant gene. I drop my phone on the bed and hit the shower. Am so tired tomorrow being a Sunday I will finish up the assignments Jakes POV Clara has done a great job with him. She might keep him busy and out of my way for a while giving me enough time to hang out more with Stacy and get to know her. I can't wait to see his face when he comes in. That's the only way I can be sure if Clara was telling the truth. "Where's Eric?" Dad asks. "On his way he went on a date", Mum says happily. "That's great news I was starting to get worried about his s****l preferences" Dad says. I know what he means. They were thinking maybe he was gay and afraid to come out of the closet. That's what many parents think when their sons delay forming intimate relationships with the opposite s*x. "Jake! Did you have anything to do with Eric's date?" dad asks smiling proudly. "I don't know what you're talking about", I say feigning seriousness. "You did well" He says. I can't take credit for everything. Thanks to Stacy am starting to learn that slowly. Dinner is served. Mom comes with an extra bowl full of soup. "Jake take this bowl to the Authors" Mum says handing me the bowl. This might be an opportunity to ask Stacy out. It take the bowl with both hands and walk towards the door. Before I open it Eric does. "Dude" I say happily. "What?" He asks smiling. He is embarrassed. They must have kissed. He forget to wipe away the lipstick on his lips, I can smell strawberries. I put the bowl on the key stand and wipe the lipstick from his lips. I smell it just to confirm and smile. "Looks like someone has been eating lots of strawberries" I chuckle. "You're crazy" He says walking away. "I know what you did" I shout after him. When I get to the authors front door I can hear them talking happily. I'm hoping Stacy will answer the door. It will be so hard to ask Mrs. Authors to get her for me. She scares me with those eyes. They look like they penetrate through your flesh and see everything you're hiding and feeling. I press the doorbell once and I can feel footsteps coming toward the door am in silent prayer. The door flies open. Mrs. Authors is standing right in front of me. Her eyes glowing with joy. I hand her over the bowl silently and wait. "Thank you Jake is there anything else?" she asks. How does she do that? Is it because I didn't turn around and go? That will be rude and she'll probably tell my mum about it. "Aah no" I say shyly. God this woman with her eyes "Okay wait here, Stacy!" she calls out. On second thought I like her penetrative eyes now that they are turning things to my favor. "Yes mum, hey Jake" Stacy says. "Hey, I mumble. “Give Jake a push, I hereby offer you as a token of good faith", she says walking away with a smile. She is crazy and I love it. How I wish all mothers were like her. "Do you seriously need this push? We are neighbors and you are a man, a strong one" Stacy complains. "You tell me do I?" I ask "You don't am leaving Goodnight Jake" She says turning around I grab her arm and pull her closer. Am so tempted to kiss her but I control myself. It will make me look bad and her mum might be watching. "Will you go to the founders bash dance with me?" I ask. She takes some time to think about it. "Yes" "Goodnight" I say watching her leave. This is the best day of my life. Like Wayne said it, I hate to let her go but love to watch her leave, one day all that will be mine.
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