Chapter Seventy-Two. The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.

2187 Words

Six weeks later. Alisha sat in her Business Development lesson at The Crescent Moon Academy, concentrating on the spreadsheet in front of her as Zander talked about profit and loss, and how to make a small change that can increase profit margins, sometimes enough to take a company on the verge of collapse and make it profitable again. He gave an example of a factory that made matches. They had the flint paper on both sides of the box, and they needed to save over 1 million in a year to make the venture worthwhile whilst trying to keep jobs intact. They hired a professional who sat for less than an hour crunching numbers, then charged them 40,000 pounds to tell them they could save the required amount by simply putting flint paper on one side of the box. The spreadsheets in front of her c

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