Chapter Forty- Five – The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.

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Chapter Forty- Five – The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince. Asher watched his mate as they climbed the stairs, Iesha between them holding each of their hands, happily chatting about her amazing weekend, and all the fun things she had done. After Andrew’s ‘talk’ she was the brightest shade of pink Asher had ever seen, hanging her head in embarrassment, until Andrew realised that his lecture was becoming too much for her to handle, and looking at the face of Asher knew the prince was about to lose his royal s**t with him for going too hard on her. “Even though I had fun, Phoenix made me do the homework that Grandad Zander gave me. I did some extra sums for uncle Hamish as well,” Iesha grinned with pride. “Well done Iesha, I am proud of you. However, there is one thing I want to talk

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