Chapter Sixty-Five. The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.

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Chapter Sixty-Five. The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince. Alisha looked around the Royal Crescent Pack’s back garden, which had been changed into a court. On the right-hand side sat the 12 elected elders who served as the royal council. The king and queen sat on thrones directly in front of her. She could not help but feel it was slightly weird seeing Zander and Chloe in formal dress sitting on large wooden thrones which both held carvings of different phases of the moon cut into the wood. Zander was dressed much like Asher in his purple and black with small lines of gold thread running through the large checks on his tartan kilt. If Alisha had not been so nervous she would have smiled at Chloe dressed in a long flowing white dress with the purple tartan sash, that all the royals were

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