Chapter Seven – The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince.

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Chapter Seven – The Forgotten Mate and The Alpha Prince. “Can we not just….I don’t know, lock her away, she stinks Mum, it is offensive having her in the pack house.” Honey pouted, still miffed about her activities that morning being interrupted, by Alisha. “We can’t, how many times do I have to remind you?” Alpha Jabez growled out at his daughter. Where his mate had him wrapped around his little finger, the same could not be said for his relationship with his daughter. The girl was nothing more than a means to an end for him. He had wanted sons, but instead of securing his family line, he was given a daughter, and although she was the child of the Alpha, she did not possess the required Alpha aura for someone who needs to rule over the pack. The only reason he had not insisted she became the chosen mate for Alpha Edward of Derby pack, was purely because his wife believed, wholeheartedly, that their daughter was a key to extended wealth and connections for his pack, and she had refused to sleep in his bed until he agreed that Alisha Wilson should be forced to help protect the pack that had given her sanctuary. Plus, having Derby’s pack placated, and ensuring they would not formulate an attack was good for him, but the monetary value of business dealings was small fry compared to some of the other packs Alpha’s. That was the reason he had promised Alisha, only to be made to look like a fool, because the 15-year-old girl could not be swayed into promising herself to him when she came of age. No amount of manipulation, coercion or even bribery had worked. Even at 15, Alisha Wilson was strong-willed and had the determination to rule her pack as she saw fit, and the only person she would share that responsibility with would be her fated mate. If her stubborn determination had not kyboshed his plans, Jabez may have respected her for it. But, as things stood now, the girl had lost him protection from Derby, and if she took over Edensor, then he lost his protection from the south. Anger flooded through him, at the memory of Alisha’s defiance, and now, he had the added headache of the bloody prince arriving, and they had to find a way to hide both her and her sister, and hope they were not questioned about them. “If she stinks, give her access to the shower, for her and her sister. Honey is correct, we cannot have her stinking the place out before royalty arrives.” Qamar stated, as much as she hated those girls, and did not Alisha looking remotely attractive, and steal Honey’s limelight, it would not reflect well on her if the girls stunk to the high heavens. “We have two weeks, they can have a hot shower before he comes.” Jabez huffed. It was bad enough that he could not take his anger issues out on the girl’s bare back, he also had to feed her, and purchase some half-decent clothes for her to wear. Allowing her to shower and not use the hosepipe outside, would give her ideas, and possibly that basic care would increase the chance of her wolf making an appearance. Something he needed to avoid at all costs, especially with the upcoming visit. “But dad, I heard one of the Edensor warriors refer to her as Alpha. She needs to be dealt with.” Honey complained. “HONEY, ENOUGH. DO YOU NOT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO? LIKE PAINT YOUR NAILS, OR SPEND MY MONEY?” Jabez bellowed the last tether he had snapping. “Jabez, it is not Honey’s fault,” Qamar stated, obviously annoyed at her mate. Jabez sighed, then looked at his mate, instantly wanting to make things right with her, only to see that she had walked out of the room with their daughter in tow and had blocked her mind-link to him. “Great” Jabez growled out, knowing he would not be able to concentrate on anything he had to do that day, worrying about his mate and how angry she was with him. With a reluctant sigh, he knew he had to do something to appease her, which meant making his daughter happy. Shaking his head Jabez mind-linked with his Delta, whom he had placed in charge of the Edensor girls. “David, make sure those two girls get a hot shower with washing-up liquid, do not use normal shower gel, ASAP. Do not let it be pleasurable for them. Watch the pair of them, and if need be, take a scrubbing brush to their skin.” Jabez ordered, at least he could cause them both a degree of pain today. Alisha stood under the hot shower, it was humiliating having the Delta looking at her naked body, but what was worse, having Iesha in the shower with her. Alisha hid her little sister with her own body, as the Delta placed some washing-up liquid onto a scrubbing brush, she knew that she had used that same brush this morning to scrub the kitchen floor. “He is going to scrub us Iesha, and it is going to hurt, but only for a bit. It will be embarrassing but try not to cower or cry, else they will do this again and again, knowing it upset’s us,” Aisha warned her sister. She knew she sounded callous, but it would be better for both of them in the long run. Turning to face the Delta, Alisha stood her shoulders back, defiance swirled in her eyes, as he scrubbed her naked skin, till it was red raw. She had to think on her feet to avoid her little sister enduring the pain and humiliation. “Now your sister.” The Delta growled. “What you like scrubbing little girls?” Alisha spat at him, she needed to get him so angry he would either beat her or have to walk away from them in order to not break the alpha’s no-harm command until after the prince had been to the pack. With the delta being mated, to insinuate anything improper would enrage his wolf, and Alisha was hopeful that the wolf would take over and cause the Delta to walk away so that Iesha could avoid the humiliating and painful scrubbing she had just endured. “How will your mate feel about the fact you are touching two young naked girls?” Alisha pushed, trying anything and everything she could to stop what was going to happen to her sister. Alisha watched as she saw the Delta’s eyes shift between his human to his wolf. She pushed again. “There is a word for wanting to touch naked little girls….what is it again?” Alisha continued to goad the delta. Obviously losing the battle with the wolf, the Delta threw the scrubbing brush and washing up liquid at Alisha then turned and all but ran out of the bathroom. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, Alisha turned to her sister, and gently washed her with her hands. “Come on, let’s get out of here before he comes back,” Alisha said, then pulled a towel from the rail, and quickly dried Iesha, before rubbing it over her own body, and redressing herself and Iesha in their dirty clothes. For all she hated the whole experience, Alisha did feel better being clean, as she walked out of the Bathroom, and she made a conscious decision to focus on the positive of the shower, rather than the horrific nature of how it took place. “Alisha, did he hurt you?” “Just a little, but it is all good now,” Alisha smiled, attempting to put her sister’s mind at rest. “Why do they hate us so much, Alisha? Iesha asked, her eyes filling with tears. “I don’t know Iesha. It is more than just me refusing to become Alpha Edwards chosen mate when I became of age. I promise you though, as soon as I get my wolf, we will get out of here, and we will go home.” Alisha sighed, wrapping her arms protectively around her sister. ~ ~ ~ Asher got out of the car at the Woodall Service station, rolling his aching muscles. They had approximately 2 hours left until they reached the Matlock pack grounds, but nature would not wait, and so they decided to take a break, have a coffee before Andrew took over his stint on the driving. They walked towards the service station, taking a seat in the centre section, as they each decided what they wanted. “I just want a coffee please,” Cheryl stated. Asher smiled at his cousins Hannah and Zan’s human grandmother. Having been mated to a wolf, her aging had slowed, and she looked more like Hannah’s and his Aunty Nicki’s sister. Given Asher had no parental grandparents, Cheryl was like his grandmother, and he loved her with all his heart. “Are you not hungry Nana Cheryl?” Asher asked. “No, I am not like you guys, I don’t have hollow legs,” Cheryl light-heartedly laughed. Asher, Andrew, and James all ordered food from the counter to go with their coffees, then began to eat. “So, what do we know about Matlock pack?” Andrew asked, wondering why Chloe had requested he attends this royal visit with Cheryl. “Small to medium-sized pack. Boarders with the larger Derby pack. Presently watching over Edensor’s pack lands, giving refuge to the Alpha’s children after they were lost during a rogue attack eight years ago. Both pup’s girls, eldest, Alisha I believe is a strong Alpha, but as yet has not accessed her wolf,” James informed the group. Max, Asher’s wolf stirred at the mention of Alisha’s name, but then settled back down in the recess of Asher’s mind. “The Luna is Owen and Louise Harrison’s daughter, not sure how the hell to pronounce her name spelled Q.a.m.a. Zander has written a side note in the margin next to her name. P.I.T.A not sure what that means,” James continued. Asher began to chuckle, shaking his head slightly. “It means Pain In The Arse. It is unusual for dad to make those comments, it is normally Mam, so this Luna is going to challenge our patience,” Asher sighed. “They have one daughter Honey, no sons. The daughter does not show any leadership ability. Zander offered to give her a place at the academy to develop her leadership skills, but, the Luna refused, stating she was going to be mated, and the pack would go to her and her Alpha mate when she found him.” James continued. “Really, how short-sighted of her. The girl may not find her mate for 100 years from now, plus the mate may not be an Alpha, so she may find herself having to run the pack before then.” Cheryl shook her head. “Agreed.” Asher sighed, it was not something he understood, that some Alpha’s still treated their daughters like they needed their mate in order to run a pack. That was why he was so proud that Phoenix had decided when she was pregnant with his nieces and nephew, that no matter which came out first, they would inherit Montseny as Alpha. Both Zoe and Challan were Alpha pups with strong auras, only Catalina was an omega like Phoenix. Zoe was born first, so she was the heir. “Anything else noted?” Asher asked James. “Just that Alpha Jabez Pinewood was strong, but p***y whipped. That was a note from your mother,” James laughed. Asher smiled, some might say his father was ‘p***y whipped’ by his very powerful true blooded royal wolf of a mother, but as much power as Chloe had, his father was the disciplinarian of the house, all be it in a kind and gentle manner, and she would always be the one to submit to him. Sometimes taking a whole lot of enjoyment out of it, embarrassing as that was as a son seeing his mother deliberately do something mischievous in order to facilitate a playful growl and get thrown over his dad’s shoulder and carried off to the bedroom, whilst she grinned with delight. Something was bothering Asher though, a feeling he just couldn’t shake, there was something about this Alisha, and a question that would not leave his mind. Why had Alpha Jabez not sent her to Crescent Moon Academy, to begin school, and Alpha training? More importantly, why had it not been flagged up, back at the Royal pack?
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