New Contract

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Nikita woke up bright and early on Monday and got her children ready to go to work with her. The morning rush was always a little crazy with Evie not being a morning person and Mia being a picky eater. "You'll be waking up earlier than this once school starts back up , Mami," Nikita chided Evie. Evie stuck her tongue out at Nikita who was in too much of a hurry to repreimand her oldest for such sass. However, despite her best efforts to remain organized ,by the time she reached her office, she had somehow ended up with a bright red stain of salsa across her new white collared shirt. So much for looking like the part of executive chemist. She probably smelled like salsa too. Sighing, Nikita dropped her kids in the facility daycare and made her way to her desk. She was pleasantky surprised to learn that from now on, the daycare would be open until 5 p.m. Nikita vaguely wondered if it had anything to do with her accident the previous Friday. The minute she reached her desk, she got a phone call from the CEO’s secretary asking her to meet her on the top floor. The secretary sat at her desk, diligently typing away on her computer. She had been working for Kyle's company for a few years, proving herself to be an invaluable asset, just like Nikita. However, the secretary did not have the same bags under her eyes or tired lines on her face as Nikita did. No, she was the same age as Nikita but looked way younger. Or maybe Nikita just looked older. Fresh-faced with perfectly applied mascara, the young woman typed away after greeting Nikita warmly as Nikita took in the nameplate on her desk. “I just have to send off this important e-mail for Mr. Sinclair and then I’ll be with you,” Stacey said kindly. Nikita waited patiently, noting the expensive bracelets on Stacey’s wrists and the designer handbag that sat on the woman’s desk. Stacey looked the part of an employee of this company. Nikita did not. Because, despite her hard work, she had always struggled to make ends meet. The constant juggling act between work and taking care of her daughters had also taken its toll on her, making her look constantly tired. However, she remained determined, pushing through every obstacle that came her way. One day, it would all be worth it. And Nikita sincerely hoped that today was that day. Stacey’s phone rang and Stacey quickly picked up. “It’s almost done, Mr. Sinclair,” Stacey responded meekly, fearing her boss’s wrath. Nikita could hear the harsh tone of her boss as she sat across from Stacey. Stacey glanced at Nikita and then nodded. “Yes, yes I have it all drawn up. I’ll give it to her first,” Stacey said sheepishly and shut the phone. “I guess he wants you to look at your contract while I finish the e-mail. He saw you waiting through the cameras. If you have any questions, just ask me.” Stacey reached into her drawer and took out Nikita’s contract. “Or if you want to …renegotiate any of the terms, Mr. Sinclair says you may discuss it with him,” Stacey revealed before looking back at her computer screen. Nikita slowly began to go over the contents, her hands shaking in disbelief as she did so. The contract outlined not only a generous salary increase but also numerous benefits that she had only ever dreamed of. Her new contract included a fully furnished apartment, paid for by the company, which would alleviate the financial burden of her current living situation. Additionally, the contract provided her with a company car along with a fuel allowance. Tears welled up in Nikita's eyes as she continued reading. To her astonishment, the contract also included a provision for paid childcare. It was a generous allowance that would failitate her to even hire a personal nanny therefore allowing her to focus on her work without constantly worrying about her children’s well-being. It was as if Kyle had taken all her worries and transformed them into a solution. This contract was like a magical fix to all of her problems. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Nikita looked up at Stacey, her voice barely a whisper. "Is this for real? I can't believe it! This is more than I could have ever imagined." Stacey had just hit send on the email and finally swiveled her head to look at Nikita in surprise. “Hey…hey…I’m sure Mr. Sinclair noticed all of your hard work and wanted to show you that you were an asset to the company. But-“ Stacey lowered her tone as if the man inside might hear her. “-if I were you, I’d negotiate a higher pay. Mr. Sinclair always lowballs everyone. Going in there and talking to him could mean the difference between another 5 to 10k added or not into your annual salary.” Nikita shook her head. No this was more than enough. More than she’d ever thought possible. “M…may I go inside to see him?” Nikita asked, trembling in anticipation. Stacey winked at her and let Mr. Sinclair know that Nikita Flores wanted to talk with him. Kyle, who’d been watching everything from the CCTV camera surveillance hooked up to the flat screen in his office, quickly shut the screen off and waited for Nikita to enter. She was sad and he couldn’t help but wonder if the contract really had been that bad. He’d tried to be generous, wanting to fix all her problems. Because something inside of him told him that if he could, he should. It wasn’t just because she was his mate, it was because he could see that she was a hard worker. He made millions…billions. And he always tried to do right by his employees. Sometimes he’d make a lowball, but with Nikita he’d gone above and beyond. If he was honest, he wanted to lay the world at her feet. Kyle watched closely as Nikita entered his office, lips trembling and eyes misty. “I see you didn’t agree with the contract we drew up for you,” Kyle said carefully. Nikita walked over to him and before Kyle could stop her, she reached out a hand in a bid to shake his. Hesitantly…Kyle stood and took her small petite hand in his much larger one. The mate sparks zinged through him and it was all he could do to keep himself from taking her into his arms. Her smell, her smile…the way the sunlight was hitting her as she stood there with tears in her eyes. It was all too much. It was crippling his resolve. “Why are you crying?” Kyle finally asked, their hands still holding onto each other, mate sparks flaring between them. Nikita felt the zap of electricity rush through her and her hand tightened it’s hold in Kyle’s. But she chalked it up to the pure gratitude that was filling her being. This man….this man was her hero. Overwhelmed with gratitude, unable to express her joy in words, Nikita merely looked at Kyle through the tears streaming down her face. She finally managed to utter a heartfelt "thank you" that resonated with genuine sincerity. It seemed to resonate down to Kyle's very heart, melting the icy exterior he'd put up against this woman. Kyle stood there stunned, finally realizing that Nikita was here to show her gratitude. What all must she have gone through to be so happy for a little bit of relief? “I….my girls….finally…” Nikita mumbled, finally moving her hands to brush away her tears. She suddenly felt the acute loss of comfort as her hand fell from Kyle’s. It was like she was suddenly missing a piece of herself she hadn’t even known she’d been looking for. Puzzled but still overwhelmed with emotions of gratitude, she looked at Kyle, her eyes shining with gratefulness. “You don’t know how much this means to me,” Nikita finally said. “I…ahhh….you deserve it all,” Kyle finally said gruffly, fighting the urge to take her in his arms and never let her go. “I promise you….you won’t be disappointed,” Nikita vowed, moving to back out of the room. “Well….let’s hope not,” Kyle finally managed to grunt out as he watched Nikita leave. He put his hands in his pockets, staring at the door she’d just left from and feeling as if the woman had taken a piece of his heart with her. He shook his head and stook step towards the windows as he berated himself internally. This was not good. Not good at all. He seriously needed to figure out a way to reject her. And soon. A/N: sorry i did not update yesterday. Next update will hopefully be on time. Every tuesday for this month.
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